Chapter 9- The Disasters Keep On Coming

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Abi’s POV-

Melissa came over and went straight to Lauren. I tried my best to listen to their conversation but I only heard some of it.

“They weren’t there… I just came home…why?”

“Come on… real reason for that… I don’t know!”

Well I officially had no idea what was going on but I assumed that someone left Melissa but I don’t know who. Lauren came out a couple of minutes later.

“I will ask dad if Melissa can come with us”

“But why? Not that I don’t like her but still why??”

“Her parents left her ok!”

WOW! I never expected that. Seriously! Concerned about themselves and not even there own daughter!? I’ve met them once or twice and they seemed nice enough but you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.

“Dad said yes”


The car journey was awkwardly quiet but I wasn’t really concentrating. I was on my phone most of the time. When we arrived, Dad immediately turned on the TV.

“Why have you put on TV?”

“Whilst you and Lauren had your headphones In and Melissa was sleeping, the radio announced a disaster somewhere”

“You certainly miss a lot don’t you?”

“Reports of a tsunami in western America and the Hawaiian Islands… wait it has been classed as a MEGA-TSUNAMI!!!”

“What the…”

“Death tolls are expected in thousands”

I was wondering what was happening. First the earthquake now the tsunami. Maybe… no that’s not it!

“The tsunami has hit Japan!”

“Keep this on!”

My voice sounded so… not like me.    

“You girls choose your rooms and settle in, I will make some sandwiches”

When I was unpacking I couldn’t help but think this all linked. The earthquake then a day or two later this. Maybe those theories were right. Maybe those people dismissed as crazy were true. The man called Clement McDonald was the person who first said the stories of the time when disasters will get the better of us. He is in a mental asylum not far from here! I could pay him a visit but how…?

My thoughts were interrupted by dad shouting something.

“A volcano in Hawaii has erupted”

“Near by the tsunami impact site?”

“No, on the other side of the island”  

I really need to find out about him. Even if I do manage all of that, how will I get there? The permission? Will they even let me in as I am only 12!

I immediately took my laptop out and set out researching about him.

Lauren’s POV-

Me and Melissa weren’t quite bothered into researching about what was happening but I knew straight away Abi will be doing that because she was busily typing and reading away on her laptop. Melissa decided to text our friends to see there situation. Amy was doing fine but Sophie, whose party ABI kept me from was seriously hurt. Well she had a broken arm and a couple of bruises but the picture Melissa took of her when she got hurt looked really bad. Other friends had cuts but some were on holiday and didn’t even know until I mentioned it. They should really be aware of their home country as they will be returning soon. Amazing I think I am the only one in my class who watches the news and reads the newspaper. I have an app of the news on my phone but others are like it’s a waste but its free!

“So what can we really do for fun around here?”

“Umm Melissa I don’t really know, wait I do, we’ve been here before!”

“Yeah so what!”

“There’s a stream close by so we can go fishing or look at wildlife”


It was actually quite beautiful. People go crazy for technology but the true beauty is really around them! I borrowed Dads fishing pole and he had a spare for Melissa.

“Hey Melon, come here!”

She laughed.

“Of course llama”

We always called each other funny names. Amy was apple or aardvark and many other. Llama! I positively hate them, no offence to llamas around the world! When we got to the stream, we found an appalling sight. This was something dad should seriously know… 


Hi, hope you enjoy this chapter! I haven't really uploaded for long because of school but i have managed. I will be going on holiday so i will upload daily so it makes up for it. I will be going for 2 weeks!!!

Well anyway vote, comment please and let me know if you have any ideas for the people to play my characters!!!

-ZombieFreak :D

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