6 (Edited)

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** fixed spelling mistake
*** changed tōsan to tōchan
chan - Short for father (Otō-San), more informal

"It can't be! You're not a murderer????" They all asked him. Naruto could have face palmed himself right then and there if it wasn't for the fact that his students lay dead at his feet. He felt the emotions within him surge again.
"No" he said, trusting himself to only say one word. He couldn't say anything else. His former team had just killed his students because of the order of the corrupt Lord Mifune and they didn't even recognise him. Naruto didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. His appearance hadn't even changed that much at all anyway. He raised the three pronged kunai in his hand. The three immediately tensed, ready for action. He grabbed all three of his students.
"Give me chakra Kurama!!" He screamed out loud, not caring who saw or heard him.
"Kid your not seriously going to kill them are you?" Kurama's voice sounded as he appeared next to Naruto. Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura jumped backwards and readied their own kunai.
"No I'm not! I need to use the Hiraishin and get to a safe zone in one go!" Naruto said and Kurama nodded. Kurama took out a scroll and laid it on the ground. He rapidly formed some hand seals and the seal on the scroll glowed.
"Ok kid I've activated the Hiraishin formula in Shukaku's office. All that's left is for you to use the jutsu!" Kurama said as he rolled the scroll up and disappeared back into Naruto. They had agreed many years ago that when Naruto was ready to accept Gaara's offer, he would activate the Hiraishin formula that Naruto had placed in Gaara's office. And they also agreed with Gaara that outside of Sunagakure, they would call Gaara by his tailed beast name: Shukaku. Naruto close his eyes and concentrated on gathering his chakra.
"GrrrrrrAHHHHHHH!" Naruto yelled out, releasing all of his chakra that he had gathered at once. He teleported into Gaara's office in Sunagakure before Kakashi, Sasuke or Sakura could stop him.

Clutching the bodies of his students, he let out a loud howl of pain and anguish and finally let his tears flow. There was a scuffle of feet and the door to the Kazekage's office burst open and in came Temari, Kankuro and of course Gaara. At the sight of the bloody children and a crying Naruto they stopped.
"Naruto?" Temari asked. She looked at the bodies of his students and bit back a sob.
"They killed my students!" Naruto yelled out in grief.
"They killed ... my ..." Naruto cried into Temari's shoulder as Kankuro and Gaara came forward to hug him. The three sand siblings where also holding back their own tears. Naruto had brought the three over to visit them whenever he was free - and they had become good friends.
"What's wrong?" Naruto heard another familiar voice say as more footsteps approached the office.
"Mari?" He heard and Naruto looked up. Firstly at Temari who was now blushing redder than Naruto had ever seen.
"Uh not right now please" Temari called out as she looked down at the bodies.
"Naruto... I'll prepare the children for a proper funeral..." Kankuro said as he gathered the children up and shunshin'd out of the office. Gaara placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder.
"I think... you should prepare yourself" Gaara said as the office door opened, and in walked a man with black pineapple hair.
"Mari what's wrong?" Shikamaru asked as he looked at Temari. Then his gaze shifted to the blonde man sitting on the floor next to the blushing Temari.
"Don't call me that in front of people!" Temari managed to force out.

"Na-Naruto?" Shikamaru finally said as he recognised the blonde hair and the blue eyes.
"Shikamaru?" Naruto couldn't believe it. One of his friends from Konoha was here! He stood up and the both of them hugged.
"Naruto... I haven't seen you since that day. I'm so glad your not hurt!" Shikamaru said as he felt tears form in his eyes. He hadn't seen Naruto at all after that day and he was worried sick for a month. Of course he had it easy. Hinata was depressed for the whole year and was only seen outside when either him, Shino or Kiba where there to walk with her. Naruto felt a sharp pain in his heart at Shikamaru's mention of that day.
"How... How's Hinata?" Naruto finally managed to ask. He felt Shikamaru stiffen.
"She's... She was depressed for the whole year... And now she lives with Kiba." Naruto's arms dropped from the hug. His heart couldn't take the pain anymore. Naruto staggered backwards and fell down.
"What happened before I got here?" Shikamaru asked Gaara. Gaara was looking out the window and turned to face Shikamaru.
"Someone killed his students." Gaara replied sadly.
"Hey, Naruto..." Shikamaru chuckled awkwardly as he realised what he just told him.
"When I said Hinata was living with Kiba... It's because Hiashi disowned her... And she has no where to live anymore... That's all... Hinata still loves you deeply..." He explained, trying to get Naruto to feel better.
"It was Sasuke" Naruto said. Everyone looked at him in a puzzled way.
"Sasuke? What do you mean Sasuke?" They chorused.
"SASUKE KILLED THEM!" Naruto yelled out. And then he felt himself weaken, the stress and despair too much for him to handle.
"NARUTO!" He heard his friends call out as he fainted.


