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"Naruto..." a soft, almost angelic voice echoed around the white emptiness that Naruto found himself in.
"Naruto." A different voice spoke, it was deeper, firmer, but just as soft. Naruto squinted, trying to see anything in the blinding white, and at first, it wasn't going too well. Until he saw two shadows approaching him slowly. He immediately got himself into a stance.
"Who are you?" He called out cautiously. He watched cautiously as the two shadows approached him. The shorter one came into his vision and he could see her clearly. She was pretty, very pretty, with long red hair and blue eyes, with a brilliant smile. The taller one also stepped into his view. He was blond, had spiky hair, much like himself, with blue eyes, and the most notable thing Naruto saw was that he was wearing a cloak. He recognised it immediately.
"Yondaime Hokage..." Naruto breathed out.
"But what are you two doing here? And where am I?" Naruto asked. They both smiled at him.
"Naruto..." the woman whispered and he could see tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"He is Minato Namikaze... my husband, and I am Kushina Uzumaki..." The woman whispered and Naruto's eyes widened.
"D-dad? Mom?" He gasped out. Minato grabbed his arm.
"Listen! There's not much time. You are dying right now, and I can save you, but only if you perform these hand seals." Minato said, as he showed the specific sequence he wanted Naruto to perform. Tiger Snake Dog Dragon Clap hands.

"After you clap you hands together, the rest will be fine! Now go, quickly!" Minato and Kushina urged him, whilst giving him what little chakra they had stored in Naruto via the seal before they faded from his field of view.


Naruto coughed and spat out blood as he jolted upwards. He could already feel the effects of being without Kurama. His body was slowly shutting itself down.
"Naruto!" Concerned voices exploded all around him but he wasn't paying them any attention. His vision was already blurring. He brought his hands together. Tiger Snake Dog Dragon Clap hands.
"Summoning jutsu... reanimation..." Naruto said, with barely a whisper. Immediately Tsunade and Jiraiya looked at him in shock.
"Wait where did he learn that!?" They all instinctively took a step backwards as the ground rumbled and seal marks spread out around two of the captured Iwa shinobi. All of a sudden, dust and ash covered the two unconscious Iwa shinobi and when everything cleared, the tall blond Hokage and his wife, Kushina were standing there. Jiraiya took a step forward.
"M-Minato... how??" He asked, finally getting over some of his shock of seeing his student.
"I understand Kushina... but... your soul was sealed away..." Jiraiya struggled to speak but Minato stopped him.
"Orochimaru released me from the reaper's stomach because he intended for me to be part of an attack on Konoha ages ago." Minato said as he quickly leapt to Naruto's side. Kushina followed and everyone watched as he lifted the shirt.
"Kushina..." he murmured and she grabbed his hand. She nodded and began to lend him her chakra. Everyone watched, breathlessly as Minato wove hand seals as quick as he could before placing his hand on Naruto's stomach. There was a brilliant flash of light before a seal appeared on Naruto's stomach.
"I've given him the half of the Kyuubi that was sealed inside me... it was the only way to save him..." Minato gasped out. Although he was just a reanimation, it still took a lot out of him. Granted that the reanimation jutsu that Minato had taught Naruto when they were in that white space was an incomplete variation from the normal reanimation. It focused instead on chakra signature in place of DNA and so only created a temporary reanimation. Minato and Kushina could already feel their soul slowly departing from the vessels they were in.

Naruto sat up as he stared into the two faces of his parents.
"Naruto... we can't stay any longer... but I've stored some of our chakra inside your seal. If you ever want to talk to us, we'll be in there... however I can't guarantee that we'll always be there. Our chakra will run out sooner or later, so only access it sparingly, ok?" Kushina said as she felt herself being pulled from her vessel. Crying silent tears, she leant down and kissed her son before they disappeared. Everyone was silent for a moment. Eventually, Gaara and Yuki knelt down beside Naruto.
"Was that grandma and grandpa?" Yuki asked. Naruto smiled through his tears.
"Yes, Yuki." He answered. Naruto stood up.
"Gaara. We can't let them have that half of Kurama! We have to retrieve him." Naruto said. Gaara nodded.
"Let's go." Gaara motioned to Temari and Kankuro and they stood up too. Tsunade and Jiraiya stood up too.
"We'll com along." Tsunade said.

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