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"Why don't we all introduce ourselves. Tell us your name, your likes, dislikes, dreams and hobbies. Who wants to go first?" Kakashi asked as he looked at each of the students and then at the Fox Anbu. Sakura was the first to speak.
"Why don't you go first Sensei?" She asked, while not really looking at Kakashi. Kakashi sighed inwardly.
"I am Hatake Kakashi. I have no intentions of telling you my likes and dislikes. As for my dream... I have few hobbies." They all stared at him. So we didn't learn anything but his name... They all thought simultaneously and the Fox Anbu merely smirked. Behind his mask of course. Kakashi eyed everyone for a moment before his gaze settled on the 'hyperactive prankster' Naruto. Except Naruto looked a little... out-of-it.
"Lets start with you, blonde" Kakashi said and Naruto looked up.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki! I like ramen and my friends! I dislike overpriced ramen and the time it takes for ramen to be served! My dream is to be accepted and acknowledged by everyone in this village by becoming Hokage! My hobbies are eating ramen and playing with my friends!" Kakashi nodded. Seems fair enough thought the silver haired Jonin.

"Your turn, pink" Kakashi pointed at Sakura.
"My name is Sakura Haruno. I like... uh... my dream...uh (hehehehehehe blush) I HATE NARUTO!" Kakashi almost facepalmed himself. What is with kunoichi these days...


"So introduce yourselves!"
"Why don't you start first sensei"
"My name is Minato Namikaze. I like a lot of things, and don't really dislike many things. My dream has already been fulfilled and I have many hobbies. Your turn black haired guy!"
"My name is Obito Uchiha! And my dream is to become Hokage!"
"My name is Rin Nohara... I like... My dream... Uh (hehehehehe blush)"
"My name is Hatake Kakashi. I have no intention of telling you my likes and dislikes. As for my dream... I have few hobbies."


"Your turn, emo" Kakashi said as he looked at Sasuke.
"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I don't particularly like anything and I dislike a lot of things. What I have is not a dream... because I will make it a reality. I will restore my clan's glory and destroy a certain ... someone." Ok so we have a Hokage wannabe, an obsessive fan girl, and an emo avenger. Nice. Thought Kakashi. Then he turned to the Fox ANBU.
"Well, since your gonna be a part of team 7, why don't you also introduce yourself?" The Fox ANBU smiled.
"My name is Fox. I have likes and dislikes. I have a dream and some hobbies." Everyone turned to stare at him, feeling their sweat drop down their faces at his introduction. ITS WORSE THAN KAKASHI-SENSEI'S!!! Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto thought although Naruto already knew plenty about Fox anyway.
"Well then... Meet me tomorrow at the training grounds for your test." Kakashi said. Sakura and Sasuke's heads both came up at Kakashi's words. "Of the 27 Genin that graduated today, only 9 will actually make it as a Genin for more than one day. Those who fail the test... well they get sent back to the academy" Kakashi said nonchalantly.

"Don't eat anything or you'll puke" Kakashi warned them. "Well then... you're free to do whatever you want for the rest of the day. Remember tomorrow, training grounds at 5am!" Team 7 stared at Kakashi as if he was insane. Kakashi smiled and shunshin'd away. The fox ANBU walked up to Naruto.
"Hey don't depressed about tomorrow's test. I'm sure you'll pass it just fine!" He ruffled Naruto's hair while Sakura and (secretly) Sasuke watched in shock. Naruto hadn't retaliated or yelled at him for messing with his hair. This was definitely a first.
"Wait why Naruto specifically, Fox-sensei?" Sakura asked. Fox turned to look at her.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Well... It's just... ITS NARUTO! He's deadlast anyway!" Sakura protested. Fox looked uncertain for a moment. But they all noticed Naruto's reaction. Instead of yelling or complaining, his eyes widened before he looked at the ground, unresponsive. It was as if Naruto had accepted those words as the truth. His fists clenched and relaxed repetitively. Even Sakura was shocked by the lack of argument.

"I... I'm sorry Naruto I didn't mean for it to come out like that" Sakura tried to explain.
"Thanks Sakura" Naruto replied sarcastically. "Nice to know I have real nice and supportive team mates. Makes me feel like I'm a part of the team... ya know." He stood up and ran off while they stared in shock. Sakura and Sasuke couldn't believe it. This Naruto is completely different to the Naruto in the past? What the hell happened?? They both thought.
"...kid... Why did this have to turn out like that Minato..." They heard Fox say as he shunshin'd away.
"Minato??" Sakura said, confused as all hell. She turned to look at Sasuke.
"Oh Sasuke... I-" Sakura began.
"You're annoying" Sasuke said bluntly as he walked to the stairs. Sakura couldn't believe her ears. OH MY GOD HE TALKED TO ME! Was all Sakura could think about. HA! IN YOUR FACE INO-PIG! She looked up to see Sasuke walking down the stairs, with his hands in his pockets.
"Sa-Sasuke wait up!" Sakura called out as she ran after him.


The next morning at 5 am, Sasuke and Sakura both arrived at the training grounds that Kakashi-sensei had instructed them to arrive at.
"So... Sasuke, what do you think this test is?" Sakura asked, trying to start a conversation. She looked around but couldn't see Naruto.
"So... Sasuke, where do you think Kakashi-sensei and Naruto are?"
"..." Sakura was about to give up and yell when she saw a lone figure walking towards them. It was Naruto. And he looked a little... rough.
"Naruto where were you! You are so late! Kakashi-sensei is going to kill you!" Sakura yelled at her teammate, who ignored her and walked past them both before lying down on the grass by the training field and passing out shortly after. Both of them stared at Naruto for a few seconds, thinking that he went to sleep.

"What is up with that guy anyway?" Sakura whispered to Sasuke as she moved closer to him. "I mean, he has no parents, he's deadlast, and he's a trouble making prankster! You'd think his parents would have taught him better before running away..." Sasuke glared at her heartless comments.

"You are so annoying... hn... you don't know anything about him" Sasuke replied sharply. He was pretty pissed. After all, Naruto was in a similar situation as he was. No parents, no nothing.

"That's correct. You two don't know anything about his situation" the Fox ANBU said as he appeared in front of them. They both jumped. It was uncanny that the Fox ANBU had chose this time to appear, and that he might have heard what they were talking about earlier. Fox put his hands onto Naruto's body. Sakura and Sasuke stared quizzically at him.
"Uh... Fox-sensei? What are you doing?" Sakura asked. Fox looked at them for a moment before looking back at Naruto.
"None of your business" He growled out angrily, which shocked both of them. What is going on here??? Sasuke thought as he stared at them. Was he mad at us for no reason? What the heck! Sasuke and I haven't done anything wrong! Sakura thought as she tried to analyze the situation. Surely they didn't do something wrong. Right?

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