Chapter 16- Amy's Fate

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Amy’s POV-

The water. It came so quickly. It was a flood. I tried running but the water caught up to me. My mum and dad and my 2 brothers were in the water too.


 As soon as I said that, I saw my mum’s head go under the water and never to come back again. She died.

 I tried swimming to the door but there were lots of things in my way. I thought to myself, didn’t the water come from outside in the first place? I pushed the thought aside and I opened the door.

Lots more water came rushing in. I watched in horror as my brothers went down and I was there, helpless. My dad was no where to be seen either. Maybe he swam away, outside, on top of the car, waiting for help. Or he has drowned. Like everyone else.

 I held my breath and dived underwater. I saw my mum, my brothers and…my dad. I came back up and cried. I knew there was no point because crying won’t bring them back but it was just natural.

 All my family, dead. Death, it’s an extraordinary thing. It comes whenever. You never know when you die so that’s why they say live every day as if it’s your last.

The funny thing was I finally got what it meant. Death can come any second of your life and life itself is too short. It’s pretty amazing that I realise these things until my own life is ending. I don’t mind. My family have died so there’s nothing left to live for.

I could feel it now. I was going to die. Goodbye world and my life, you were amazing.

Abi’s POV-

“Hey Lauren?”

“Uh, yeah Abi”

“You seem kinda…confused”

“Well…It’s nothing”

“Cool, now what you going to do about Melissa and Jason” I really liked how Lauren tried hooking them up!

“I have something in mind!”

I knew from the look on Laurens face, she would not tell me what she’s planning. I didn’t mind because it would be fun to watch what happens!

“So I have the list and it says, sweets, fizzy drinks, ice cream and more sweets!” I was craving junk food so what more could I say?

“Shut up Abi! Give me the list!”

Before I could react, Lauren snatched the list from my hand and read it.

“It actually says we should get lettuce, bread, milk and drinks of our choice”

“Well, my version was better anyway!”

“Whatever, lets split the list, me and Abi get the drinks and bread and Jason and Melissa will get lettuce and milk”

Before Melissa could argue, Lauren grabbed my hand and we ran off.

“Now, let’s watch them because that’s how my plan begins!”

“Ok… freak!”

“Whatever, lets keep a reasonable amount of distance away from them”

We rushed to where Melissa and Jason were and watched what they were doing. They had got the lettuce and now proceeded to get the bread.

“Run to the bread aisle and hide, I know what to do!”

We ran and we hid behind the breads. Lauren told me exactly what to do and we waited patiently for are victims. Melissa came first and was about to pick up the bread when me and Lauren pushed shelves onto her.

 They fell on her leg and she cried out in pain. I felt kinda guilty and so did Lauren but we have to do it. We snuck off quickly, noticing no one saw us.


“Jason, help me, my leg…I think it’s broken!”

“Yeah, ok, will do!”

I saw Jason carry Melissa bridal style and Melissa had a huge smile on her face even though she was feeling terrible pain. He put her in the car and they drove off.

 I wonder what will happen in the hospital.


Sorry if it was kinda small but enjoy!!!! :D

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