Chapter 10

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Hey guys, Once again sorry this was late. I went out last night and didn't get back till late so I didn't get time to update. Hopefully this won't happen for a 3rd week in a row.

Anyways I thought I should wish you all a happy new year as we are all at that time. Another year gone and another one about to start. 2016 has definitely gone fast. That's for sure.

With all of that said, enjoy the chapter guys.



I continued to wander through the Maze as darkness came over the place.

A rumble suddenly ripped through the place, causing a yelp to escape from my throat.

What the hell was that?

Loud banging and clanging noises soon followed and continued as I walked through the labyrinth, trying to find a way out of this prison.

Getting out, that's what I needed to focus on right now. That's why I came in here, To get answers and find a way out.

I sucked in a deep breath as a mechanical-like sound echoed through the Maze. the noises were then followed by a loud roar.

I spun my head around, trying to look for the source of the ear-piercing sound.

What was out here that Newt didn't tell me about?


That was the one thing that kept coming into my head. The sound of his yelling as I ran for the doors. Didn't he want me to find out what's in here? Didn't he want me to get out?

So many questions clouded my mind as another roar ripped through the Maze.

All these noises. Where were they coming from? What was really out there?

I felt my heart begin to pick up pace as the noises got louder and echoed all around me. Whatever was out here I could tell was no friend.

'You need to hide.'

I did what I thought was the best thing for me right now and listened to the voice.

I started to rush down the nearest corner in the Maze, trying to find a way out or some kind of exit. I felt a wave of regret coming over me that I had come into such a place.

I began to puff and become tired as I ran. I clearly wasn't much of a runner in my past life because I've barely been running for 2 minutes and already I feel as though I can't feel my legs.

By now the Maze was so dark I could barely see my own hand if front of me. I was surprised I could see the walls of the Maze in all this darkness.

I turned the next corner and felt my blood drain from my face.

What stood in front of me is something I will probably never be able to forget.

In front of me stood a creature with dark, slimy skin. It had spikes and rods sticking out from it's body. It looked half-animal, half-machine. I had never seen anything like it and quite frankly it terrified me. Whatever this thing was I knew it wasn't something that was here to help me. To be honest I didn't want to find out what this thing was here to do to me.

Thankfully this thing hadn't seen me yet. It appeared to be doing something else, something I didn't particularly want to know about.

This thing made a clicking and whirring sound as it moved. It made me want to get away even more.

I walked backwards as the creature continued to do whatever the hell it was doing.

This must be what Newt was talking about at the bonfire party.

"Unfortunately the people who put us in here want to make it a lot harder than that. Every night when the doors close the walls of the Maze start changin',"

I remember when Newt told me that and about the creatures that wanted to make things hard for us. This must've been what he meant.

I needed to get out of here, now.

Unfortunately for me as I went to run, I tripped over my own feet and stumbled to the ground, falling on my wrist as I did.

I squealed out in pain as I fell in a lump on the cold, stone floor. A pain shot up my left arm as I looked up at the awful creature.

Its head snapped towards me revealing a hideous looking face. Good thing I wasn't thinking about sleeping tonight. The creature opened its mouth and let a terrifying roar rip from it's throat, echoing through the entire Maze.


Without a second thought I scrambled to my feet and ran down the closest corner, the creature right on my heels. I didn't know where I was going. I just need to find a way out or somewhere to hide.

I continued to push myself, adrenaline being the only thing to keep me going. I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep this up, but I knew I just had to keep going. My life depended on it right now.

I turned left, then right, then left again. I wasn't sure where I was going and I didn't care. I just didn't want to die like this. It was bad enough that I had been caged like an animal in a place where I had no idea of who I was, but to die at the hands (If you could call them hands) of an animal that just terrified me. I wasn't going to let that happen.

I felt my heartbeat through my ears. My whole body was aching and I could feel myself slowing down. I couldn't die like this, I won't.

I turned left again and felt my entire world come to a halt.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse another one of these creatures was standing before me, staring me down.

I was cornered and had nowhere to go.

I felt a sob escape my mouth as I realised how hopeless the situation really was. There was no way out of this.

I tried to spare my life for one more moment and turned back on my heels to get away only to be greeted by a striking pain traveling up my middle.

I cried out in pain and collapsed to the ground as the two awful creatures left me on the floor, but not before stabbing my body with what appeared to be pinces in the stomach.

I rolled onto my back and looked at my stomach to see blood pouring out of the wound. I instantly felt my head begin to spin as I saw the red liquid continue to spill out of from my body. I hated the sight of blood, it scared me.

"Help!" I tried to say even though I knew no one could hear me, but all that came out of my mouth was blood.

It poured onto the stone floor below me, turning it from a grey to red. I looked down at the floor only to almost scream. Not only was I dying with no way of getting help, but I was drowning in my own blood.

I placed a hand over my wound and watched in horror as the blood seeped through my fingers.

My breathing began to get ragged, making breathing close to impossible. My eyes started to water as I came to terms with how doomed I really was.

With each minute that passed, the pain got worse and my vision began to blur. Tears began to fall as I watched more blood leak out of my stomach.

I felt myself slipping away. Each breath was getting harder to take in. I felt my final few, short breaths enter my body before my world started become total darkness.

However I wasn't dead yet it seemed, something else happened to me. I was somewhere I had been before.

A memory.

Word Count: 1243

Edited: 24/10/2016

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