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Naruto woke up with a yawn. He felt something on his bare chest and he looked down to see Hinata sleeping there. He gently stroked her hair. She was so beautiful to him and the intimacy of the moment made another part of him rise. He blushed when Hinata opened her eyes with a questioning look. When she realised what it was, she smiled and snuggled closer to him with a giggle.
"I know you love me already Naruto..." She teased him and he only turned redder. There was a loud knock on their door.
"Yo! You gotta meet your team Naruto!" Kiba shouted as he walked past their door. Naruto groaned and slowly sat up. He sighed. He basically had forgotten about the Chūnin exams for the second time in two days! He saw Hinata look at him and smile.
"Want me to take care of that?" Hinata asked, her face turning slightly red as she pointed at his 'tent'. Naruto's face turned crimson.
"I ... Uh ..." He stammered.
"I'm only joking!" Hinata managed to squeak out although now that she said it, she wasn't so sure. She was curious. Naruto was blushing.
"Uh... I'll go back to Yuki's room..." He said. "I uh... Gotta go toilet" he dashed out of the room, taking his shirt and his pants and rushed into Yuki's roll, closing the door quickly so that no one else could see the predicament that he was in.
"Tōchan?" Yuki said as she opened her eyes. It wasn't too weird for her to see Naruto in just boxers. He always slept like that. But she was curious as to know why he had a tent in his boxers, being the innocent five year old she was. And she decided to ask bluntly.
"What's that?" She asked pointing at his tent. Naruto was now as red as his mother's hair.
"Uh... Nothing! I just sneaked a ... " he faltered. Yuki looked at it again.
"Sneaked a what? And why would you hide something down your boxers?" Naruto was about to kill himself from the embarrassment. At least Yuki wasn't old enough to know what it was so he didn't have to worry about it.
"It's a ... surprise I don't want you to see..." Naruto said with a smile although on the inside he was beating himself up. He ran into the bathroom and closed the door.
"Say where is Foxy-chan?" He asked, knowing that Yuki preferred to call Kurama Foxy-chan.
"He's gone downstairs with Doggy and Puppy!" Yuki replied. She was always giving everyone nicknames. Not that anyone minded as they thought it was incredibly cute. Naruto grimaced as he put on his shirt and pants, and made himself look presentable. Dam it now I gotta go buy something so Yuki won't find out I'm lying about my surprise gift...

"Come on Yuki let's go down and eat."


"Alright..." Naruto looked at the Gēnin team that he was temporarily looking after. The three Gēnin stared back in awe. Naruto was somewhat of a legend in Suna. He singlehandedly stopped Gaara from losing control of his tailed beast, he rescued Gaara from the akatsuki, without the need to ask for help from the leaf... He was the youngest sand ANBU, and also Gaara's only bodyguard... The list just goes on.
"There is only 1 day before the first part of the Chūnin exams. Now unfortunately I'm not allowed to tell you what to do. But I will be testing your skills as a team today..." Naruto finished and took them to training ground 7. There was no other teams in sight as far as he could see.
"Let's see... Your sensei was full of praise for you. Said you were probably the strongest Gēnin team from the Sand Village this year." He saw them all stand taller with pride.
"Well let's just see how good you are..." Naruto suddenly jumped backward, flinging a shuriken at them from out of his pouch.
"Shuriken Kage Bunshin no jutsu (Shuriken shadow clone jutsu)!" Naruto said as he rapidly weaved the hand signs for them. The shuriken multiplied the Gēnin stared at him in shock. They were unable to read any of the hand signs that Naruto weaved because it was just too fast. Snapping out of shock, one of the Gēnin stepped forward. She retrieved the fan from her back and opened it, swinging it at the shuriken and blasting them away from her and her team. Naruto stepped back half a step.
What the... This must be the girl that Temari trained herself during the downtime between missions with their sensei...
Naruto smiled to himself.
"Nice reactions. But let's see if you can keep up, I know Temari would..." Naruto goaded. The girl glared at him.
"Temari trained me! Kankuro also trained my Akaedo! We won't lose to you!" She shouted. Naruto could have face palmed. The irony of the situation before him was hilarious yet sad at the same time.
"Hey! What about me Matsuri?" The third boy asked but she glared at him.
"Please don't get in our way, Reido..." Akaedo said. Akaedo pulled out a scroll and released the seal on it. Immediately a puppet appeared. Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"Oh? But Kankuro used three puppets normally... and your's looks less special than any of his..." Naruto continued to stoke their anger.

