19 and A Christmas Message

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A message before you head into the chapter! I just wanna say:

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas! I hope you've all had a great day... (or going to have a great one if your day has just started) and I wish to you all a relaxing holiday and a happy new year!

Hinata lay on top of Naruto's body, sobbing uncontrollably. She loved him so much, and now it felt like her heart was being broken all over again, by the same person, just like how it was when Naruto was banished. Temari was holding Yuki tightly, so that she couldn't see anything and wouldn't be scarred. Yuki was thrashing in Temari's arms.
"Let me go! I want to see my tōchan!" She screamed out. But Temari wouldn't let go. Danzo sneered.
"Pathetic ninja. Unable to sacrifice things for the greater good. That is all you'll ever be. A shinobi is just a tool, and must be willing to sacrifice even those precious to them." Danzo said as he turned to leave.
"Hold it right there, you bastard!" A woman's voice yelled out and Tsunade Senju appeared in front of Hinata. Next to her was Jiraiya. Tsunade was beyond mad.
"How dare you betray the Leaf like this!" She yelled out. "And look what you've done!" Danzo smirked.
"I do what must be done. I have always done that and always will, regardless of what is regarded unorthodox and unsanctioned. I protect the Leaf from the shadows." Danzo spoke.


"Tsunade... there is something you must know about Danzo." Jiraiya spoke. Tsunade paused, and glanced up from her work. It was only her second day of being Hokage and the council had found more ways to annoy her than Jiraiya ever did in his life.
"Well, go on?" Tsunade said. Jiraiya took a deep breath.
"Our sensei told me this, not too long ago before he was killed...

In his youth, Danzō was good friends with Hiruzen Sarutobi. However, Danzō always felt inferior to Hiruzen, harbouring a desire to surpass him. Shortly after the foundation of the village, Hiruzen and Danzō sparred, while a few of their future team-mates watched. Danzō at some point saw Hashirama in battle and saw him perform the Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence and was awed by their powers. During the First Shinobi World War, Danzō, along with his team-mates Kagami Uchiha and Torifu Akimichi, as well as Hiruzen and his team-mates Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado, formed a squad led by the Second Hokage. At some point, the team was pursued by Kumogakure's Kinkaku Squad, realising that one of them would need to sacrifice themselves as a decoy to ensure the others' safety. Hoping to die for his companions, just as his father and grandfather had, Danzō tried to volunteer but was paralysed with fear at the prospect of dying, allowing Hiruzen to volunteer before he could compose himself. Angry that Hiruzen had once again beaten him, Danzō began to protest before the Second Hokage decided to be the decoy instead while appointing Hiruzen as his successor.

So you see, Tsunade, it's because of this, that Danzo feels the need to protect the Leaf from the shadows. But he's also driven by power. He's been in contact with Orochimaru over the years and that's why he has your grandfather's DNA in his right arm. There has also been rumours that he helped orchestrate Orochimaru's attack on the hidden Leaf, hoping that with the death of our sensei, he would be installed as the Hokage. He's a dangerous man, watch him closely."


Tsunade glared at Danzo.
"You were right Jiraiya. But this time, we kill him." She said and then launched herself at him. Danzo jumped backwards, as well as the two Kage as Tsunade's axe kick hit the ground, creating a tiny crater. Tsunade jumped back at the same time too. She glanced and nodded at Jiraiya. Tsunade quickly healed the Kazekage and watched them back off a bit, before biting her thumb and drawing blood. Boar Dog Bird Monkey Ram. Jiraiya and Tsunade wove the hand seals in sync with each other.
"Summoning jutsu!" They both yelled and slammed right hand onto the ground. Two seal formulas appeared before a large poof of smoke. Standing before them was Lady Katsuyu, from the Shikotsu Woods, and Gamabunta, the Chief Toad from Mount Myoboku. Danzo grimaced. He knew that a fight against the two Sannin would come sooner or later, and that he'd most likely lose. Without warning, Katsuyu surged forward and spat out her acid at them. Danzo moved quickly, off to the side. He'd turned off the Izanagi jutsu as it had a large chakra drain on him. He also knew that because of his fight earlier, with Naruto, three of the sharingan eyes on his right arm were permanently closed. Snake Ram Monkey Boar Horse Tiger. Jiraiya wove the hand seals rapidly before blowing out fire, while Gamabunta blew out a jet of oil.
"Fire style! Toad Flame Bombs!" The fire from Jiraiya's fire jutsu ignited the oil and caused a giant stream of fire aimed straight at Danzo. Danzo grimaced again. He was going to have to do it again. Rabbit Boar Ram. Danzo cast the hand seals for the Izanagi technique a few seconds before he was hit by the fire. After a few seconds, Jiraiya and Gamabunta stopped their combination jutsu.
"Did we get him?" Jiraiya a asked rhetorically although they knew it would take a lot more than that to kill the old war hawk. Tsunade looked across at Jiraiya from the top of Katsuyu's head.
"I doubt he's dead. So be ready!" Tsunade shouted and Jiraiya nodded. Suddenly, the Raikage was in front of Tsunade's face and he launched a shatteringly fast punch at her. She knew she wasn't fast enough to dodge it so she brought her right arm around and countered the Raikage with her own punch. Both fists connected with each other and they held it there for a few seconds, pushing against each other with all their strength. It was the Raikage who eventually gave way and the force launched him backwards.

