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Naruto sat down next to Temari as Ibiki gave out the test papers and told all the Gēnin the rules. Temari grinned and squeezed Naruto's hand gently. Naruto had been trying not to look in the direction of Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi who were all sitting on the sides watching the Gēnin too.
"I know how you feel and I don't blame you... to be honest if something like that happened, I would have killed them. But you have a kind heart, so don't let it get to you and be yourself..." Temari comforted Naruto and Naruto smiled. She really was like the sister he never had. After a long time, with several teams failing and being escorted out of the room, Ibiki finally called a stop to the exam. The tenth question was a do or die situation which weeded out a few more teams. Temari was busying thinking about the time she was here doing these exams.
"Yo... Temari... You and Shikamaru are the proctors for the second exam..." Naruto leaned to whisper into Temari's ear.
"Oh... OH!" Temari suddenly stood up when she noticed Shikamaru was already standing beside Ibiki. Giving her a thumbs up, Naruto sat back and chuckled. But then he noticed Sasuke moving closer. Sasuke sat in Temari's seat and looked Naruto dead in the eye. Naruto glared at him. He still saw his dead students reflected in Sasuke's eyes.
"What's up?" Naruto asked, clearly pissed. Sakura and Kakashi approached him also.
"Well?" He asked sarcastically. "Are we going to be playing doll house and drinking tea here? Spit it out!" Sasuke looked unnerved before Sakura finally spoke.
"We've missed you..." She started. Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"Oh really? Considering the fact none of you tried to look for me I would say I was missed!" He spat out and they flinched.

"Naruto sensei!" His temporary Gēnin team approached them and Naruto stood up.
"Excuse me, while I go and talk to people who actually care." Naruto said harshly as he moved to his Seito's Gēnin team.
"So how was it? Did you guys figure out the purpose of the test then?" Naruto teased as he knew they had passed. He sensed Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke approaching them so he put a hand on Akaedo and Reido's shoulders.
"Hold on tight!" He told Matsuri as she clutched Akaedo's arm. Just as Sasuke was about to place a hand on him, Naruto used the Hiraishin and teleported to the training grounds where he had left a marked kunai there for emergency situations.
"Who were they?" Matsuri asked. Naruto grimaced.
"My old team... they abandoned me the moment I was banished for defending myself..." Naruto said and he saw the Gēnin team flinch.
"Promise me you three won't ever abandon each other ok? No matter what anyone thinks, it's a cruel fate to be abandoned by those close to you..." They all nodded before a sudden flash appeared in front of them all and team 7 stood there. Sasuke stepped forward.
"The council wants you to come back to Konoha... Please come back, we've missed you..." Sasuke spoke but Naruto shook his head. Sasuke looked desperate.
"Then fight me! If I win, you come back to Konoha!" Sasuke called out in a last ditch attempt.
"And if I win?" Naruto retorted.
"Then we won't bother you anymore..." Sasuke said, almost inaudibly. Naruto nodded.
"Fine..." He motioned with his fingers and his Gēnin team jumped back.

