5 (Edited)

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The endless knocking on the door finally made the blonde haired man wake up.
"... 5 ... 5 more minutes..." He mumbled into his pillow as his eyes closed again.
"Please get up!" He heard a voice cry out.
"It's the Feudal Lord!" Naruto shot up from his bed. "What did you say?" It had been 8 years since he was banished from Konoha. He sought refuge in the Land of Rice, but the Feudal Lord didn't want him there and sought every opportunity to attempt to get rid of Naruto. Naruto had a few friends in the Land of Rice but most had been killed or bought off by the Lord. His last remaining, loyal friend was now banging at his door trying to warn him. He quickly got up and moved to the door, unlocking it and pulling him in.
"What is it, Sato?" Naruto asked calmly, seeing the other man shaking.
"The Lord has truly done it this time! He's commissioned Leaf Shinobi to kill you and your students! Under the pretense that you are a group of rogue thieves that have slaughtered many innocent families!" Naruto's eyes narrowed. So I'm the leader of a group of murderers huh?
"Well it's not like he can commission Leaf Shinobi to kill you for any other reason." Kurama spoke out as he meditated in Naruto's mindscape. Kurama meditating was no longer an odd sight for Naruto; Kurama used his meditation to calm himself down at first, but then slowly turned it into a daily practice, helping Naruto store up huge reserves of his own chakra for bijuu mode and also at the same time storing nature energy, for the tailed beast often helped Naruto gather nature energy, for Naruto's newly acquired Sage Mode (kinda like the two toad sages from Mount Myoboku merging with Jiraiya to gather nature energy).
"Dam that greedy lord!" Naruto said as he ushered Sato out of his house.
"Hurry along now... don't want anyone seeing you with me" Naruto said as he turned around and quickly dressed himself.

Naruto quickly packed up his meagre belongings and placed them in a neat pile on the floor. Unrolling a scroll, he performed a few hand signs and sealed them into his scroll.
"Ok I'm ready now let's go" Naruto said as he stood up. Let's go find my students and get out of this crazy place! Naruto thought as he left the cabin. Naruto's students were three homeless children he had saved from a crazy mob and decided to train them like a ninja for he could sense their latent potential to become great ninja. They each had great stamina and large chakra reserves, albeit no where near as large as Naruto, but still large none the less. Unknown to him, they were already engaged in a fight between the Leaf Shinobi.


They panted. The Leaf Shinobi whom they had identified by their leaf headbands where converging in on their location.
"Dam it! Fuuka! Just when Naruto-sensei said we could have a day off this happens!" The girl with red hair said. Fuuka looked at her. He was the tallest in their group and had black hair, and was also the strongest. He turned to look at his other team mate, Misaki.
"Suyuki is right... how did we end up in this predicament?" Misaki looked at them both.
"I don't know" he replied as they got ready to move again. It was too late. The Leaf Shinobi had landed in front of them. Fuuka moved to stand in front of his two other team mates. He eyed the leaf ninja. One had dark black hair with a piercing gaze, red eyes and a katana on his back. The girl had long pink hair and green eyes, but Fuuka dismissed her. Behind them stood a tall man with silver hair and his leaf headband covering his left eye, while also wearing mask covering the rest of his face so pretty much only his right eye could be seen.
"Are these the murderers this Lord Mifune was talking about?" The black haired ninja said as looked at them.
"They look like Genin, Sasuke but if the reports are true then they are very deadly" the man with silver hair spoke.
"Kakashi-sensei, what do you want us to do?" Spoke the pink haired girl.
"We have our orders, Sakura" Kakashi replied. Fuuka, Misaki and Suyuki took a step back.
"Murderers?? We haven't killed anyone!" Suyuki yelled out.

"Hn" Sasuke said as he raised his right arm. "Chidori!" Immediately, the air crackled with intense lightning chakra as Sasuke transferred his Chidori into three kunai. Misaki's eyes widened. Oh no! With that lightning chakra nature enhancing his kunai, there's no way we can deflect them! He saw Fuuka ready his own kunai.
"Fuuka! No! We have to dodge them! The Lightning style adds more penetrative ability to his weapons! We have to dodge or they'll -" his eyes widened as Sasuke threw them.
"Doton: Doryūheki (earth style: mud wall)!" Fuuka yelled as he rapidly did the hand signs and slammed his hands into the ground. Not a moment too soon he created a wall of mud to block the kunai.
"NOO! Your earth style is weak against his lightning style!" Misaki shouted as he pushed Fuuka to the side, taking the three kunai which had gone straight through his mud wall like it was nothing.

