9 (Edited)

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* fixed error

"If it isn't Naruto Uzumaki..." Three ninja approached them. Naruto stood up warily and moved in front of his friends.
"TAKE THIS!" The leading ninja yelled and immediately put his fingers in a T sign. "Oiroke: Onnanoko Dōshi no Jutsu (sexy: girl on girl jutsu)!" The boy yelled and immediately a puff of smoke appeared, and then stepping out of the smoke were two naked girls making out in front of everyone.
"EH?!?!?!" All the guys yelled, and Kiba fell backwards with an intense nosebleed.
"Konohamaru..." Naruto chuckled awkwardly at his antics. "I don't think that's the way to go now..." Naruto meaningfully glanced at all Temari who was being restrained by Shikamaru.
"Let me go... I'll teach this brat not to mess with girls!" Temari screeched while Yuki was covering her eyes.
"Daddy is it safe to look now?" She asked. Konohamaru transformed back into himself.
"Sorry boss, I actually wanted to show you my new jutsu!" Konohamaru explained.
"Ok go for it!" Naruto exclaimed as everyone crowded around him. Even Yuki uncovered her eyes.
"Kage Bunshin no jutsu (showdown clone jutsu)!" Konohamaru made a few shadow clones. Everyone stared at him.
"No no wait! Here it is! Oiroke: Otokonoko Dōshi no Jutsu (sexy: boy on boy jutsu)!" Konohamaru shouted and another puff of smoke appeared before disappearing in the wind. There was a naked Naruto, Shikamaru, Kiba and Shino making out.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Naruto and the guys shouted.
"KYAAAAA!!" Hinata cried out and fainted from the shock.
"Tōchan? Is that you?" Yuki asked and everyone immediately turned to look at her.
"Uh... Yuki don't look! It's not real!" Naruto said quickly covering her eyes. His glare turned to Konohamaru.
"Konohamaru!!!!!!" He shouted. Everyone gulped as Konohamaru and his two friends ran away screaming.
"I'm sorry Boss!!!" They yelled.
"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Naruto yelled, his voice thundering across the open air. And then everyone's gaze shifted to Temari.

"Say... Temari... " Kiba began with a sly smile. Temari turned red in an instant.
"How was... Pineapple's body?" Kiba asked. Temari turned even redder than Hinata could possibly hope to turn. Thank god Hinata isn't here to see this! It would be so awkward! Naruto thought.
"Yeah yeah, we all know Hinata fantasizes about your naked body anyway..." Kurama joked. Naruto glared at him in his mindscape. Kurama immediately backed up.
"Woah woah woah it's a joke chill out dude!" Kurama tried to explain.
"It better be" Naruto replied before focusing on the conversation his friends were having.
"I said... SH-SHUT UP!" Temari stuttered which shocked everyone. She had never stuttered in her life before.
"Aww you stuttered how cute!" Kiba smirked. She screamed in anger and grabbed her fan.
"COME HERE YOU DOG BOY!" She yelled and ran at him.
"I'm out!" Kiba yelled but he was held down by Shikamaru's shadows.
"OI! Shikamaru!!!" Kiba yelled at his friend before Temari opened her fan and blew Kiba across the field. Everyone just stared at her.
"Ok enough funny business it's time to actually prepare for the Chūnin exams!" Shikamaru reminded everyone and the left, not before Kiba finally ran back. Placing Hinata onto Akamaru, Kiba smiled at Naruto.
"I'm glad your back, Naruto, if even for a short time. We've missed you so much... And Hinata needs someone to love her after her father disowned her..." Kiba waved and headed for the Inuzuka compound.

"Let's go Yuki!" Naruto said as he watched all his friends depart.
"Ok Tōchan!" Yuki said giggling as she noticed a masked man taking one of the books from Jiraiya's gravestone while placing another one down. Luckily Naruto didn't notice or there would have been hell to pay for that certain masked man.


