Chapter 15

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"Newt, could you take this to Frypan. Zart needs my help with something?" I turned to face Daniel, one of the Track-Hoes in the Glade.

I nodded, taking a wooden crate from his hands that was filled with fruit and vegetables for the cooks.

I started making my way towards the Kitchen, looking over at the Homestead as I did.

Everybody in the Glade had tried getting back to their normal lives in the Glade as best they could. What happened with Elizabeth really shook everyone up. I think I also overheard Alby telling some people he was going to lock down more on the rules so nothing like this would ever happen again.

Minho and the Runners had returned to their job of trying to find a way out of the Maze while the rest of us stayed here and survived.

The only time people would stop working was when Elizabeth would started screaming again and you could hear it through the whole Glade. Alby would then come out and tell everyone there was nothing to worry about and to get back to work.

This had been going on for about 2 and a half weeks. To me it feels like longer with everything going on. Elizabeth's screams were definitely getting louder and more painful, but Jeff and Clint said there was nothing they could do and to just let the Changing take its course.

"Frypan," I called out into the Kitchen.

"Newt, is that you?" A voice called from the back.

"Yeah, I have a crate of food here for ya," I replied.

"Cool, could you just leave it on the bench for me?" He requested as he joined me at the front.

I heaved the heavy box onto the nearest bench and turned to gave the cook.

"Still nothing from Elizabeth then?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, the Med-Jack's aren't even sure if she'll be able to talk when she wakes up."

Don't give up yet Newt. Something tells me it's going to take a lot more than a night in the Maze to tackle that tiger down," He smirked.

"That's what I hope," Was all I could think to say.

"Newt," A voice spoke from behind. To see Alby standing in the doorway with his arms folded.

"I need to talk to you," I didn't like the tone of his voice.

I left Frypan to his work and followed Alby out of the Kitchen and into the Homestead.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"I was speaking with Jeff and Clint a minute ago and they are a little concerned about Elizabeth's condition," He explained and I felt my heart drop slightly.

"What do you mean?" I asked as strongly as I could.

He looked me dead in the eye. "There's a possibility that she won't make it and therefore will have to be put into the Maze.

"We aren't banishing Lizzy, Alby. We can't be that quick to make a decision like that," My anger started to grow.

"I don't want to banish her either Newt, but we may not have a choice if she doesn't wake up," Alby defended himself.

"Give her a chance at least. She may wake up. By what you are saying none of you are even giving her chance to turn things around," I folded my arms.

Alby sighed. "That's what we've been doing for the last 3 weeks."

A scream that we have never heard before suddenly ripped through the Glade, causing me and Alby to cover our ears.

Another second passed before Clint came rushing into the room.

He didn't say anything, but rather gestured with his hands to follow him. Alby and I did what he asked is and ran with him up towards Elizabeth's room.

I then noticed the room was completely silent which made my heart start to race. What had happened?

Not saying anything, the 3 of us rushed into the room and my blood ran cold with what I saw.

Word count: 669

Edited: 25/10/2016

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