"Don't lose sensei!" Reido shouted and they all saw Kakashi and Sakura flinch again. Naruto smiled.
"I don't plan to..." He told his team. Sasuke jumped forward and flashed through some hand signs.
"Fire style: fireball jutsu!(cause I'm lazy and don't wanna look up Japanese translations)" Sasuke yelled and blew a massive fireball at Naruto.
"Water style: water dragon jutsu!" Naruto countered and a massive water dragon formed from the ground and intercepted the fireball, cancelling each other out. Sasuke drew his sword and dashed forward, aiming multiple strikes at Naruto. Naruto countered with his special kunai, before kicking Sasuke back. Sasuke flipped backwards and landed on his feet. He activated his Sharingan. Naruto smiled when he saw it. So that Uchiha is going serious now is he... Naruto smiled and jumped back.
"Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto formed dozens of shadow clones which didn't hesitate to attack Sasuke. Meanwhile Naruto jumped back some more, and landed with his legs crossed and his eyes closed.
"I got you already kid!" Kurama replied, his hands already clasped together, helping Naruto generate Sage chakra. Sasuke dispelled the last of the shadow clones and rushed at Naruto who still had his eyes closed.
"Sensei!" The Gēnin team shouted. Sasuke brought his sword down onto Naruto's head, only for Naruto to open his eyes at the last second which had turned into red slits and he had a band of orange around each eye. He countered the sword strike with his open palm, which shattered Sasuke's sword in an instant.
"WHAT?" Sasuke yelled as he jumped back. Naruto jumped up and went on attack, hitting Sasuke faster than Sasuke ever thought he would. Sasuke managed to countered each one with his own attack to nullify Naruto's, but the last one was too fast for Sasuke so he had to block. Instantly, the force of Naruto's kick launched Sasuke backwards.
"What is this? How is Naruto so strong?" Sasuke spat out a tooth. He held out his hand and immediately lightning nature chakra began to crackle around it.
"Chidori!" Sasuke yelled as he ran towards Naruto. Naruto held out his hand and a sphere of chakra began to form, along with 4 sharp spinning blades of pure chakra, giving it the appearance of a rotating shuriken.
"Wind style: Rasenshuriken!" Naruto yelled and threw it at Sasuke. Everyone was shocked. Naruto had just chucked massively condensed chakra at Sasuke and made it look easy.
"Woah... Sensei is so cool!" Reido shouted and his two team members nodded in awe.

Sasuke extended his Chidori in front of him, trying to pierce the center to stop the attack but he realised it wasn't going to work. Activating his mangekyo Sharingan, he dispelled his Chidori.
"SUSANOO!" Sasuke yelled as a purple see through armor like structure appeared and surrounded Sasuke, blocking the Rasenshuriken attack.
"Go Sasuke!" Sakura shouted. Reido and Akaedo looked at her.
"Sasuke won't beat our sensei!" They shouted but Sakura smiled at them.
"Sasuke's an Uchiha! They are revered as a genius clan and there's no way Sasuke's going to lose to Naruto!" Sakura replied. Naruto shook his head when he heard Sakura. So much for change. Naruto closed his eyes. Then he clasped his hands together.
"Shadow clone jutsu!" He made 100 clones appear in front of him. Sasuke smirked.
"That's not going to get through my susanno!" Sasuke shouted.
"Yeah yeah..." Naruto rolled his eyes. Him and all his clones held out both hands and formed giant rasengan in each hand.
"Sage art: Odama Rasengan!" Naruto and his 100 clones shouted and they all leapt at Sasuke. Sasuke tried to slash at them with his susanoo but there were too many and all the giant rasengan exploded onto his susanoo, destroying it immediately and sending Sasuke flying. Sasuke landed on the ground and coughed.

Naruto landed on the ground and withdrew a sword. Twirling it around, Naruto stopped and pointed it straight at Sasuke's heart.
"You should yield..." Naruto said. Sasuke opened his left eye.
"Never! Tsukuyomi!" Sasuke tried to cast it but he realised Naruto's eyes were closed the whole time. Naruto slammed the sword into Sasuke's clothing, pinning him to the ground. Then he ducked as Sakura's fist sailed through the air where his head was.
"What the hell you idiot?! You could have killed Sasuke!" Sakura yelled at him.
"It's a fight..." Naruto said rolling his eyes. Kakashi and the Gēnin team landed next to Sasuke and Naruto.
"Looks like I won..." Naruto said. "And I would love to kill Sasuke..." Everyone stared at him like he was mad. Sakura stood in front of Sasuke.
"I won't let you do that! You have no right!" She shouted.
"Like he had every right to kill my Gēnin team in front of me... About one month ago... Don't you remember that mission, Sakura?" Naruto asked in a sarcastic voice as he turned to walk away.
"What?? Sasuke didn't kill anyone's Gēnin team. We just killed 3 thieves and murderers like the feudal lord commissioned us to."
"HE LIED TO YOU! THEY WERE MY GĒNIN TEAM!" Naruto yelled back and slapped her hard across the face.
"Akaedo, Reido, Matsuri! Come! I'm not going to be the one telling Seito you guys were killed by the untrustworthy and backstabbing leaf ninja!" Naruto stalked off the field angrily and the Gēnin team followed after him in shock.

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