Chapter 2

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"Are you followin' me so far?" Newt asked as he pushed open a door to a place called the Homestead.

"As much as I get everything else here," I sighed, closing the door behind me.

"I know everything is very weird at the moment, but you'll get used to things as time goes on," Newt tried to lighten the mood.

At the moment we were standing in a small hut in the Homestead. We had just come back from a tour of this place the boys call the Glade. It wasn't actually as bad as I thought. Well, to some extent. I didn't like the Deadheads so much, which was their version of a cemetery.

The rest of the place was okay. Newt explained the different area's around the Glade and the jobs that come with each of them. I could already tell Slicer and Bagger was right off my list. The thought of killing something made me sick to my stomach.

The one thing Newt seemed to be keeping his mouth shut about however was the 4 sets of doors that lined the Glade.

"What's out there?" I questioned towards a set of doors as we left the Gardens.

There was a brief silence between the two of us before Newt finally answered.

"All you need to know is that one of our most important rules here in the Glade is that you are never to go beyond those walls."

"That's not an answer," I raised an eyebrow.

Newt didn't reply, but rather continued walking through the green Glade, making it clear the conversation was over.

Yeah, so that didn't go the way I planned, but I didn't want to push the only person I have started to trust. I would bring it up again though.

I wanted answers to everything that was happening here.

On top of that, I found out I was the only girl here so that was just making things harder. Not only did I have no memories, but I am the only girl amongst about 50 boys.

"Elizabeth?" Newt's voice tore me out of my thoughts.

"You alright? I think I lost you for a moment there didn't I?" He wasn't wrong about that.

So much has happened today, I'm not sure if I can take it all in. I just want to curl back up into a ball and go to sleep.

"Yeah. A lot has just happened today and I think I just need a minute to sit down," I sighed, running a hand over my forehead.

"Okay, follow me," He told me, leading through the small hut.

We walked through a long, narrow hallway where doors lined the walls on each side. The walls looked like they had been put together by the Builders of the Glade.

We continued to walk until we came to a certain door at which Newt pushed open and led me inside.

We found ourselves in a small room with a bed on one side and a wooden dresser on the other. It was pretty empty, but did it's job for a place to sleep.

"This is where I sleep," Newt told me as he closed the door behind me.

"Do you think you'll be alright to rest in here?" He questioned, earning a nod from me.

"I'll come by and get you later. We have somethin' special planned for tonight," He informed.

"Okay, thanks Newt," I smiled, taking a seat on the bed.

Newt returned that smiled before leaning me to my thoughts.

I sighed to myself before laying back against the mattress. I allowed my eyelids to feel heavy and gave in to the feel of sleep.


"Elizabeth," A voice called from behind a younger version of Elizabeth.

The young girl turned to face a middle-aged woman dressed in long white pants and a white lab coat. Her hair was pulled back into a tight, neat bun.

"Follow me please," The woman requested.

Without a second thought, the young girl followed the woman through a long hallway, lights lining the walls as they walked.

"You are aware of what it is we do here at W.I.C.K.E.D aren't you?" The woman questioned, not turning to face Elizabeth.

Elizabeth nodded eagerly. "You work towards finding a cure to the flare."

"Well done. Do you also remember what the dangers are to finding a cure?" She continued.

"That people do not always agree with what we do here and other people want a cure so badly, they don't care who they have to hurt to get it," Elizabeth replied.

"Exactly. This brings us to our problem at hand," The woman came to a sudden stop in front of a particular door.

"And what would that be?" The girl tried to sound like an adult.

"The Maze trials," Was all she responded with as she walked through the set of doors in front of them.

Curiosity starting to get the better of her, Elizabeth followed the woman through the doors where a dark room, only lit by the lights coming from the computers and small lamps littered around the room. The lights were a blue in colour and gave the room a very eerie feel to the young girl. It made her feel uneasy.

"What are we doing here?" She questioned as she stopped by a computer screen.

"The Maze trials have proven to us that a cure is now within reach. However, we are running out of time and are in desperate need of answers," The woman picked up a clipboard from a desk beside her.

"What does this have to do with me?" The young girl began to feel fear rising in her chest as more W.I.C.K.E.D workers and people suddenly came into the room.

"It doesn't have so much to do with you. You brother is the one we are talking about today."

Elizabeth froze. What were they going to do to her brother?

"What does this have to do with him?" She questioned, starting to panic.

"As you know. The Flare is a fast working desease and because of this we need to work just as fast to find a cure," She started.

"So we have made the decision to send Issac up into the Maze," The woman stated.

"NO!" Elizabeth lurched forward, but two workers grabbed her arms, holding her back.

"I won't let you take him!" She screamed, struggling against the two men.

"It's too late. He has already had the Chip and been placed in the Lift."

This angered Elizabeth. How could they have not given her a chance to say 'Good-bye?' This was her older brother, the only family she had left and they just tore that away from her.

"You're going to pay for this," The angered girl growled.

"You'll see in time that what we have done to the two of you is for the good of humanity. Strip her of my family memories," The woman commanded as she walked away from the scene.

A sharp pain suddenly found its way up Elizabeth's neck before the dark room started to spin and her body became light.

"Remember Elizabeth. W.I.C.K.E.D is good," A voice told her as she fell in total darkness.

Word Count: 1218

Edited: 22/9/2016

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