"Misaki!" Suyuki cried out. She knelt by her fallen team mates side, crying and desperately trying to remove the kunai embedded in his chest.
"...I ... I'm sorry... Su...yu...ki..." Misaki gasped out.
"Katon: Gōkākyu no jutsu (fire style: great fireball jutsu)!" Suyuki looked up to see a massive fireball going straight towards her.
"Suiton: Suijinheki (water style: water formation wall)!" Suyuki heard a familiar voice shout and a giant wall of water rose up in front of her, cancelling out the fireball jutsu.
"Sensei!" She screamed out. Immediately, Naruto appeared beside her and saw Fuuka and Suyuki beside Misaki. Naruto immediately removed the three kunai from Misaki.
"Kurama!" Naruto yelled out.
"Already on it kid!" Kurama answered as he materialized beside Naruto and placed his hands on Misaki's bloody chest.
"I hope my chakra can save him, Naruto but it might not work" Kurama told him and immediately began to transfer some of his chakra into Misaki.

"Sensei!" Suyuki cried out and saw a katana descending down onto his student's heads while off to the left, he could see a couple shuriken thrown straight at them. Quick as a flash, he dragged Fuuka and Suyuki out of the way of Sasuke's katana and rotated themselves so that he took the shuriken in his back.
"Argh!" He gritted his teeth in pain.
"Dammit, get out of here!" He quickly told Fuuka and Suyuki.
"I'm sorry kid! Misaki's gone! I can't save him!" Kurama said as he disappeared back inside of Naruto. Naruto gave them a quick push before he pulled the shuriken out from his back.
"You can't run from me!" Naruto heard a familiar voice from his past.
"Suyuki! Fuuka! Get back here!" Naruto screamed out desperately. They turned to run towards him and he got up to run towards them. Withdrawing a three pronged kunai with a jutsu formula on it, he threw it at his students, hoping to get there fast enough. It was too late. A long blade formed of lightning chakra appeared from the smoke to his left and pierced both Suyuki and Fuuka in their chest.

Naruto dropped to his knees in despair as his two remaining students fell over. He felt his vision mist over as tears began to drop from his eyes. WHY?! Naruto screamed out in his mind. WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME? Why am I the only person who has everything taken from me every single day of my life!?!? He bowed his head and heard footsteps from the pursuing leaf ninja approach him.
"Any last words before I cut your head off, you disgraceful murdering thief?" He heard Sasuke's cold and hard voice.
"Sasuke, careful" he heard Sakura say.
"Be on guard, Lord Mifune said the leader is far more powerful than the other three" he heard Kakashi say.
"They were my students..." Naruto said holding back a sob.
"You cold and heartless beast... you murdered my students, and listened to the corrupt Lord Mifune and you have the guts to say I'm a murderer..." He ignored the katana resting on his neck as he lifted Misaki's body and using his father's Hiraishin, appeared next to the kunai he had thrown at the feet of his other two students and laid Misaki down beside them.

Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura watched in shock as the blonde man they were commissioned to kill laid the three 'students', as he had called them, next to each other, knelt down beside them, and cried. This was supposed to be a cold heartless criminal with a band of killers yet the three Sasuke just killed barely looked older than 12.
"Misaki... Suyuki... Fuuka... I'm sorry I wasn't there for you... This is as much my fault for not protecting you as a sensei." The blonde man continued to cry. "You all... had such ... great potential to be good ninja in your own right..." Gathering up the three dead students he raised his head and glared at them. Kakashi stepped back in shock.
"What is it Sensei?" Sakura asked as she looked at him. Sasuke also dropped his katana.
"What's going on Sasuke?" Sakura asked even more confused. She peered closely at the blonde man.
"It can't be... " They all breathed out at the same time.

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