Chapter 39

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"Come on, Teresa. You need to wake up. I need you," I mumbled to myself as I leant back against the tree I was sitting in.

I was currently watching the sunset in my favourite tree.

I had heard Newt call out for me several times from the Glade, but I didn't want to see him right now I just wanted to be alone.

I would be with Thomas telling him everything, but he was with Minho talking about Runner business.

"Elizabeth!" I heard Newt's voice call out again.

I quickly rushed to pull a branch in front of my face. "Elizabeth!"

"Just leave me alone," I thought to myself.

'Lizzy?' Teresa's voice echoed through my head suddenly.

'Teresa?' I quickly called back to her.

'What's happening? Where am I?' She panicked.

W.I.C.K.E.D wiped her memories just like they did to the rest of us.

'It's okay honey. Just calm down. Where are you?' I asked.

'I don't know. Some kind of room with two boys staring at me.'

She was still in the Homestead with the Med-Jack's.

'I have to get out of here!'



'Teresa. Talk to me!' I begged.

Still nothing.

I quickly looked around before a load of yelling filled the Glade.

"What the hell?!"

"Not again!"

"Somebody stop her!"

I turned towards the source of the yelling and saw Teresa running across the Glade, several boys right on her tail.

I then saw Newt rush towards her, giving me the chance to make a break for it and hop down from my hiding place.

'Teresa, get to that Treehouse. I'll be there in a second," I told the girl.


I picked up my pace and ran towards the Treehouse where I saw most of the Gladers holding up pans, wooden slabs and several other items from around the Glade, using them as shields to protect themselves as Teresa tossed rocks and various other objects down, trying to hit the boys.

I felt as though I was re-living my arrival in the Glade.

"Leave me alone!" I heard Teresa yell.

"Watch your head!" I heard a boy yell.

I smirked, making my way towards the crowd.

'Hey, Teresa, try and hit the one with the big nose,' I told her.

"Hey, throw one more of those things and I'm gonna- ow!" I laughed as a rock hit Gally on the forehead.

"Go away!" She screamed.

I smirked as other boys started yelling. "We come in peace!"

"What happened?" Thomas asked, ducking under the cooking pan Frypan was holding up.

I jumped to the side as a rock came flying towards me. I saw Winston and my brother in front of me trying to dodge the avalanche.

"I don't think she likes us very much," Newt stated.

"No duh. Thanks captain obvious," I replied, hiding under the slab with them.

"What do you want from me?!" Teresa yelled.

"We just wanna talk!" Thomas answered.

"I'm warning you!" She shouted back.

An avalanche of rocks then fell our way, causing all of us to freak out.

"Take cover y'all!" Frypan yelled.

"Take cover!"

"Hey, it's Thomas! It's Thomas!" He suddenly screamed and the rocks finally stopped flying everywhere.

We all watched in silence as Teresa peered her head over the edge and looked down at us.

'Let him up, Teresa. He won't hurt you. You probably don't remember, but Thomas was your friend,' I explained.

"I'm gonna come up okay?" Thomas told her.

'Lizzy, can you come up with him?' She asked me.


Thomas suddenly turned to everyone. "Just me."

"No, I'm going up with you," I stepped forward.

Newt suddenly grabbed my arm. "No bloody way. You don't know what she'll do to you."

I had to quickly think of something.

"Nice try Newt, but she might feel more comfortable if she saw there was another girl in the Glade," I told him before starting to follow Thomas up the ladder.

"I'm coming up!" Thomas called up to my best friend.

Thomas pushed open the trapdoor above his head, but stopped in his tracks. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

She must be threatening him with something.

"Okay, just... Easy alright?" He told her.

"Where am I? What is this place? What can't I remember anything?" Teresa started rambling off questions.

"This is all normal. Okay? We've all been through this," Thomas tried to explain.

"Your name will come back to you in a couple of days. It's the one thing that..."

"Teresa," She cut him off.

"What did you say?" He questioned.

"My name, it's Teresa," She told him.

"Teresa, I'm Thomas. And with me I brought-"

"Elizabeth," She finished for him.

I felt Thomas freeze.

"Thomas, just let me up. It's okay," I told him before pushing him through the door, giving me room to get through.

After I clambered through I saw Teresa holding a knife to protect herself.

Her face lifted as her eyes met mine. "Lizzy?"

I nodded before crawling towards her and pulled her into a hug.

I wrapped my arms around her frame and looked over at Thomas was was just giving me a confused look.

"I'll explain later," I whispered.

He nodded as Teresa turned her attention back to Thomas. "They said I kept saying your name in my sleep. What are you?"

"It's okay Teresa. Thomas won't hurt you. He's one of us," I reassured the girl.

"What's going on up there?" Gally suddenly asked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Is she comin' down?" I heard my brother ask.

I watched as Thomas got to his feet and moved so he could see all the Gladers on the ground.

"Hey, listen, you guys just give us a second okay?" He called.

Unfortunately I didn't get to hear everyone's answers and reactions as I was too busy tending to Teresa.

I didn't even know where to start in terms of explaining. Everything had become such a mess. It was just ridiculous.

How do I even explain everything to a person who had forgotten watching your every move?

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