Chapter 51

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So... Yeah. I'm still alive.

I know I haven't been active for a LONG while but the truth of the matter is that I have been seriously busy. I'm just about to start University and had a lot of things to go through but hopefully things will now go back to the way they were before. I'm not far off finishing the second book actually. I have been working on it whenever I got the chance and can't wait to share it with you guys.

This book will be coming to an end very soon and I have got big plans ready for you in the next one.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter

Paige xx


We all stared in shock at the boy. How the hell did he make it out of the Maze, and on his own?

Thomas started to walk towards the boy. "Gally?"

"Don't," Teresa stopped him, grabbing onto his shoulders.

"He's been stung," She added.

I looked over at the Builder.

She was right.

His skin was pale white and you could see the viens sticking out of his arms and neck just like Alby, Ben and probably myself when we got stung.

Thomas too.

My eyes then scrolled down to his hand and saw the same device we had found in the Griever we had killed.

Where did he get that?

"We can't leave," He told us.

I then saw a gun in his other hand. I backed away slightly as his hand began to shake.

"We did, Gally we're out. We're free," Thomas told him, raising both of his hands to try and stop the boy,

Gally stared us down. "Free? You think we're free out there?"

"No, there's no escape from this place," He then held the gun up at Thomas.

I felt someone slowly grab my arms and gently begin pulling me back as Thomas tried talking Gally down.

"Gally, listen to me. You're not thinking straight. Just put the gun down and come with us," He tried telling the boy.

The Keeper didn't move. He just stood there. The gun still aimed at Thomas and the rest of us.

"I belong to the Maze," He told us.

I felt myself get pulled back further.

"We all do," All hell then broke loose.

A gunshot ran through the air and I was yanked back at an incredibly fast rate.

My head hit the floor with a hard 'thud' and white dots started to cloud my vision.

I could suddenly hear gasps coming from in front of me as I tried to pull myself back onto my feet.

The dots soon cleared, giving me the chance to have a look what happened.

I looked in front of everyone and saw Gally collapse to the floor with a spear plunged into his heart.

"Liz, are you alright?" Teresa asked, helping me to my feet.

I nodded before hearing Chuck mutter to Thomas.


Before I had the chance to try and find out what happened, Chuck collapsed into Thomas' arms and everyone started to freak out.

I rushed over to see Chuck had been the one who had been shot.

Fresh, red, blood was seeping through his shirt. I pushed back the dizziness that threatened to take over and pulled my attention to the fact that one of my friends had just been shot.

"Shit," Thomas kept repeating as Chuck struggled to breathe.

Chuck suddenly brought out the little bird that he had craved back in the Glade and showed it to us.

Thomas instantly shook his head. "No, no Chuck. You're going to give it to them yourself remember?"

I felt tears starting pooling in my eyes as I started to realised there was no way out of this.

"Take it," Chuck gasped as he wrapped Thomas's hand around the figure.

Thomas reluctantly took it and gripped onto Chuck's hand with his free one.

"Thank you," The young boy told him.

"Thank you."

Chuck then became quiet and motionless as his last breath left him.

"Chuck?" Thomas shook him.

I covered my mouth as sobs started to take over and I began to cry.

I couldn't believe what just happened.

A boy barely older than 12 or 13 had just been killed out of cold blood when he still had his whole life ahead of him.

I felt my brother come up behind me and take me in his arms as I broke down.

I ended up crying to hard, I couldn't understand what Thomas was yelling to the poor boy.

I could also tell that Newt was crying along with me as his shoulders were shaking slightly along with mine.

I suddenly heard a door open behind is as all of us continued to mourn over the loss of one of our close friends.

What was going on?

Edited: 14/10/2017

Word Count: 691

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