Chapter 14- The new guy

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Jim's POV-

The girls seemed awfully quiet in the car journey home. Well Abi was listening to music on her phone and Lauren and Melissa were on there phones too. Usually they would talk to each other. Maybe they weren't in the mood.

"So, what did you guys do today?"

"We went shopping"

"Ok, anything else?"


As we reached the cottage, I noticed a letter on the doorstep. I went to pick it up only to see it was not there anymore but in Abi's hand.

"Whose letter is it?"

"It's for a man called Jason Mitchell"

"Ok then, Abi just give it to our neighbour"

"What neighbour, I can't see a house"

"Just go straight for 5 minutes and turn left"

"I'll go with her"

Lauren said suddenly. I thought it was natural for her to accompany her as she is her sister.

"Melissa you go too, gives you 3 a chance to meet our neighbour"

"Ok Jim"

I took the bags from there hands and put them in there rooms. Lauren and Melissa gave me there phones so I put it on their bed side tables. As I was about to leave the room, Laurens phone began to ring. I decided to pick it up.


"Umm, hello Mr O'Brien"

It was Amy.

"Hi Amy, how are you?"

"I'm fine, where's Lauren?"

"She has gone with Abi and Melissa to our neighbour's house to give a letter which was delivered to our house by mistake"

"Ok, I will call back later"

Abi's POV-

I didn't like lying to dad but I had to admit I was just too damn good! I knew our neighbour was called Jason Mitchell so I decided to say the letter was from him. I'm glad Lauren volunteered to come and Dad told Melissa to come.

"I would love to see who this Jason is"

Of course Melissa would say that. She probably wanted to see how he looked and his age just so she can flirt with him!

"Well you can go if you want because I was planning to go to the stream"

"But isn't this letter for him?"

"Nope, it's for us!"

"Then why did you say it's for Jason?"

"Because dad would ask questions and it will get kind of awkward!"


We made our way to the stream and sat down. I ripped the letter open and read what it said aloud.

"Dear Abi, Lauren and Melissa. I had a feeling you have been to my apartment so I decided to tell you what to do next. I strongly recommend doing something or going somewhere you always wanted to go. After that, make your way to the island and learn to adapt. The disasters will start taking huge affect in about 3 months time so enjoy your freedom. I will write more and you write back too. Yours sincerely Clement."

So it was from Clement. I'm....speechless.

"Well, let's destroy it and go Jason's house" I knew that was Melissa.

"I agree"

We made our way to Jason's house and rang the doorbell. A tall, muscular guy opened the door. I saw Melissa's face immediately light up.

"Hi, I'm Jason"

"Hi, I'm Abi and that's my sister Lauren and that girl who might as well be drooling is Melissa!"

Jason laughed.

"Ok, hey, what brings you here?" Jason said staring specifically at Melissa

Melissa blushed a very bright red.

"Well we came here to ask you if you can lie to my dad about us coming over here to give you a letter"

"Why should I do that?"

"It's kind of a long story"

"Well I have the time so why don't you come in and explain?" Jason said, winking at Melissa.

I sighed to myself, I did not really want to go and explain everything for two reasons. The first was that he might think we're crazy and the second was that we haven't even told our dad and we've only just met this dude.

As we we're walking in, Lauren had a devious look on her face. I knew this would not end well. Before I knew it, Lauren pushed Melissa into Jason and they ended on top of each. Lauren burst out laughing and I couldn't help but laugh too.

Melissa blushed as red as a tomato and Jason blushed a little bit too but it was soon replaced with a smirk. I could tell he was pleased with that happening.

Melissa stuttered:

"i...m s-o-rr-y"

After that there was an awkward silence. Lauren kept laughing to herself, Melissa still stayed red, Jason smirked to himself and I coughed to end the silence. I quickly started conversation.

"So do you live here by yourself?"

"Nope, my parents live here to but they've gone out."


"How about you tell me that story of yours then!"

"Well, like I said its long and you might think we're crazy"

"Well I don't really care just tell ME!!!"

"Fine, it all started when..."


I finished telling the story and Jason looked at me with the biggest smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Well, that's exactly the same reason we moved here!!"

"Wow Melissa, your boyfriend has a lot in common with you!!!" I just had to say that because the look of Melissa's face would be funny!

"He is NOT my boyfriend!"

"Then why did you fall on top of him?" Lauren was definitely enjoying this!

"You pushed me Lauren!"

"Ladies, please calm down!!"

The rest of the afternoon was spent bonding and talking to Jason. Finally we found someone to relate to!!! I guess the countryside is not that bad after all!


pic of jason on the side >>>>>


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