"I gotta go back to the Leaf village Naruto..." Shikamaru said as they neared the gate. He had spent much more time in the Sand village than he had thought he would. Even though he was organizing Chūnin exams with the Sand village, he spent an extra week after the funeral of Naruto's students helping Naruto cope with depression and the trauma of the deaths of his students. To say they were unable to help him was an understatement. Naruto had sunk deep into his depression, quickly becoming just a shell of his former self.
"Bye Shikamaru..." Naruto said flatly, his eyes staring far off into the distance.
"I'll tell the others your here so they can visit you... I'm sure Hinata will come..." Shikamaru said, trying to cheer him up. Naruto's face brightened for a moment.
"Alright. Bye" Naruto said as he focused back onto Shikamaru. Shikamaru smiled. Just mentioning Hinata's name often snapped Naruto out of whatever mood he was in. But it didn't last too long.
"Well, see you around then" Shikamaru said as he left. Naruto turned around and walked through the streets of the Sand village, ignoring all the girls who were vying for his attention. It was funny - they didn't seem to realise he was super depressed. He was brought out of his thoughts when someone crashed into him.

"HEY! Get back here, you good for nothing scum bag!" Naruto heard angry shopkeepers yelling and he looked down. A little girl was lying on the ground, crying and barely conscious. She was small, and thin. Much thinner than a normal girl should be at her age. She was clutching a piece of bread which Naruto assumed was stolen from the shopkeeper.
"Hey you! Help me get my bread back!" The shopkeeper yelled at him. Sighing, he made up his mind. Tossing the shopkeeper some money, he bent down and picked the girl up.
"There, there... It's alright now. Your safe, I won't let anyone harm you, believe it!" He said as the girl looked at him. Shoving his way through the crowd of people, he made his way to his own home. Watching from the shadows, Gaara smiled. Finally his friend had something to occupy his mind. Gaara knew from personal experience that pain such as the one Naruto felt couldn't go away. But Gaara knew all it took for that pain to subside till it was just a dull ache only when one thought about it was to have someone who cared for you or for you to care for someone.
"Lord Kazekage!" Several ninja appeared in front of Gaara. "You need to go back to the office to sign some important paperwork!" Gaara sighed. I. HATE. PAPERWORK! He thought as he watched Naruto enter his house before he left for his office, muttering curses and other 'choice' phrases that had his ANBU bodyguards gulping in fear around him.

"What's your name?" Naruto asked the little girl as he laid her down on his bed. Her frightened blue eyes stared up into his, before they relaxed slightly.
"Y-Y-Yuki" she whispered and Naruto froze slightly at that name.


"Call me Yuki, Naruto-Sensei!" The red haired girl said and Naruto smiled.
"Sure thing... Yuki" Naruto grinned and look at the two boys.
"Any nicknames you want me to call them too?" Naruto asked with a smile and Suyuki smiled back at him.
"Call Fuuka idiot and Misaki smartass!" Suyuki said, pointing at her teammates and their jaws dropped in shock.
"Hey that's not fair!" Misaki shouted.
"What are you saying Misaki... WAIT WHAT THAT ISN'T FAIR!!" Fuuka shouted. Naruto smiled and winked at Suyuki.
"I sure will!"


Yuki looked up at Naruto who relaxed when he realised the girl was waiting for him to say something.
"My name is Naruto... say where are your parents?" He asked. He saw the sad expression cross her face and he immediately hugged her tightly.
"Never mind that... How old are you?"
"Fi-five" Yuki whispered as she closed her eyes slowly. She was tired and looked to be on the verge of falling asleep.
"Sleep well... Yuki" Naruto whispered as he went to stand up and go to the couch in the living room. He was feeling a bit tired too.
"Don't go... Tōchan..." He heard Yuki whisper and felt her small hands wrap around his arm. He felt his heart throb in what felt like happiness when he heard that.
"Tōchan..." He thought, his heart swelling up in happiness.
"Maybe you should hurry up and stay with her before she leaves you..." Kurama said sarcastically as he meditated.
"Shut it foxy you ruined the moment!" Naruto replied. He climbed onto the bed as well and pulled Yuki closer to him.
"I won't ever let anyone harm you... Yuki..." He whispered as he fell asleep on the bed, his arms wrapped protectively around her.

*I almost cried writing this one :') hope you guys enjoy my story so far... And I might also update again real soon as I have a lot of 'steam' (motivation and ideas) right now.

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