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Naruto was fuming silently as he paced around the central tower, waiting for any word or sighting of his Gēnin team. It had been two days since the start of the second exam in the forest of death and Naruto was still pissed at his former team 7. Temari opened the door to the Jōnin sensei area and looked at Naruto.
"They will be fine..." Temari said although Naruto was anything but. He looked up at her.
"I don't know... I just think something bad is going to happen. I mean look at all the Chūnin exam participants. It just the Sand and the Leaf and a few minor villages. The Mist, Cloud and Stone rejected. Surely something is amiss..." Temari shrugged.
"It's the way of the ninja world. I don't think anyone here actually minds though. Tell you what, I'll help you relieve that stress and tension..." Temari said as she walked over to Naruto. She pushed Naruto face first onto the couch before taking his shirt off. Flexing her fingers, she began to massage him. Naruto lay there and felt the tension in his muscles fade away as Temari continued her massage.
"I don't know what I'd do without you..." He joked and Temari smiled.
"Oh come on, I'm basically your older sister! And you have two brothers that really care for you, too!" As Temari continued her massage, the door to the lounge opened and Kankuro and Gaara both walked in.

"Aw, sis! You didn't tell me you were giving out massages!" Kankuro grinned. Temari stuck her tongue out at him.
"I'm only giving Naruto one because he is so stressed out right now..." Temari stood up and Naruto pouted. Giggling, she ruffled his hair a bit.
"I'm going to go eat now..." Temari said as she left Naruto with Kankuro and Gaara. They watched as Temari left before Gaara sat down.
"So I heard that you had a fight against Sasuke yesterday..." Gaara started, motioning for Naruto to tell him what happened. Naruto ran his fingers through his hair before responding.
"Yeah... They just wouldn't leave me alone, and then Sasuke challenged me to a fight. Apparently the council just wants me back in Konoha all of a sudden. No doubt they don't want to lose their jinchūriki to the sand village..." Naruto said with a sly smile and Gaara laughed.
"Well, the elders of any council are always old fashioned and stubborn." Kankuro stood up as they heard footsteps approaching the lounge.
"Quiet... Don't want anyone listening in to our discussion..." Kankuro whispered and they all tensed up. The door knob was rattled a bit before the door opened.
"Tōchan!" The happy brown haired girl burst into the room with an ice cream followed by Temari. Everyone inside relaxed.
"Uncle Kage! Uncle Facepaint! Yay everyone's here!" Yuki shouted as she ran over and sat on Naruto's lap. An awkward silence filled the room before Kankuro realised what Yuki called him.
"WAIT WHAT?!" He yelled out, startling the Jōnin sensei who were walking around outside. Noticing the glares, especially from Naruto and his siblings, he forced a smile on his face.
"Uh... Listen here Yuki... Call me Uncle Kankuro!" He said leaning down to look at her face to face.
"Uncle Puppet!" She said, ignoring what Kankuro just said earlier. Kankuro sighed.
"Whatever..." He then turned to Naruto. "Say when will you start training her?" He asked. Yuki looked up at Naruto. She dropped her kid act.
"Oh please Father! Please train me!" She begged. Naruto sighed before giving Kankuro a I'll-kill-you-later look.
"Whenever you are ready Yuki..." Naruto replied and Yuki smiled.
"Arigato tōchan!" She replied with a smile. Amazing just how quickly she can change from being an innocent 5 year old to her usual smart self! Naruto thought, thinking briefly back to when he had his mask on at the academy.
"Yeah well, you just got to build up her confidence so that she can be her real self around others too!" Kurama added in helpfully, although Naruto already knew that. Naruto felt a sudden pull on his chakra.
"Oh I gotta go! My Gēnin team has opened their scroll!" Naruto said, hoping they had both scrolls or he would be forced to knock them out.


