Chapter 42

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Hi guys, So here is the second update for the night, the one I promised you, and can I just say that this was my favourite chapter to write, as were the next two. I really think you guys are going to like them so I'm going to stop talking so you can actually read it.

Enjoy you shanks, Paige.


12 year old Elizabeth took a deep breath and readied herself.

She knew how this was going to end and she wasn't the slightest bit worried.

This wasn't the first time something like this had happened to her.

Elizabeth thrusted her hand out in front of her as the boy lurched forward.

Remembering what she had been taught, she used her strength to push the boy away from her.

"You have been taught well," The boy smiled as he stumbled back.

"I was taught by the best," Elizabeth replied, smirking.

"Really?" The boy challenged running at her again.

Elizabeth swung her body around as the boy passed her and pushed him in the lower back with her fist so he stumbled to the ground.

"Really," Elizabeth folded her arms.

The boy had other plans though. Before Elizabeth could take a few steps back he swung his leg out and attempted to trip her up.

Using her gymnastic skills she learnt when she was young, Elizabeth used the trip to her advantage and swung her body backward and reached for the ground with her hands before swinging her legs over.

Landing on 2 feet, she turned to face her appointment.

"You should know better than to use a cheap trip like that."

Everything started to go black as I was shaken awake.


I snapped my eyes open and blinked a few times, trying to get them to focus before seeing Newt standing over me.

"Newt?" I said, my voice still half awake.

"Morning," He smiled.

I pulled myself to my feet and looked over to the cell next to mine. Thomas had already left.

"They went about an hour ago," My brother told me.

I nodded before lifting myself from the ground.

"Look, I know you don't want to, but we have to talk about what happened yesterday," He told me.

I nodded before heaving myself out of the Slammer and took a look around the Glade.

I waited for my brother and started making my way towards my bedroom in the Homestead.

I held the door open until Newt walked in behind me.

"So... what exactly do you want to talk about?" I crossed my arms over my chest after I closed the door.

He turned to face me. "I need you to understand why I did what I did yesterday."

"I know why you did it. You think I'm a child," I answered back.

"No, I don't," He shook his head.

"Yeah, you do. After what happened in the Maze the first time, you think I can't defend myself," I frowned.

Newt shook his head again. "I don't think that at all. I just want you to see things from my point of view."

"I do see things from your point of view. You just want to lock me here so nothing can touch me when you know the truth is I can fight and I can protect myself," I growled.

Newt raised his eyebrows. "I don't want to lock you in anywhere. I just want you safe, but you seem to just want to dive head first into trouble."

Was he serious right now? Did he really believe I was buying that crap?

"Don't give me that crap Newt. You are just so concerned with what you want that you can't see what others want," I snapped.

"Look, I don't know what Thomas and that new girl have been telling you, but you've changed since they both came up," He told me.

I placed my hands on my hips. "Maybe I'm just seeing things the way they need to be seen rather than just running away from my problems like the rest of you."

My brother just looked at me. I think I hit a nerve.

His face suddenly hardened. "We do not run away from our problems. You don't know what you are talking about. You have no idea what happened before you got here."

"Like where you got that limp from?" I pointed out.

My brother suddenly froze.

I smiled to myself. I was finally getting somewhere.

"Yeah, I've noticed. I've also noticed how you don't ever want to tell me anything. Everyone else does," I told him.

The ball was in now. I may as well play the game now.

"For the person I was first to befriend when I got here, you don't really make me feel welcome here anymore. You love to keep me in the dark," I told him through gritted teeth.

"Dare I say it, you're starting to act more and more like Gally. Maybe I should start talking to you the way I talk to him," I finished.

"Don't ever compare me to that slinthead."

His voice sounded threatening, but it wasn't enough to scare me.

"Why shouldn't I? The 2 of you have a lot in common. I'm starting to wish I hadn't met the both of you, you both only seem to care about yourselves. I'd say the 2 of you could be the best of friends," I began to shout.

"Elizabeth, you have no idea what any of us went through before the Box brought you up," He growled back.

I felt a smirk start tugging at my lips. "Oh, so we're back to Elizabeth now? I see how it is."

"I glad you do because you don't seem to see things any other way," He crossed his arms.

"More like you never listen," I spat back.


The noise made my heart leap out of my chest. In the 3 months that I had been here, I had never heard Newt yell.

"I don't listen?" He jabbed a finger at himself.

I then realised I had crossed the line.

"Have you looked in the mirror lately?!" He yelled at me.

For the first time since this fight had started, I was at a loss for words. I had dug myself in so much of a hole that I couldn't get out of it.

I looked down at the floor.

"God, if this is what all girls are like, I'm sure glad I don't have a sister!" He screamed.

I froze.

I felt as though he just punched me in the chest.

Before I could ever stop myself, tears started flowing down my cheeks.


"When I found out you were my brother I was so happy. I guess I was wrong!"

I then slapped my hand over my mouth.

What had I just done?

Edited: 19/6/2017

Word Count: 1087

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