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Naruto was racing to Suna. It was imperative that he get there as soon as he could. They had a suspicion but it was a real possibility, after all, the Sand's Kazekage and the strongest ninja were away from the village. It took Naruto two days of flat out running to reach Suna, but in the end, he wasn't worried about his exhaustion. He ran through the two walls of sand which formed the entrance. Inside, Suna was no different from when he left. The villagers were all going about, doing their daily business and the ninja were off on patrols or doing missions. Naruto stopped and panted, catching his breath.
"Naruto-sama?" A ninja ran up to him.
"Where's Baki?" Naruto asked, not waiting for the ninja to check him.
"Baki is in the council room. He is currently talking with Lady Chiyo..." The ninja said. Naruto nodded.
"Go to the Kazekage's building and tell whoever is in charge that I said he should MBO!" Naruto ordered as he ran off to the council room. The ninja looked at him puzzled. MBO? He raced off to the Kazekage's building and promptly told the assistant what Naruto said.
"Naruto-sama has ordered me to tell you that he said MBO!" The ninja reported. The assistant froze and looked up.
"Alright. Dismissed!" She said and the ninja nodded and disappeared. The assistant then rang a bell on her table.
"What is it, Maki?" She heard someone say.
"An MBO has been ordered." She responded and the person she was talking to nodded.

"Baki! Lady Chiyo!" Naruto burst into the council room. They both turned to look at him.
"Naruto? Why are you here?" Lady Chiyo asked, looking up from a scroll.
"I've got a bad feeling. I've already sent an order to mobilize black ops! I -" Naruto started to explain but Baki stopped him. He gestured to the scroll in Chiyo's hand.
"It's a report from the ANBU patrols sent out to reinforce the border guard. It appears, the Tsuchikage has already mobilized his shinobi and have defeated the border guard." Baki said and Naruto nodded.
"Has the recall been sounded for all the other border guards?" Naruto asked.
"Yes." Baki replied. Naruto stroked his chin thoughtfully. Not out of looking intelligent, but out of habit. Except he had no beard or any hair there so it just looked weird.
"I'm going to send a message to Lord Kazekage now." Naruto said as he took out a brush and some paper. Quickly writing down the situation that the Sand Village was in, he bit his thumb and summoned a fox.
"Take this to Gaara, Kankuro, or Temari. Whoever you encounter first." Naruto said and the fox dashed off.
"Let's go. We've got to prepare." Naruto said to Baki and Lady Chiyo.


Baki, Lady Chiyo, and Naruto stood on the Kazekage's office roof, where they could address everyone in the village. Naruto was wearing his ANBU uniform and had a cloth over his face, which the ANBU of the Sand used, unlike a mask which the ANBU of the Leaf used. The only thing visible on his face was his eyes.
"All shinobi please prepare yourselves for an invasion from the Stone Village. Follow Baki to the front of the village to be assigned into squads. ANBU stay behind, and all other citizens please follow Lady Chiyo to the emergency evacuation spot. It is imperative that you only bring non perishable foods and some spare clothing. Time is of the essence and it will take a long time before all the citizens are safe underground in the evacuation tunnels." Naruto's voice boomed over the heads of everyone in the village, although he was speaking loudly, and using chakra to magnify his voice, he still sounded calm and in control of the situation. This made sure the citizens felt more at ease and the ninja were less nervous, feeling that if Naruto was unfazed, then the enemy must not be strong. It was of course, a mind game that Naruto was playing. By sounding confident, he knew the ninja would not despair and lose hope. Baki moved off to the front gate, and all the ninja followed him. Lady Chiyo immediately began to move to the underground entrance zone, where her brother was waiting. The villagers immediately began to rush around, packing up food and clothes and making sure each of their families were together before moving to where Lady Chiyo was. Naruto watched impassively. He waited till all the ANBU were standing silently in ranks behind him.
"Form into 4 man squads." He ordered softly. Immediately, there was a shuffling of feet before silence. It was a rehearsed command. Each squad had a destined area to be at in a time like this.
"Alright. Starting from the side closest to the gates, squad A to F is to make sure there is no one left in those areas. If you come across any civilians still in the area, send up a green smoke and squads G to L will come and escort them to the safe zone. Squad M and N are to head to the gates immediately. Send up a red smoke signal upon sighting the enemy. Baki will be moving his men into position shortly. Go!" Naruto flourished his hand and they all headed off to their respective areas.