"Ok here is where we are staying... In the Nara compound apparently." Naruto looked up at the Nara compound and sighed. Oh well. He knew he would have to share the guest bedroom with Temari.
"Ah what the hell, we're good friends! She wouldn't mind..." Naruto muttered hopefully. He looked down at his arms where Yuki had fallen asleep. She'd had a big day. He shook her gently.
"Yuki? Time for dinner..." He murmured as he walked into the Nara house. It was a large, spacious house and the first thing he saw was a family portrait of Shikamaru, Shikamaru's mother, and his father, Shikaku. His heart stopped beating momentarily when he thought of the situation he and Yuki were in.
"Ah... There you are... Mr..." Shikamaru's mother began, waiting for him to provide his name.
"Namikaze Naruto..." Naruto said. To be honest he wasn't actually going to use his father's name but since he had already displayed a mastery over his father's Hiraishin jutsu, he decided he'd now be called Namikaze Naruto. He decided he would change Uzumaki to his middle name.
"Ah... Namikaze ... - WAIT! Namikaze?!?" She peered closely at him and then gasped.
"I feel like I'm looking at the reincarnated Yondaime Hokage..." She said, feeling faint. She pointed towards the dining room.
"Come in... " she said once more, feeling a little hot and a little flustered by the appearance of a hot, young man at her door. He certainly got his father's looks that was for sure.

They headed inside and walked to the dining room where Shikaku, Shikamaru and Temari were already seated. Naruto raised an eyebrow and Temari and Shikamaru both blushed.
"Shikaku! Shikaku! It's -" Shikamaru's mother ran in.
"The Yondaime Hokage's reincarnation!" Shikaku gasped at the young man in front of him.
"No..." Shikamaru said. "That's his son, Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto." Shikamaru spoke the long name fluently and his parents merely stared Naruto like they had seen a ghost.
"Where have you been all this time??" They asked. Naruto glanced awkwardly to the ground.
"You may or may not remember Uzumaki Naruto being banished from the village a while ago..." Naruto hinted. Shikaku's face turned sour.
"Well it's good to see you! That bloody idiotic council... Danzo swayed the civilian council and somehow got Hiashi to vote you out, against me, Sarutobi, Inuzuka and the Aburame clan heads. Sorry." Shikaku said as he bowed his head.
"Please please... I don't bear a grudge." Naruto said with a peaceful and calming voice in order to relieve the tension that had been building up in the room.
"Oh... But I do!" A dark voice came from behind Naruto as a fox ANBU appeared. Naruto sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Drama queen" he muttered under his breath.
"Bastard" came the reply.
"Horny jerk!" Kurama muttered before receiving a smack to his head.
"Enough of the banter Kurama I gotta eat and feed Yuki!" Naruto said as he placed Yuki in a chair next to him.
"I know..." Kurama said as he walked up and placed his face close to Yuki's.
"Remember me?" He asked with a smile before morphing his ears into fox ears and growing nine tails. Yuki giggled and rubbed the soft ears.
"Foxy chan!"


"Alright I'm gonna take Yuki to bed now..." Naruto said as he left the lounge where they were all talking and sipping alcohol. It was really just a catch up session in all honesty and the Nara head couldn't have been happier. He had remembered seeing the young Naruto somehow giving Shikamaru more energy when he was near him. Naruto meanwhile had walked up the stairs to the guest bedroom. Kissing Yuki's forehead, he lay the sleeping girl on the bed and covered her with the blankets on the bed. Temari is probably gonna be sleeping in here... He thought to himself, glad that Kurama wasn't there to answer with an innuendo. He was downstairs chatting and drinking. Naruto prepared a mattress on the floor for himself. Knowing Temari she wouldn't miss a chance to cuddle with the cute Yuki. The door opened and Kurama came in, slightly drunk.
"Come over here..." Naruto said as he grabbed Kurama, and twisted his hands on the seal, reabsorbing Kurama's chakra back into him. As he lay on the futon, he wondered why Temari was taking her time.

"Shika... Ahh..." He heard. Temari?? There was a slight groan.
"Ah... Mari... AHHH" Naruto sat up. There was some more unidentifiable noises before he could hear more panting.
"Shika!! ... Nnnnn I can't...!"
"AHHH... Mari I love you so MUCH"
"Oh god... Shika!"
Naruto face palmed. Of course! Naruto replace the futon in the wardrobe and climbed into bed with Yuki. Pulling her close, he listened to her breathing and heartbeat before drifting off to sleep.

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