Chapter 24- The Party Part 2

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We made our way to Jason's house and literally heard the music blasting. The ground was vibrating and I sadly accepted I would be deaf by the end of this party. Lauren caught up with us and we went together. I was mega excited and I could tell Melissa obviously too. Lauren on the other hand was sad but she came to the party anyway to 'spend her last precious moments on this Earth' as she put it.

As soon as we walked it I saw people taking shots, playing dares and PG-13 make out sessions.


I just had to shout that. Melissa and Lauren collapsed in a fit of laughter. Jason came over looking real hot. I knew this night would be perfect. As along as Jason or Melissa didn't get drunk. Everywhere I looked all I saw was beer.

I asked Jason if there were any drinks suitable for a 12 year old and he led me to his cupboard. He had to push past all the beer cans to find a pack of soda. I gladly took it and enjoyed the party.

"Hey Lauren, Jacob is really checking you out."

"Well he seems cute so I'll go over there and talk to him; make sure you don't get into any trouble!"

"Yeah, just go enjoy yourself!"

Lauren was having fun with Jacob, Melissa with Jason, and me with NO-ONE! I was hoping Jason to have a younger brother but no!

I searched the party to find someone was age but not with that much luck. I decided to check upstairs. Jason's room was off limits so I opened his parents. I had just walked into 2 people half naked in the middle of something...special?

I quickly closed the door, convinced I would never get that sight out of my head when I saw a guy my age walking out of the bathroom. I decided to introduce myself.

"Hey, I'm Abigail but call me Abi and you are?"

"Hey Abi, I'm Joshua but call me Josh"

"Okay Josh you're the first person I've seen who looks my age, I'm 12 you?"

"Same! It's kinda hard to find someone to talk to as people are either drinking, Kissing or playing pranks/dares"

"I totally agree, you want to come downstairs because that room over there is occupied, and I found out the hard way and I do not even want to look in the other ones!"

Josh laughed and we walked down the stairs. We went to the garden and we sat on the chairs and talked. He was actually a great guy and the most awkward thing was even he was leaving but that was in 2 days to go to the island!

"That's totally awesome Josh!"

"Yeah when you leaving?"

"Well tomorrow early in the morning!"

"Aw cool, well not cool because it's early in the morning...I guess I should shut up"

"I get what you mean... and you don't need to shut up"

"Yeah here's my number so call me maybe?"

"Oh not that song!"

"Come on I know you love that song!"


We started to sing that song:

Hey I just met you

And this is crazy

But here's my number

So call me maybe

It's hard to look right,

At you baby

But here's my number

So call me maybe

I started laughing which caused him to laugh leaving the song unfinished. I actually was having a great time. Josh suggested we went inside and I agreed after Josh won our little debate about it whether it was better inside or out.

"Hey Abi when will that slow song be coming on?"

"Gosh Melissa, could you wait a while?"

"Hm let me think...NO!"

"Okay, chill pill, just wait 5 minutes, ok?"


I had completely forgotten about the little plan. I was about to approach the DJ when Jason came up to me.

"Abi, have you forgotten..."


"Okay...calm down"

"Just go enjoy your dance"

Melissa' POV-

I was nervous yet excited about the kiss. How would it feel, how would it be like with Jason? Before I could think anymore a romantic slow song came on! My eyes darted across to Jason across the room. He looked so astonishingly handsome that I felt my jaw drop to the floor. He started walking towards me, as my palms started to sweat.

I felt a burning desire deep inside of me. His tousled hair was flipping everywhere, as his muscles flexed under his tight shirt. He made his way through the long line of people at the party, some drunk, some passed out, and some were grinding on the dance floor. He stared down at me, his cold blue eyes full of desire.

He whispered 'Melissa.. i've been meaning to ask you out.. but, i've been too shy, and afraid of being rjected'.

His hot breath sent shivers down my spine, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. He leaned further down towards me, before I had the chance to say anything. His lips crashed against mines, as his hands gripped my waist. I let my arms fall helplessly around his neck, as I deepened the kiss, his tongue asking for entrance. I opened my mouth a little, only to feel his soft, minty taste envelope me. We both pulled back, and he leaned his forehead against mines.

"So I guess it's a yes". he whispered, his hands around me, protectively. I nodded, still trying to recover from the best kiss ever. We slow danced, me never wanting this night to end.


Im so in love with this chapter...especially the ending! SO SWEET! I absoulutly suck at romance so i asked my best friend to help so shoutout to Kayy <3

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