Chapter 42: Plans

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Chapter 42


Peeta and I decided to go to the meadow. He packed a picnic bag we can take with us. We're going to be there the whole day.

Annie comes inside our house with Finn running ahead of her.

"Katniss, Katniss, Katniss, Katniss!" He shouts.

"What?" I ask, it sound like something has happened.

"Hey", he says and grins big.

I sigh and shake my head.

I bend down and start to tickle him.

Finn starts to laugh so hard that his cheeks turns red and I think he's going to choke or something.

He's really ticklish.

"Annie wanna come with us to the meadow?" Peeta asks.

"Yeah, that would be fun, is Haymitch coming with?"

He didn't want to come along, but Peeta and I forced him to, he really has to get out of his smelling house.

"He's coming", I say and Peeta laughs, knowing how we threatened him to get him to come along.

"Ask Aunt Felice and Uncle Pollux as well", Finn laughs with his cute toddler laugh and voice. He's just too cute. And I know that he'll be really handsome when he grows up. Girls are going to follow every step he takes.

"Alright little munchkin", I say, walking up to the phone, calling Felice.

She says that they'll be there.

She's now four months pregnant, and yesterday they found out the gender of the baby. They want to tell us all today, so Michelle is coming with us to the meadow as well.

I really like Michelle. We really did grew a bond. She's like a second mother to me, and a dear friend. She's not that old to be fair, she's only like fifty, and she look really young as well.

The doorbell rings.

"Come in", I call, knowing it's Stella. She's coming with us as well. I've been taking care of her since Greasy Sae passed away a year ago. She doesn't have any other family, so she has practically been leaving here with me and Peeta.

She's going to be a teenager soon. She's twelve now. Just the same age as Prim was when I volunteered for her. Stella is so cute and she's going to be so beautiful when she grows up. She has golden shiny hair with big elegant locks that never fades away even when she brushes it and big brown eyes. She has charming dimples and is the nicest little girl on this earth.

"Hey", she says as she walks in.

"Hey Stella", I say, pulling her into a warm hug.

She hugs me back, buries her face into my shirt and smells it. She always does that, and she says it's because she likes how I smell, she thinks it smells like she has a home, now that her grandmother is dead.

"Hey sweetie", Peeta says, pulling Stella away from me and up into his arms.

Peeta loves Stella. He loves her so much and takes care of her as if she was his own daughter. And that's so sweet. I actually have been thinking about this so much. And maybe we could adopt Stella. I mean, she's not a baby, and she's easy to take care of. I can't mess her up, so maybe it wouldn't be the end of the world.

"Hey!" She laughs.

Peeta tickles her and she laughs even more.

"Stella would you mind staying here with Aunt Annie and Finn while I go talk to Peeta in private?" I ask.

She shakes her head. Peeta looks at me and frown. I know that he wonders what I want to talk about.

I drag Peeta up to our room and closes the door.

"What is it Katniss?" Peeta asks.

"Peeta... you like Stella right?" I ask seriously, sitting down on the bed.

Peeta sits down beside me.

"Of course I do, she's so sweet", he says, and that make me happy.

"What would you think if we ... I don't know, maybe adopted her to our daughter", I say carefully and low.

Peeta sits there, looking at me.

"Like adopt her together?" Peeta asks low.

I nod my head.

"Yeah, but she would have your last name, Mellark is way better than Everdeen", I say.

"You really wanna adopt Stella with me?" Peeta asks. "But that would make her our common daughter".

I giggle.

"I know that Peeta", I say. "And we don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought, because you really take care of her as your daughter and she's practically living here anyway, she has a room here Peeta".

Peeta just looks at me and smiles.

I think he wants to adopt Stella. I think he wants to adopt her with me. If he says what I want him to say, we're going to have a daughter together.

"I want to do that", he says and I crash my lips onto his.

The door flies open and Stella crashes inside the room with Annie and Finn coming in behind her.

Have they been eavesdropping? Well on the look of Stella's and Annie's faces I would definitely say they have.

Peeta and I stand up.

Stella just stands there and looks at us. I can see how tears are forming in Stella's eyes.

"Are you serious?" She asks as if she doesn't believe what she heard us talk about.

I nod, smiling big at her.

"Of course sweetheart", Peeta says and opens his arms for her.

She runs up to him and jumps up in his arms.

"Am I gonna have a mommy and a daddy?" She asks, as her tears spill her eyes.

And that's it for me. Now I start to cry as well.

"Yes baby girl", I say and stroke her hair as I kiss her cheek.

Annie has now carried up Finn and is hugging him tight, as tears flow down her cheeks as well.

"Am I really?" Stella asks, as if she doesn't believe her own ears. "Am I really?"

"You are", Peeta says, wiping away Stellas tears that only continues to flow down her eyes. Peeta is making a big effort trying to keep his own tears away.

We're going to adopt Stella. But for today, we're going to have a really calm and nice day at the meadow.



Hey guys.... Soooooo what did you think?

Peeta and Katniss are gonna adopted Stella :)

Hahah alright enough of this ... What did you guys think? And be honest, please ;)

Vote and comment to make me happy please :)

-Josephine xx

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