Meanwhile, the Tsuchikage had engaged Jiraiya in a jutsu battle. Rat Boar Snake.
"Particle style! Atomic dismantling jutsu!" Onoki shouted as he cast the prism at Jiraiya. He swiftly ducked to the side and the jutsu missed, if only by a few inches. Tiger Horse Boar Ram Rat Snake.
"Ninja art! Needle Jizo!" Jiraiya shouted and immediately, his white hair grew and moved around to cover his body, encasing himself in a cocoon of sharp, chakra enhanced hair, which effectively turned them all into senbon. The Tsuchikage floated backwards, unsure of what he should do.
"Needle hail!" He heard a muffled shout from the self proclaimed super pervert and immediately a flurry of sharp hair senbon was launched at him. Onoki panicked a bit when he saw the speed of the multiple den in projectiles fired at him. Immediately, he formed a seal with his right hand.
"Earth style! Earth golem jutsu!" He cried out, forming a golem made of rock in front of him to block the needles. It was a close one too for Onoki knew that if he was even a second late, he would have been hit by the countless needles.

Danzo watched impassively from the side. He had turned off his Izanagi technique again to save chakra, but he didn't help out. No sense in aiding temporary allies, he thought. He was going to turn on them soon anyway, so if they happened to die to the Sannin then he wasn't going to complain. The Raikage and the Tsuchikage fell back. They both looked at Danzo.
"Let's retreat!" They both said and Danzo nodded. They fled back towards the base camp that they had set up where the rest of the Iwa and Kumo shinobi were resting. Tsunade and Jiraiya watched before dispelling their summons. As they did so, a large number of Suna and Konoha ninja arrived and immediately picked up Naruto's body, alongside the weakened Kazekage and his siblings, and Hinata and Yuki. Tsunade and Jiraiya joined them as they retreated back inside the walls of Suna.
"I can't feel a pulse..." one of the Suna ninja was saying as he tried to find Naruto's pulse. They were beginning to panic. With the Kazekage weakened, the Sand siblings unable to fight, and Naruto in his condition (they didn't want to believe that he was dead), then they'd lose for sure.
"Let me through!" They heard Tsunade say and they moved to the side.
"Naruto!" Tsunade shouted as she used her medical ninjutsu to cut away his shirt. Immediately, her chakra began to glow around her hands as she placed it over Naruto's heart. She gave Jiraiya a tear stained look.
"It's not beating at all..." she said. Jiraiya fell to his knees.
"My godson..." he whispered.
"Naruto!" Tsunade shouted. "Why are you always so selfless! Why can't you be selfish, even once in your life?!" She shouted in pain. Everyone gathered around took a step back when Hinata and Yuki came to them.
"Tōchan..." Yuki whispered, unable to say anything else as she hugged a crying Hinata.
"Naruto kun... don't leave me please! I love you!" She said through tears as she knelt down by the man she'd loved all her life. Seeing his cold, unmoving body was too much for her as she broke down crying. Even the usually emotionless Gaara was weeping silent tears for his fallen comrade, and best friend. Yuki reached out and placed a flower on Naruto's chest.
"Do you like it, Tōchan? You promised that you'd sing to me again... please come back... I need you..." Yuki begged with a shaky voice. The crowd were all crying; it was impossible for them to hold back tears after seeing the five year old begging for her father to come back.

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