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The sound of screams and explosions filled the air. Naruto looked on impassively as him and Baki coordinated the Suna shinobi's movements and attacks. So far, they were quite successful in their defences, able to repel the attacking Iwa shinobi but they were taking far too many casualties for their liking. There was really no mistaking it. The Iwa shinobi had been prepared to launch a full scale offensive, and now, Naruto and Baki could see that they were stretching the Suna defences. Suddenly Baki shook Naruto's shoulder and pointed at the small floating figure who appeared to be leading the next wave of ninja. Naruto narrowed his eyes.
"That's the Tsuchikage... damn it. It looks like he's planning on ending this now. Tell everyone to stay out of the fight. He's dangerous with his particle style." Naruto ordered Baki, before he donned his battle gear.
"I'm the only one who can take him on. Perhaps I'll be able to buy enough time for Gaara to get here and stop the attacks." Naruto mused as he ran forward.

Across the battlefield, Onoki smiled as he watched Naruto head towards him. The nine tails jinchuriki was falling into their trap. He watched as Naruto neared him. Rat Boar Snake.
"Particle style! Atomic dismantling jutsu!" Onoki shouted as he formed a square of chakra before he shot it at Naruto. Naruto grimaced as he saw it shooting at him with incredible speed.
"Now Kurama!" Naruto said and he felt the fox respond with a surge of his own chakra. Naruto used it to increase his speed and swiftly dodged to the side, only to see the Tsuchikage grinning at him.
"Raikage!" He screeched out and the rocks beside Naruto suddenly burst outwards due to sheer power. Naruto's eyes could only widen fractionally before a large man smashed into him with his arm, sending Naruto flying backwards. All he could hear was the man shouting "Lariat!" before he felt his throat getting crushed by the tremendous power. Naruto lay on the ground, his throat crushed, but was slowly beginning to heal due to the kyuubi's regenerative powers. Two shadows loomed over him and he recognised them as the Tsuchikage and the Raikage. They both grinned as they looked at him.
"That's one more jinchuriki to add to our collection." The Raikage said as he produced what looked like a large sealing urn. Naruto closed his eyes, and entered his mindscape.
"Kurama? A little help here?" Naruto asked the fox. Kurama shrugged apologetically.
"Sorry kid. I can't do anything right now. Unless you want me to take over..." Kurama said. Naruto thought it over for a moment.
"Sure." Naruto said as he surrendered his consciousness to Kurama's. Immediately, the air around Naruto and the two Kage began to thicken with chakra. The raw chakra being emitted from Naruto's body was enough to cause the two Kage to back off slightly. Naruto's throat was instantly healed and his eyes snapped back open, red slits instead of blue eyes, glaring at them both.
"It looks like the Kyuubi has come out to play..." chuckled an unseen person and the two Kage looked at the person who had just walked into Naruto's vision.
"Took you long enough, Danzo." The Raikage muttered.

Danzo gestured towards the two Kage.
"Let's get this thing going already and stop wasting time." He said. Both the Kage grunted and the Raikage placed the sealing urn down in front of them. Naruto tried to move, but found that Danzo had secretly placed a paralysis seal on him. He could only growl in anger. Danzo brought his hands up.
"I've been digging up a lot of secrets just to find out how to unlock your seal, Naruto. But then I decided it would be better to just extract the bijuu." Danzo placed his hands together to form a hand seal, and Naruto felt a lurch in his stomach as his seal slowly started to unseal itself. Danzo began to grin wickedly as the nine tails chakra started to leak uncontrollably out of the seal. Suddenly, sand burst out of the ground and wrapped itself around Danzo, stopping the unsealing whilst a great gust of wind forced the other two Kage to back off a bit.
"Kazekage..." Danzo muttered. "Back off! This is Leaf business." Gaara scowled at him.
"With my shinobi." Gaara said angrily as he floated down to land next to Naruto. Kankuro and Temari also landed behind Gaara, with Temari checking over Naruto to see if he was seriously wounded.
"Naruto? Are you alright?" Temari asked. Naruto gave her a grin and a thumbs up.
"You guys got here just in time." Naruto said as he stood up, finally released from the paralysis seal. He stretched before getting his kunai out.
"Lets go!" Naruto yelled as he threw his kunai at Danzo. Naruto felt a hand resting on his shoulder, preventing him from moving forward and engaging the two Kage and Danzo.
"First off, tell us about that Leaf guy." Gaara said as he stared at Danzo.
"His name is Danzo... and he is a ruthless shinobi, dealing with everything that is a threat to the Leaf village, even if through unsanctioned methods... and he has also disobeyed the Hokage's orders multiple times... he even tried to get rid of me, Gaara, so be careful."


