Chapter 23

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A few weeks past and the Glade continued on as normal. The Runners ran into the Maze and tried to find a way out. Everybody else continued on with their everyday tasks.

Right now I was just rolling out of bed and pulling on my boots. Thanks to Teresa, W.I.C.K.E.D had sent me up some extra clothes to replace the worn out ones I had.

In my opinion my new look made me look much more feminine. It consisted of a black singlet, shorts and black tights to stop me from getting cold at nights along with a zip-up hoodie and black combat boots.

I quite liked it though I was worried the boys would start getting ideas. I knew Newt and Minho wouldn't let anything happen to me.

I pulled my last boot on and stood up from my place on the bed. The pain in my stomach had almost completely gone now and I was able to do a lot more around the Glade which was great. I also didn't have to wear a stupid bandage anymore so I wasn't as uncomfortable anymore.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail before starting to make my way out of my room only to catch my finger in the door on the way out.

"Ow, Shit!" I exclaimed as pain ran up my right hand.

I then realised my voice had come back and it didn't hurt anymore rather it was my finger that hurt now.

I smiled to myself and started making my way out to the field where everybody was working and doing other things around the Glade.

A pair of arms suddenly picked me up from behind and spun me in a circle.

"Newt, put me down," I laughed.

"Two things. First, when did you get your voice back?" He asked, placing me back on my feet.

"This morning I think," I answered, turning to face him.

He smiled down at me. "Secondly, where did you get that?"

He gestured to my outfit.

"It was sent up a week ago. My old clothes were a little beat up," I explained.

He nodded before Alby came over to the both of us.

"New Greenie's due to come up today. Can you 2 make sure everything is ready for him?" He asked.

The pair of us nodded as Ably left us alone again.

"How's your stomach?" Newt suddenly asked me.

I shrugged. "It's alright, twinges a bit every now and then, but apart from that it doesn't really bother me anymore.

"Good," Was all he said.

It then dawned on me that I had been in the Glade for 2 months already. So much has happened in those 2 months. I've been out into the Maze, survived for 3 nights inside, gotten my brother back and found my best friend.

I just hoped things were going to stay this way.


"Hold on! I've got it!" I yelled down to one of the Gladers as I continued to climb the tree I was in.

I made my way further up the branches, watching my step, making sure I didn't fall. I couldn't afford another injury. Not after what happened last time.

I reached up and grabbed the arrow that had been shot into the tree during a training session for the Runners. Although Alby had told me to just leave it, I insisted and told him to not tell Newt.

Just as I was about to start climbing down I heard a voice. "Zart, have you seen Lizzy anywhere?"

Crap. I couldn't let him see me up here. He would lose his mind.

Using a massive branch of Greenery as my hiding place. I slid behind and used my hand to Zart to tell Newt nothing.

"No, I haven't. Have you checked the Homestead," He tried to cover for me.

Newt shook his head. "You know Zart, the more time you spend in the Glade the worse of a liar you get."

I face-palmed knowing there was no way out of this.

"Where is she?" He asked again.

"I'm here!" I finally called down, pushing the bush out of the way.

Newt faced dropped into a look of horror just like I knew it would.

"What the bloody hell are you doing up there? Get down here!" He demanded.

I rolled my eyes before climbing down. My feet hit the floor with a thud and a sharp, but short, pain traveled up my legs before disappearing again.

I passed the arrow the Zart before turning my attention to my brother. "You need to stop worrying about me. I wasn't going to fall or anything."

"I can't help but worry when the last time I let you out of my sight you ended up being stabbed," He told me and my hand involuntarily flew to my middle.

I tired to cover it up. "That was different. I wasn't in the right frame of mind back then. I am now."

I saw my brother open his mouth to answer back, but a loud ringing through the Glade stopped him. It was the same alarm that called when Chuck arrived up in the Glade.

The new Greenie was coming up.

I glanced over at my brother once more before beginning to jog over to the Box where a few boys already stood, Gally being one of them.

The coverings of the Box suddenly lifted, giving 2 boys the chance to lift the main doors, getting a better look inside the Box.

My mind suddenly flashed back to a month ago when Chuck came up. His scared face and his shy attitude.

God, I hope this poor boy won't be the same.

I peered over the edge as Newt came up behind me and saw a boy that must've been 15 or 16 inside. His hair was drenched with sweat and his eyes were wide with confusion. Something then hit me.

The was was the boy from my dreams. It was Thomas.

I remember Thomas from some of my memories of when Newt was sent up into the Maze. he was one of the few boys I was friends with and now he was here.

I played it off that I didn't know him so no one would get suspicious. Nobody knew I was getting parts of my memories back and I wasn't planning on telling them.

"Gally, go get him," One of the boys suddenly said before the Builder jumped into the box and landed right in front of Thomas.

"Day one Greenie. Rise and shine," I heard him say before he pulled Thomas forward and threw him towards 2 boys waiting by the box.

Word count: 1060 

Edited 14/11/2016

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