Akaedo, Reido and Matsuri approached the tower. They had gotten extremely lucky with their first encounter and had gotten the scroll they needed. As the reached the tower, they saw the proctor for the second exam standing by the entrance. Shikamaru sighed.
"What a drag... Already finished..." He said, then he smiled. He knew both the sand teams, because he was such a regular visitor to the Sand Village.
"Where's Temari?" Reido asked slyly, and Shikamaru almost choked on nothing.
"I don't know... She had to do something" Shikamaru replied, silently cursing his troublesome girlfriend and co-proctor for the second exam.
"Anyway, head into the room numbered with the same number of the gate you entered the forest of death with." Shikamaru said and the three Gēnin raced off to find room number 17. They ran inside and closed the door before taking out both the heaven and earth scroll.
"Ok... Let's do this..." Matsuri said after a little hesitation. They were a little scared because they weren't told what to do, but she guessed they had to open the scrolls.
"Go!" They all counted down in unison and opened the scrolls. Nothing happened. For a split second they were disappointed. Then black seal marks suddenly spread out from the two scrolls and with a loud POOF and a puff of smoke, someone appeared in front of them.
"Sensei!" They all shouted. Then Reido frowned when he saw who it was.
"Seito sensei?" He asked. The three looked a little disappointed. While they did like Seito sensei, he was nothing compared to the young heart throb of the Sand Village, and the most powerful ninja in the Sand Village, Naruto Uzumaki. After all, Naruto was simply much more awesome than their Jōnin sensei.
"What's wrong?" Seito asked, with a frown. "I thought you would have wanted to see me..." Seito sensei sounded sad and hurt and the three Gēnin immediately went on the defensive.
"No no! But you are hurt! So we weren't sure whether or not you should have come here before fully recovering!" Akaedo tried to justify their reaction. Seito nodded.
"I see..." He sounded bitter.
"It's that stupid Uzumaki's fault... He always ALWAYS steals everything from me! I HATE HIM SO MUCH! And now you guys too!" He turned to face them.
"FIRE STYLE: PHOENIX FLOWER JUTSU!" He screamed out in anger and attacked them all with his fire jutsu. He knocked them all down.
"Wait sensei! Please!" Matsuri begged. Seito ignored her and continued to stalk towards her.
"Akaedo!" Matsuri screamed out as Seito raised his kunai and struck down at her. Akaedo jumped in front of her and blocked it successfully. The my both jumped back to Reido and stood in formation.
"Why are you doing this sensei?!" Matsuri said, horrified.
"Well... WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LIKE NARUTO MORE THAN YOUR OWN SENSEI?" He screamed at them, frothing in the mouth. "CHOOSE! ME OR HIM! RIGHT NOW! IF ANYONE CHOOSES HIM, I'LL KILL THEM!" Seito yelled and glared at the three Gēnin. The all gulped and Reido felt himself start talking.
"Please Seito sensei don't do this!" He begged.
"You are both so special to us. We would never abandon anyone part of team Seito... We won't choose!" Reido said. Matsuri and Akaedo both turned to look at him.

"Well then... RELEASE!" They heard Seito say with his hands in a hand sign before he faded away into nothing and all the burn marks and damage dealt to the room faded away too.
"Wait... A genjutsu?" Matsuri asked, completely confused. They looked up to see Naruto chuckling.
"Yes... This is the final trap before the second exam is truly over for any team. Remember, teamwork is important and this test was designed to test your teamwork. Had you decided to choose, I would have to cancel the genjutsu and disqualify you. I'm glad you guys didn't choose." Naruto said with a smile.
"You guys make me so proud" a new, deeper voice said and the door opened to reveal...
"SEITO SENSEI!" They all yelled and hugged him. Seito smiled, and winced slightly.
"Thanks Naruto-Senpai..." He said as he hugged his team.
"You really took care of my team..." Seito said with a smile. Naruto scratched his head and chuckled.
"Well, not really. I just told them about my old team abandoning me, and a few things happened..." Naruto said vaguely, not mentioning anything in particular.
"Ok team!" Seito said as he disengaged himself from his Gēnin team. He winced slightly when he moved his right arm.
"Sensei? Are you alright?" Matsuri asked.
"I'm fine..." Seito said through gritted teeth. Naruto rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"He isn't fine!" Naruto said with a look at Seito which made him stop talking. Forming some hand signs, Naruto released Kurama's chakra.
"Kurama... Please look at Seito's wounds!" Naruto asked and Kurama stared at the Gēnin for a moment before responding.
"Yeah yeah whatever..." Kurama said, also muttering something about troublesome kids and unappreciative bastards. He shifted into his fox form and placed his tails into Seito's chest.
"He's been poisoned..." Kurama said.
"What a coincidence that the other sand Gēnin team's Jōnin sensei is also the same as Seito... It's almost as if they wanted you and Temari to be here because it would leave just Baki defending the Sand Village... Ha ha... Hilarious..." Kurama said sarcastically as he focused on removing the poison. Everyone nodded, including Seito. It took a while before what Kurama had said sarcastically to actually be taken in by them.
"Wait... So if the Jōnin sensei are wounded and the Kazekage, Kankuro, Temari, and the ANBU commander is away from the village... then Baki is really the only one who can defend the Sand Village properly..." Seito said.
"Shit." Seito and Naruto both said.


"The Tsuchikage has always held a grudge against the Sand Village..." Gaara told Naruto, who was dressed in ANBU attire.
"I want you to make sure the border patrols are reinforced by a squad of ANBU for each rotation before we leave for Konoha."
"Alright then."
"I just don't trust that Tsuchikage to sit still while we are away..." Temari said. Kankuro looked at her and nodded.
"Yeah I'd feel better if one of us stayed behind." Kankuro added.
"But that can't be helped! Kankuro, you are going as my advisor, Temari and Naruto are going as the Jōnin sensei! We have a shortage of Jōnin able to fill these roles so it couldn't be helped that Seito and Kurashi were injured just before the Chūnin exams!" Gaara replied, stilling Kankuro's argument.


"Well shit." Naruto said as he relayed everything to Seito. "I've got to go back to the Sand Village at once. I'll send a messenger bird once I reach Suna. It's just a precaution, but I want to be absolutely sure. Seito, once Kurama has extracted the poison, tell the Kazekage at once!" Naruto ordered before he look at the three Gēnin.
"Stay on guard and listen to Seito and Kurama!" Naruto waved and ran out, attracting a lot of unwanted attention.
"Shadow clone jutsu!" He created a clone and sent it to to notify the Hokage as he raced out the gates of Konoha.

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