Naruto was stood at the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village. Danzo walked forward whilst everyone else watched, silently.
"Uzumaki Naruto, you are hereby banished from Konohagakure for crimes against the village, bodily harm and intent to kill. Any last words?" Danzo smirked at Naruto who looked up pleadingly.
"I haven't done anything wrong!" SLAP! Danzo looked down at the boy.
"Shut up! Demon" he added. "You have a few minutes to say good bye... if you have anyone to say goodbye to... Hah" Danzo sneered. Naruto looked up.
"Sandaime Hokage..." He ran and hugged Hiruzen whilst crying. "Why is this happening to me?" Hiruzen couldn't stop the tears from his own eyes.
"I'm sorry Naruto... I wasn't able to keep you in the village."
Suddenly, two ROOT ninja detached themselves from Danzo's side and grabbed Naruto.
"Times up!" They said cackling and dragged him towards the gate.
"Sandaime!" Naruto screamed out as he tried to fight the ROOT ninja.
"Naruto!" Hiruzen struggled but Hiashi was holding him back.
"Why Hiashi?" Hiruzen asked as he continued to try and free himself from Hiashi's hold.

"It's for the best, Lord Hokage" Hiashi replied grimly. Everyone watched as Naruto was dragged out of the village by Danzo's bodyguards.
"Naruto!" Hinata and Kiba screamed out but two ninja quickly ran in and restrained them.
"Ok that's far enough!" Danzo ordered. "Now kill him." Everyone's eyes went wide.
"Danzo what are you doing?!" Hiruzen and Hiashi both yelled out as Hiashi let go of Hiruzen. They were too far to stop Danzo's henchmen. Withdrawing their kunai, the two threw them with deadly precision at Naruto's unprotected back.
"NARUTO!" The third Hokage cried out desperately.


Naruto closed his eyes for a brief moment and shed a tear at the memory of his banishment.
"Ok. Let's go." Naruto opened his eyes and everyone could see a band of orange form around them. He had entered sage mode. Temari, Kankuro and Gaara nodded to each other. If Naruto was entering sage mode, then Danzo would be a really tough opponent. Readying his sand, Gaara attacked first, making a frontal attacking while Temari jumped to the side in order to swing her fan. Kankuro summoned his puppets from a scroll while Naruto began to prepare his chakra for a jutsu.

"Lord Danzo?" A voice of disbelief said and everyone stopped and turned. Sasuke and the rest of the Konoha ninja had arrived. There was an awkward silence before Tsunade spoke up.
"Danzo... you traitor!" She screamed before she charged in to stand next to Naruto.
"Leaf Shinobi! ROOT and Danzo are not to be trusted!" Tsunade yelled before she glared at Danzo. As they prepared to strike again, Danzo simply said one sentence which almost shattered Naruto's heart.
"If I'm captured, my men will kill Yuki Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga." He spoke with a cold sneer. The three Sand siblings froze alongside Naruto. Impossible! Temari was thinking. How could he?! Gaara thought.

Oops hehe! Accidentally pressed the publish button again while writing LOL. So clumsy. Anyway... enjoy!!

Also I have a new project in the works, if you're interested, then keep an eye out and I'll be posting the first chapter soon.

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