"Ok let's get serious!" Naruto shouted as he leapt back again to avoid the kunai thrown at him from Reido.
"Katon: Gokakkyu no jutsu (fire style: fire ball jutsu)!" Naruto blew a massive fire ball at them, then immediately weaved hand signs for his next jutsu.
"Futon: Daitoppa (wind style: great breakthrough)!" Naruto took a deep breath before he exhaled, causing a great gust to wind to combo with his fireball, massively increasing the speed and size of the fireball as it shot towards the Gēnin team. The three Gēnin were shocked. The speed of the hand signs, the combination of the two chakra natures was just too much. Then they refocused and went into formation. Reido jumped in front and prepared to weave his hand signs while Matsuri jumped behind them and Akaedo moved to the side.

Matsuri opened her fan fully to reveal three purple circles. Naruto smirked, remembering Temari's use of her own fan, albeit on that lazy ass Shikamaru when he didn't show up on time for a date... Naruto watched as Matsuri channeled her chakra into the fan and swung it at his wind enhanced fireball. The two wind techniques clashes and Matsuri only succeeded in slowly it down. Reido weaved his own hand signs.
"Doton: Doryūheki (earth style: earth wall)!" Reido shouted as he created a wall of mud to block the fireball. Matsuri swung again, this time, with all her chakra ad successfully changed the direction of the fireball back to Naruto. She collapsed, due to chakra exhaustion. Naruto had to give it to Seito. These three were much stronger than the average Gēnin and had good teamwork. Naruto jumped to the side to dodge the fireball. He heard a whirring noise and several shuriken wrapped themselves around him, with wires that tied him up.
Dammit! Akaedo launched a counter attack under cover of his team's actions! Naruto cursed himself for not noticing in time.

The smoke cleared and Akaedo, Matsuri and Reido smirked at the tied up Naruto.
"Told you we won't lose..." Matsuri said with a winning smile although she was clearly the most tired of them all. It had taken almost all her chakra funneled into her fan to be able to conjure up a big enough wind to deflect the fireball. Naruto smiled.
"Seito wasn't wrong about you three..." Naruto began and they all look at him with smug grins.
"But he wasn't right either..." They heard Naruto growl behind them. The Naruto in front of them disappeared.
"Kage Bunshin..." Matsuri managed to say before she felt a kunai on her neck.
"Next time, you'll be dead" Naruto warned her and Akaedo and Reido both stared at him in shock.
"But you three have excellent grasp of teamwork so I'll give it to you... not many Gēnin could pull off what you three did." Naruto said as he removed the kunai from Matsuri's neck and put it back into his pouch.
"Just don't get cocky Matsuri... you think you're good because Temari and Kankuro trained you guys, but you are still in way over your head when it comes to being elite ninja..." Matsuri glared at Naruto's back but she had to accept that point. His ninjutsu was so strong that if Matsuri hadn't succeeded with her fan, Reido's earth wall probably would have been destroyed.

Naruto handed each of them a slip of paper.
"These are your Chūnin exam passes... please report to room 3C in the academy tomorrow for the first exam." Naruto smiled at them.
"You guys will do fine!" Naruto encouraged as he walked off. Time to find Gaara... Naruto thought. He could just imagine what Gaara was doing. Chatting with the Hokage, doing paperwork while in the Hidden Leaf... Naruto almost started to laugh.
"I wonder... what Hinata is doing though?"

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