1 (Updated)

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Sorry but I decided to change Chapter 2 because for me it didn't fit my story after actually thinking about it so here is the new updated chapter 2 which is now chapter 1 (cause I'm making the first chapter the prologue). 
Jonin - elite ninja

They lay on the grassy field, unconcerned with everything that was around them. The blonde sighed as he stared at the clouds that were slowly moving in the sky. This was the peace he wanted all those years ago. Years of abuse and neglect seemed to fade away in an instant when he was around those who understood him only too well. Naruto Uzumaki could have drifted off to sleep peacefully knowing that his friends would be there to watch him, but he decided against it. After all, they were the only ones who were always there for him. Beside him, the black pineapple haired academy student sighed. 
"What a drag" Shikamaru said as he sat up. Beside him, another student groaned. He had brown hair and red tattoos on his cheeks. And he was cuddling his dog, Akamaru.
"Really Shikamaru? Really?" Kiba moaned and sat up. "Did you have to wake us up?"
"Y-yeah Shikamaru-kun" The shy girl stammered slightly as she rolled over and sat up. The only one who didn't say anything was Shino. He was already up. Naruto sighed again and sat up.

"Yo!" A fox anbu appeared in front of them with a 'poof'. They all sat up straighter. Although he was supposedly an Anbu Black Ops ninja, they all knew secretly that he was actually the human form of the nine-tail's chakra, which leaked out when Naruto was young and had suffered a severe beating on his fifth birthday. He was basically Naruto's father figure. 
"It's time... you guys should head to the academy and find out who your team mates are." He said. No one but Naruto knew his real name.
"Ok Fox" They answered only because he was wearing a fox mask. If he wore a dog mask they would have probably called him dog. They headed back from the grassy field to the Academy where Iruka-sensei was waiting for them all.
"Where were you all today?" Iruka-sensei asked. Shikamaru put his arm behind his head.
"It's too troublesome to say" Shikamaru told him as he walked into the classroom.
"..." was all Shino said as he followed Shikamaru.
"u-uh we we-were just lying on t-the grass" Hinata made out as she ran after Shino.
"Don't worry about us Sensei!" Kiba grinned as he dragged Naruto with him to the classroom, while Akamaru followed. 

Iruka-sensei could tell something was wrong with his students. He hadn't been their Academy teacher for a number of years for nothing. Something is wrong. He thought. They are definitely hiding something. Especially since Naruto hasn't said a word since he walked past me. Iruka shrugged. At least Naruto had friends that he could trust and talk to, which made Iruka feel less bad.
"Alright guys!" Iruka stood at the front of the classroom and held up a sheet of paper. "Today is the day you get assigned into teams!" Naruto inwardly sighed.
"Don't worry about it kid!" Naruto heard the fox say.
"Kurama?" Naruto asked.
"Just because I've sent my chakra out into a human form doesn't mean I have no chakra! I can still talk to you in your mind! Anyway, focus kid! You'll do fine! I haven't taught you chakra control basics for nothing!" Kurama growled out in his mind, making Naruto take a step back in his mindscape.
"But what if they don't wa-"
"Oh shut up! You have friends! Enough said! Now go pay attention to the teacher and act like nothing happened to you last night! Everyone apart from your friends think somethings off! And if they investigate, then they will definitely call you a weakling! And I thought you didn't want that"
"Fine" Naruto grumbled before focusing back onto Iruka-sensei.
"... Team 7: Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke..." There was a piercing scream from the girl with pink hair next to Naruto.
"I'M WITH SASUKE!" She was screaming until she noticed the glares that she received from all the other girls in the class. Oh Naruto... Hinata thought as she stared at her friend. She noticed Kiba, Shino and Shikamaru also looking. So they noticed huh? Shino thought. Naruto looked a little depressed. 

"...Team 8: Nara Shikamaru, Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Choji..." Dam it! Thought Shikamaru. Not only do I have to be on Ino's team, but none of us can be with Naruto. His mental state will keep debilitating if none of us is there to comfort him. 

"...Team 10: Hyuga Hinata, Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba..." Wow... of all the team combinations, poor Shikamaru and Naruto... Kiba looked at Shino and Hinata and he could tell that they were thinking the same thing. Meanwhile, Naruto couldn't have felt worse. He wasn't with any of his friends, he was stuck with a fangirling screaming banshee, and an arrogant Uchiha. At least Shikamaru's team wasn't as screwed up as his. But Naruto put on a smile. Forced, but nevertheless, he didn't want his friends to worry about him too much. Especially Hinata. 

"... and that will be all, guys! Good luck, and I'll definitely miss you! I'm proud of you all!" Iruka-sensei spoke as he looked over his students one last time. 


It had been hours since the rest of the teams had been called out by their respective Jonin-sensei's and yet Team 7 was still waiting for Kakashi. Sakura was busy trying to talk to Sasuke, who ignored her and that left Naruto all alone on the other side of the table where they sat. For some reason or another, Naruto seemed a little off. Sasuke expected him to be all hyper but the Naruto he was watching seemed to be completely different from the Naruto they all knew. The door opened with and all three sets of eyes snapped to the door.
"YOUR LATE!" Yelled Sakura as she stood up and pointed at the ninja whose head poked in. Realising that Naruto hadn't said anything, she faltered, unsure of what to do. After all, Naruto was normally the loud and obnoxious one and yet he didn't do or say anything. Of course, no one knew Naruto was busy in his mindscape talking to Kurama.

"Uh... hehehe... sorry I'm not your Jonin-sensei" The ninja said as he stepped inside. It was the Fox Anbu. Naruto's eyes lit up the moment he saw him.
"I'm merely here on the Hokage's orders to watch and supervise Naruto's training. Kakashi will be here shortly." 
"That's bullcrap!" Naruto laughed out loud in his mind.
"Glad you liked my joke!" Kurama replied sarcastically. "But really, no one has to know!" 

"Hi guys!" A silver haired Jonin, wearing a mask and having his headband covering his left eye entered the room.
"YOUR LATE!" Shouted Naruto and Sakura while Sasuke merely glared at him.
"Sorry guys... I saw a black cat cross my path so I just had to walk the long way here"
"WHAT A LIAR!!" Naruto and Sakura shouted again pointing at him. 
"Oh well, at least I tried. Meet me on the roof." Kakashi gave the Fox Anbu one last look before he 'poofed' away.

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