Chapter 22

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Hey guys, so here is your second chapter for the day so you can all catch up with what you haven't been able to read in the last two weeks because I have been so busy.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter just like I did writing it.

Happy reading you Shanks

Paige xx


I woke up the next morning with puffy, sore eyes. I'm pretty sure they were red as well.

The memories of last nights dream then started to flash through my head.

My chest started to hurt and my breathing got caught in my throat. My chest started to rise and fall quicker than I could count. I felt as though I was suffocating in my own body.

I started to panic from being able to breath. My vision started to become blurry and no matter what I tried it just got worse.

At this rate I was either going to pass out or wake everyone in the Homestead up.

My brother suddenly stirred from in front of me. I tried to control my breathing, but I'm pretty sure I just succeeded in making myself worse.

"Lizzy?" I then started coughing and getting dizzy.

"Liz, you need to calm down. You're hyperventilating," He told me, grabbing my shoulder.

I shook my head in an attempt to clear my head, but it didn't work. If anything it made me more dizzy.

"Elizabeth, look at me," Newt tilted my head up to face him.

Worry flashed in his eyes. "I need you to breath for me. You're going to make yourself worse if you keep this up."

'Teresa help!' I screamed.

I was getting scared now. I couldn't breath and I was getting worse.

'You need to focus on your breathing. Nothing else,' Teresa's voice echoed through my head.

I shut my eyes and started to focus on my uneven breathing. I did as my friend told me and cleared my head.

After a while my breaths started to slow and I actually managed to feel like I could breath again. I did however feel as though I had no energy left.

I flopped my head against the pillow below me and sighed. My chest hurt and I just felt like crying.

Newt suddenly pulled me close to his chest and rested his cheek on my head. "You feelin' alright now?"

I nodded, resting my head on his chest.

I wish you could tell me what's got you so worked up because this isn't like you," He stated.

I shrugged. I couldn't tell him about what I saw. I just couldn't.


For the rest of the day I glued myself next to my brother, not letting out of my sight for even a second.

We were currently in the Gardens doing some work when Teresa started talking to me again.

'Are you feeling any better?'

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'I mean after what happened this morning. You've been clinging to your brothers side all day.'

'I just don't want to- wait, how do you know I've been there all day? I never told you,' I questioned her.

'You'll find out in time,' Was all she replied with.

I looked up from what I was doing in the Gardens and glanced over at Newt who was helping some other boys with something else in the field.

Something the Newt last night in my nightmare said suddenly came into my mind.

"You wanna know why I have this limp, Tommy? Did I ever tell you? No, I don't think I did."

'Teresa?' I called out to her.


'How long have you been watching over my brother?' I asked.

'Long before you were sent up into the Maze.'

'Why?' She added.

'Has Newt got a limp?' I asked.

No answer came for a minute before Teresa finally gave me an answer.

'Yeah, what brought this up?'

Should I tell her? Did she really need to know?

'No reason. I just heard something about it a while ago,' I replied.

"Lizzy, could you give us a hand please," Newt suddenly called over to me.

Teresa's voice disappeared from my head and I walked over to my brother. Or so I thought her voice was gone.

'Remember Liz, things are going to start changing.'

Word Count: 659

Edited: 27/3/2017

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