"Where is Naruto?" Danzo said as he faced Sasuke. Sasuke shrugged.
"I don't know." Sasuke replied. Danzo bit back an angry reply.
"Don't you understand? Naruto is a dangerous liability to this village. We cannot let that outcast have free roam over Konoha. He doesn't belong and he knows it. Sooner or later, he will attack the Leaf. Find him, and make sure he doesn't do anything." Danzo said. Sasuke gulped. The hidden message was clear. Find him and kill him. Sasuke could swear that as he left Danzo's room, he could hear a slight chuckle.
"Wait Sasuke, come back" Danzo said. Sasuke paused at the door.
"Don't bother going to kill Naruto. I'm just simply telling you, that he isn't to be 100% trustworthy. But I have a real mission for you. The Sand's Kazekage believes there is a double agent working in their ANBU. Find him and kill him. This will strengthen our ties with the Sand and also, I have a description of the double agent from Gaara. Please be careful." Sasuke stared at Danzo as if he was crazy.
"Ok." Sasuke replied and left the room with the information Danzo had given him. He completely missed Danzo's sinister smile.


Gaara sat in the room that he was given by the Hokage. Temari was out training her temporary Gēnin squad and Kankuro had taken over Seito's squad. All of a sudden, there was a scratching at the door. Gaara listened intently to the scratches. There were three long scratches, then a pause, before three rapid ones.
"So, Naruto sent a messenger fox..." Gaara said to himself as he opened the door. A small orange fox ran in and immediately sat in front of Gaara. He reached down to the pouch on its front leg and withdrew the message delicately. He frowned as he decided the message. Dam it! That fence sitter is really making his move now?! Gaara sighed and placed his head in his hands. All he could do was hope that Naruto was strong enough to defend the village.
"Uncle? Where's Tōchan?" Yuki asked when she walked into the room. She looked at Gaara and he looked back at her with sad eyes.
"He's defending our village." Gaara said simply. There was no way that he would lie to her. He just couldn't.
"Lets go enjoy the Chūnin exams now..." Gaara told her as he took her arm.


They walked into the room where the preliminaries were held. Taking his seat next to the Hokage, Gaara placed Yuki onto his lap so that she could watch and Gaara could protect her. He noticed Temari and Kankuro smirking at him but he affected not to notice. He wouldn't give them any chances to mock him or tease him. The Hokage turned to him.
"Is there a problem?" Lady Tsunade whispered in his ear while they watched the fights unfold with bored eyes. Gaara nodded almost imperceptibly.
"Its about Naruto..." Gaara said, unsure of how to proceed. He knew Naruto looked up to Jiraiya as his godfather and Tsunade as his godmother. Likewise, he also knew that Tsunade looked at Naruto as her own son. Tsunade stiffened slightly but continued to watch the fights.
"He believes that Iwa will attack Suna because we are here at the Chūnin exams and are unable to defend. He's right now preparing to defend." Gaara said without taking his eyes off the fights. He watched with little interest as Matsuri defeated her opponent with a swing of her fan, much like when Temari had her preliminary fight. Suddenly, a fox streaked across the room, disturbing the next fight. Gaara stood up when he realised it was bloody.
"Message for Kazekage-Sama!" The fox gasped out before falling to it's side. It had a long gash on it's side and it was not looking good. Gaara immediately pointed out Hinata.
"Go to Hinata. Naruto loves her so she will protect you with her life. Trust me Yuki, whatever happens, don't come after us." Gaara ordered as Temari and Kankuro leapt down to land beside Gaara. They watched as he unrolled the message that wasn't coded.
"It's as we feared. The Tsuchikage has launched an invasion against the Sand. And it seems he is leading the army himself." Gaara immediately said. He pointed at the two Sand Gēnin teams and they came closer to him.
"Lord Kazekage?" Matsuri asked. Everyone in the room was staring.
"We are going back to Suna. Thank you, Hokage-sama. But we must defend." Gaara said as he raised a platform of Sand where all the Suna ninja were standing.

"Wait!" Lady Tsunade shouted out as she watched Gaara start to move the sand platform. He stopped to look at her.
"I'll postpone the rest of the Chūnin exams. Let me send some Leaf Ninja to help you." Gaara nodded.
"Whenever you can. But I must go now." Gaara said as they flew out the building. Lady Tsunade gritted her teeth.
I hope you are alright, Naruto. Don't do anything stupid, Gaki! She thought.
Naruto-Kun...Hinata was thinking.

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