Chapter 35: The dress

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Chapter 35


"Thank you again for this, just go get the cake and come back here", I say to Christopher handing him the money for the cake. "And than you get the money when you're here".

"Yeah that sounds good, I'm glad to help, you know I don't actually need that money", he says. And that's true. He told me so a million times already.

"Yeah, but I wanna give them to you, alright?" I say for the millionth time.

He just laughs. He isn't just a stranger if that's what you think. I'm not that dumb. He's the owner of the candy store. And we always use to talk for a while if we pass each other, or when I'm buying candy from him, or if I'm in the bakery and he needs bread or something.

Christopher chuckles and waves as he walks through the door.

I'm sure Peeta is gonna be quick, because it's been an hour since Finn and I went to the bakery, and the cake was already finished. So he had to do stuff while waiting for the buyer of the cake. It's me. But I won't go there and get it myself, it was hard enough to get Peeta to bake his own cake without being suspicious. I can't walk right in and pick up the same cake. I would ruin everything. Therefor Christopher offered to help. He's invited to the party now as well. I couldn't just let him get the cake and than just leave. That would be so mean. No he's staying.

"Is everything completely ready?" I ask one more time.

"Yes Katniss", Annie says, stroking Finns hair.

Finn is standing between Annie's legs with one of his arms around the back of her thigh, and with his other hand his sucking his thumb, looking at everyone in the living room with big eyes. He's so cute. But he feels more comfortable with me, Haymitch and Annie. But that's just because he sees us everyday. And he's second comfortable with Felice. He loves Felice.

"Okay, I'm gonna go and change clothes", I say. "I'm the only one who's not dressed up".

And that's so true. Because I'm in one of Peetas big t-shirts and one of my own soft pants.

Everyone starts chatting while I walk up to mine and Peetas bedroom. I walk up to our closet and take up an orange dress that forms after my body, so it's pretty tight. Peeta hasn't seen it yet. I bought it a few days ago, and I hid it in here. Peeta only comes in here to get jeans and t-shirts, that's it, he doesn't look for hidden dresses.

I think he's gonna like this dress. It's pretty short and it's orange.

I walk inside the bathroom and start to apply some makeup. I don't usually wear it, but tonight I'm gonna.

I undo my braid and it falls in waves over my shoulders. I take up my brush and comb my hair and it's actually very soft.

I put on a pair of orange high heels. Not too high though. I look myself in the mirror. Effie would be proud.

When I walk down the stairs again, I see that Christopher is back.

"Hey where is the cake?" I ask.

"In the kitchen", Christopher says.

"What did Peeta say?" I ask.

"Not much, just asked who's birthday it was", Christopher says. "I told him it was my grandfathers brother".

Clever, that's too far for me and Peeta to know, so he couldn't be suspicious.

"Genius", I smile as I walk into the kitchen. And yes. The cake is on the kitchen island. It's pretty big.

I can't wait to see Peetas face when he realizes that he has baked his own birthday cake.

I smile as I walk back out to the living room where everyone are standing and talking still.

"Okay everyone, Peeta is going to be here any minute now, so go hide, everyone but Annie and Finn", I say.

They all nod and hides. Annie sits down in the sofa, and Finn runs up to me.

Suddenly I hear the all too familiar klick on the lock. Peeta's home. Okay here we go.

"Katniss? Baby I'm home", he shouts as the door opens.

"Hey, we're here", I say and Peeta comes into the living room.

Peeta sees all the decorations and looks confused.

"Swurpwriwse!" Finn shouts and waves wildly with his hands in my arms.

Peeta frowns and looks at Finn.

"What...?" But Peeta gets interrupted.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yells and Peeta jumps.

I told everyone to jump after Finn said something cute.

Peeta looks around at everyone.

And now the pieces falls into place for Peeta. I can see that on how his face changes.

A smile grows big on his face, as he realizes what's happening.

Oh how I love that smile.



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-Josephine xx

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