Chapter 58: She needs us

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Chapter 58


When we come up to the crowd people looks at us.

"No don't come here!" Someone shouts.

"Call the peacekeepers", someone else yells.

Some people is trying to push us away from coming up.

But then we arrive to the scene, we see something, no parents would want to see.

"STELLA!" I roar.

Finn is standing on his knees, shaking Stella's shoulders as he cries, and Cassidy hugs his waist, with a blank face, not knowing why Finn is so upset.

Peeta and I fall onto our knees.

"Stella!" Peeta shouts. "Baby no!"

Stella have big red marks on her throat.

I lean down over her and put my cheek close to her mouth. She isn't breathing.

I know what this means. But I don't wanna accept what it means.

"Stella baby wake up!" I scream as I start to shake her.

Finn is being pulled away.

I turn my head and sees that Annie have carried him away and Pollux has Cassidy in his arms.

"Call the damn peacekeepers!" Annie shouts as tears streams down her face. "Don't just stand there, do something!"

But what can anyone do?

Stella is ... She's ... Dead.

My daughter is dead.

She's been strangled to death.

"Stella baby please wake up!" Peeta shouts.

Both Peeta and I cry so much now.

This is why she didn't come. She couldn't. But she wouldn't kill herself. Or would she? No she wouldn't. Someone harmed her.

"Mommy let me go! Stella needs me, I have to be with her!" Finn shouts hysterical.

I look up at him and he's hitting Annie because she's trying to hold him back.

"Baby stop, you can't help Stella anymore", Annie says, trying to calm Finn down, but that only made it worse and Finn screams so high that everyone's ears starts to bleed.

He hits Annie and gets away from her and he throws himself over Stella, hugging her lifeless body.

"Stella no, come back, please come back, I need my sister, I need my sister, please come back!" He cries and my heart cries even more.

I realize that Peeta and I didn't only lose a daughter now. Finn lost a sister.

But she can't be dead! She was so alive just this morning.

"Peeta..." I cry and directly a pair of strong arms are wrapped around me and I'm pulled close to a warm body and I cry into Peeta's shirt.

I feel tears drop down on my head and in my hair. But I don't care.

Why did this happen?

And now a pair of peacekeepers comes up to us and forces everyone to back. Everyone do, but we remain.

Annie pulls away Finn again and this time he don't reject. I know it's because of the peacekeepers. He don't like them so much. They freak him out.

"Ma'm, sir, you need to step aside please", a peacekeeper says gently to us.

"This is our daughter!" I shout.

"I'm aware of that ma'm but you need to step aside", he says.

Of course he's aware of that. He has a TV like everyone else here.

"You can't ask us to leave our daughter, she needs us!" Peeta protests.

"She's dead sir, no one can help her, and you need to take a step back so we can do our job", the peacekeeper says.

"No!" I shout and I throw myself over Stella's cold body to shield it from everyone's eyes. "I can't leave her, she's only fifteen!"

"I know that this is hard but..." I interrupt him.

"You don't know a fucking shit! You haven't been in the Huger Games two times, or lead a rebellion, you haven't lost your daughter", I yell. "So don't fucking say that you know that this is hard, because you have no fucking idea of the meaning of that word!"

"Stella..." Peeta cries. "Oh Stella we're so sorry that we couldn't protect you and give you a better life".

That's what we wanted. We wanted to give Stella a better life. A safe life. But see what happened. She's dead. And she isn't coming back.

But I know one thing right now. Stella did not kill herself.

Our daughter, Stella Mellark got murdered.




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-Josephine xx

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