Chapter 5

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"What time do the Runners normally get back?" I questioned as I continued to pick fruit off one of the trees sitting in the in the Gardens of the Glade.

"They should be back in an hour or so?" Newt replied next to me as he tied off a vine.

"Do they need to be back by a certain time?" I asked.

Newt sighed. "Remember what I said at the bonfire? They need to make it back before those doors close or else their stuck out there for the night."

"Is that bad?" I know I really shouldn't be pushing for answers after what happened last time, but if I want to find my brother or know at least what happened to him as well as get the hell out of this place then I need to learn to take the good with the bad.

"It's worse than bad. No one has ever survived a night in the Maze," Newt informed me.

What were the people who created this place and put us here trying to achieve? More to the point, why would someone do this to a bunch of teenagers?

"Do I even want to know what happens to them?" I asked.

"No," Was all Newt said.

That wasn't really the answer I was looking for, but I'll take it for now. I didn't want to make Newt mad so I just left thought I'd leave it that. I'll find out some other way.

"I wouldn't worry yourself though. Minho knows what he is doing. He's the best Runner in the Glade," He reassured me.

I shook my head, not wanting to look at him. "I hope."

I continued to pick fruits and help with other things around the Gardens for about half an hour to 45 minutes until the sound of someone panting behind me, snapped me out of my own little world.

I turned to see Minho standing next to Newt. He was panting and by the looks of how much sweat was dripping from his forehead he had been running for quite some time.

"You're awake," He tried to talk.

"Yes I am, have been for a while. Look, just go and get yourself cleaned up because just looking at you is making me tired," I pushed him in the direction of the Homestead.

Minho gave in and starting hobbling over to the push I was leading him in.

"You know, I think he was a thing for you Lizzy. The look on his face when he saw you were up said it all," Newt told me.

I smirked before going back to my work. "Good thing I'm not interested in looking for a relationship them ain't it?"

"Don't let Minho hear you say that," Newt chuckled.

"Can't make any promises," I winked at him playfully.

'Keep them close Lizzy.'

I stumbled back as a voice echoed through my head. I tripped on a fruit basket that was sitting behind me and fell flat on my back.

"Whoa, Lizzy," Newt rushed over to my side.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

Who was that voice?

'Don't tell him anything. Lie.'

"I don't know. I just felt dizzy for a minute there," I lied as Newt gently took my arms in his hands and pulled me to my feet again.

"I think you should go and sit down Lizzy. You've probably worked yourself more than you used to," He suggested.

"Don't be ridiculous Newt. I've been working for just over half the day," I denied.

"Yeah, but you've been asleep for 3 days not doing anythin'. You've tired yourself out," He told me.

"Come on. It's just about time to end the day anyway. Let's go and get something to eat," He started leading me towards the Homestead.

I wanted to know who that voice was. It did sound familiar in a way, but didn't at the same time. It was female no doubt about that.

"You sure you're okay?" Newt asked me as we continued to walk.

"Yeah, I'm good," I answered.

I really did want to tell him what was going on, but something seemed to be holding me back.

'You can't tell him.'

The voice was back. I knew I had heard that voice before, but I had no idea where.

'Who are you?' I questioned, trying to reach out to whoever was on the other side.


'Can you even hear?' I tried again.


Eventually I just gave up. Whoever this person was they either couldn't hear or just weren't talking.

'I can hear you Elizabeth,' The voice suddenly echoed through my head.

'Who are you?' I questioned again.

'Just know I am someone here to help you, but you can't tell anyone about me,' She explained.

'Why can't anyone else hear you?' I wanted answers and I was going to get them.

'Because I'm only here for you,' The voice answered.

I sighed as we came to the Kitchen and took a seat at one of the tables.

'Why are you here?'

'All you need to know is that you are different and if W.I.C.K.E.D find out that you can hear me we could both be in serious trouble.'

I nodded to myself as Newt came and sat next to me.

"What's gotten into you?" He asked.

'Remember, don't tell him anything.'

"Nothing why?" I decided to go along with whatever this was.

"You just seem a little off all of a sudden," He answered.

I smiled. "I'm fine."

I looked across the table and saw Minho making his way back over to us.

"Someone needs to tell that slint-head Gally to build things better," He grumbled as he sat down.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Look at this," He stated, showing us the palm of his hand.

A large cut had formed near his thumb, fresh blood spilling from it.

I felt my stomach start doing backflips as I looked at the wound. My throat became dry and my breath got caught in my lungs. I quickly stood up from my place, not wanting to look anymore.

"Lizzy, what's the matter?" I heard Newt ask from behind.

I swallowed before attempting the answer. "I just need to get a drink."

My voice didn't sound like it belonged to me.

I went to walk away, but as I took my first step the room began spinning and I fell backwards.

"Elizabeth!" I heard someone call as arms caught me.

Everything started to go black and the voices around started to become distant.

"Get her to the Med-Jacks," Was the last thing I heard before I completely blanked out.

Word Count: 1112

Edited: 22//9/2016

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