Chapter 41

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Hey guys, Thought I should just let you guys know that I have a new book for all of my fans that are into Teen Wolf. It is called "Watch Over Me" and is available on my page so feel free to take a look. It won't be updated like this one, weekly, but rather this book is one that I can just take my time with and have fun writing.

As for this book I will be giving you two chapters tonight as we are two weeks behind and I want to catch up.

Enjoy you Shanks, Paige


"We don't even know what this stuff is. We don't know who sent it. Or why it came up with you. For all we know this could kill him," Newt told us as we all stood in the Med-Jack's room, standing around Alby.

"He's already dying. Look at him. How could this make it any worse?" Thomas replied.

I took a step forward. "He's right Newt. You said it yourself. The Grief Serum didn't work so what other choice do we have?"

"Come on, it's worth a try," Thomas pushed.

My brother switched his gaze to Alby then back to us before handing the weird stuff to Thomas.

All right. Do it," He told the boy.

Thomas nodded before walking around to the side of Alby's bed and leant over him.

I saw him take a breath and ready himself. But the leader's eyes suddenly snapped open.

"You shouldn't be here!" He screamed at Thomas.

"You shouldn't be here!"

We all rushed forward and pinned Alby down while trying to pry him free from Thomas.

"Get the syringe!" Thomas yelled, clawing at Alby's hands.

I couldn't see who it was that picked it up until I saw Teresa lurched forward and bury the syringe into Alby's chest.

His eyes rolled back and he let go of Thomas.

I panted and stepped back. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. That was way too close.

"Well, that worked," Jeff announced slowly.

I looked over at Newt and saw he was in a state of shock. "Okay, for now on someone stay here and watches him around the clock."

We all nodded, knowing it was the best thing to do.

"Hey," A voice from behind called.

We all shifted our gaze to behind us where we saw Gally standing at the door with a torch.

"Sun down you two. Time to go," He looked at Thomas and I.

I sighed before starting to make my way out of the room only to be grabbed back.

"Lizzy, you understand why I've done this right?" Newt asked.

I frowned at my brother and yanked my hand away from him. "Haven't you done enough? Just leave me alone."

I turned and followed Thomas out of the room. After everything he has done, he expects me to just understand?

I shook my head. I didn't need to be thinking about this right now.

"Hey, what's your problem with me?" Thomas questioned.

"Everything started going wrong the minute you showed up. First Ben, then Alby and now the girl," He answered.

"On top of that you've turned Elizabeth into some kind of... rebel," He added.

I rolled my eyes. "I made the choice to go into the Maze Gally, not him."

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