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The tall, pale man with yellow eyes and long black hair grinned sadistically as he saw Jiraiya breathing heavily on the ground. He had multiple small cuts on his face and arms. Perfect... Orochimaru thought.
"Ku ku ku... still as naïve as ever, Jiraiya." Orochimaru taunted.
"Multiple striking shadow snakes!" Orochimaru leapt at his former team member and thrust out his left arm. Immediately, a swarm of snakes appeared from his sleeves and headed straight for Jiraiya. Jiraiya grimaced. He clapped his hands together. Forming the snake hand seal (lel, ironically), Jiraiya gathered his chakra into his hair.
"Ninja art! Raging lion's mane!" Immediately his hair thickened and grew rapidly, enhanced with chakra which he used to control the hair to form whips which he then used to attack and dispel the snakes. He saw Orochimaru heading straight for him, opening his mouth to take out the Kusanagi. Jiraiya groaned. He knew that if he gave Orochimaru the chance to wield that blade, he'd be dead. Tiger Horse Boar Ram Rat Snake.
"Ninja art! Needle jizo!" Jiraiya's hair grew super long and turned into sharpened needle like structures which he wrapped around himself like spiky armour.
"Ninja art! Needle hell!" He shouted, although it was muddled greatly by the hair. Immediately, the sharpened hair needles shot out from him and straight at Orochimaru. Having been around Jiraiya for a lot of his time, Orochimaru knew that the attack had almost no blind spot - and that it was Jiraiya's fastest and strongest attack. The only way to dodge it was to block it, but even then, the shield had to be strong. He quickly formed a snake seal.
"Summoning jutsu! Rashomon!" Immediately, the ground in front of him rumbled and a large gate like structure slid up from the ground to block Jiraiya's attack. As he crouched behind it, he could hear the multiple hits from the hair senbon. He grinned. The rashomon gates were his ultimate defences.
"Wind style! Rasenshuriken!" He heard the kyuubi jinchuriki shout and then heard the whirring of something flying towards him. There was a giant explosion as it collided with his gate. Orochimaru has the sense to jump backwards as his gate completely crumbled and the resulting secondary explosion blasted him into the ground head first.

Danzo stepped up. Knowing that Orochimaru was strong enough to fight both Jiraiya and Naruto, he needed to take their attention while Orochimaru got out of his predicament. Tiger Dog.
"Wind style! Vacuum bomb!" Danzo compressed all of the air he inhaled using his chakra into one giant sphere which he released at both Jiraiya and Naruto. It was a much stronger variant on the vacuum bullets, and was much harder to dodge as instead of just small spheres of wind, it was a giant one.
"Gamabunta!" Jiraiya shouted as he clapped his feet together. Then he clapped his hands together.
"I'm going to summon Lord Fukasaku and Lady Shima!" He shouted. Gamabunta grunted and jumped high into the air, to escape the wind jutsu. Naruto grimaced. He held out both hands, and formed a rasenshuriken in each hand.
"Rasenshuriken!" He shouted again as he hurled both of them through the wind jutsu of Damzo's effectively nullifying it, and watched as they headed straight for him. Naruto fell to one knee, gasping from the overuse of his sage chakra that he had managed to acquire in order to make his rasenshuriken. He heard Danzo's muted scream as the two rasenshuriken hit him and expanded. Danzo didn't even have enough time to weave the hand seals for his Izanagi and so he ended up paying the price. His chakra network was completely cut out, and he lay on the ground, bleeding profusely. He coughed up blood. Even the sharingan in his right eye that he'd been preparing to use Shisui's kotoamatsukami was completely destroyed. He quickly ripped open his shirt as he saw Jiraiya and Gamabunta land near him.
"Reverse Tetragram sealing jutsu!" He cried out as large black markings of a seal on his chest expanded rapidly from his body. Jiraiya and Naruto's eyes widened. They both knew that Gamabunta and Jiraiya wouldn't be fast enough to escape Danzo's last jutsu.

Tsunade grunted from the heavy physical exertion. She glared at the muscular Raikage. Likewise, he too glared back at her. Temari's strongest jutsu, the Cyclone scythe jutsu had inflicted multiple wounds across his body, by forming large pockets of scythe like wind which lacerated his lightning armour and cut through it to his body. It had given Tsunade enough of an opening to land a devastating chakra enhanced punch straight in the stomach, which sent him into the ground. Kankuro's puppets then moved in and shot out a myriad of kunai, senbon and shuriken as well as several poison bombs. It had been a miracle that the Raikage had even managed to escape. And now he was standing far back from the two Sand siblings and the slug princess. He wasn't risking another frontal attack. His speed might have been much faster than Tsunade's, enabling him to land several blows that could have crippled a normal person, but her 100 healings seal was activated and any damaged he had dealt to her body was immediately healed. Then a sudden explosion drew their attention and they watched as black seal markings spread out in a large sphere, engulfing a wide area before it imploded at its centre. Tsunade gasped.
"What the hell was that?" Kankuro shouted. Tsunade felt a tear drop.
"That was Danzo's seal. It activates on his death where he expands the seal markings into a large area and seals anything in it into his corpse. It's basically a technique that trades his life, for someone else's..." Tsunade explained. Jiraiya... she thought, feeling tears form. She may not have appreciated his perverse nature, but she had to admit, Jiraiya was a fun person to be around and he was her friend. Her best friend. Knowing Jiraiya, he would have sacrificed himself so that Naruto would live.
"Dammit you fool! Couldn't you have used long range ninjutsu? It's your specialty..." Tsunade whispered in grief.

Both Onoki and Gaara watched as Danzo's seal withdrew into his body. They had been taking a brief pause, circling one another, assessing strengths, weaknesses, chakra, and calculating their next moves. Gaara was exhausted. He'd spent a fair amount of chakra already, plus Onoki's particle style had disintegrated a lot of his special sand from his gourd which provided his ultimate defence. He only had about one third of his original gourd sand left. Meanwhile, Onoki was also exhausted. The young Kazekage's barrage of sand attacks had pushed his body to the limit, his chakra was almost exhausted, and on top of that, Gaara's Shukaku's pile attack had grazed him on the side, leaving a nasty cut that was still bleeding slowly. He saw Gaara motion with his hand and all of a sudden, he was caught waist down by a pillar of sand. Onoki felt it tighten.
"Sand coffin!" The sand tightened around the Tsuchikage and he struggled to move. Keeping the Tsuchikage in the sand, Gaara lowered them both down onto the ground. They now had an upper hand, and could force Iwa's retreat. Onoki grumbled when he saw an ANBU from the Sand Village place a chakra suppressing seal tag on his back. He was effectively rendered useless. Onoki simply sat down. Gaara however, stumbled slightly before he was caught. Young as he was, he didn't have the experience in warfare that the old Tsuchikage had, and so much more exhausted. The physical and mental strain that war put on anyone was not as well dealt with by the young Kazekage.

Naruto gasped, taking in deep breaths. He'd gone into his tailed beast chakra mode combined with the tiny amounts of sage chakra he had left in order to save Jiraiya from Danzo's seal. And now they were both lying on the ground, gasping for breath near the edge of a crater.
"Thanks... Naruto." The white haired Sannin said as he stood up.
"Yes... quite touching isn't it, Jiraiya... ku ku ku." The familiar voice of the snake Sannin came floating over to Naruto and Jiraiya.
"And I see Tsunade is here too... ku ku ku..."

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