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"Danzo has Hinata and Yuki..." Naruto said, but it was barely above a whisper. He felt something in his heart that he hadn't felt in some time. Pure hatred. He let out a loud scream of anger and fully surrendered to Kurama's chakra. The red chakra bubbled out of his body and surrounded him, allowing Naruto to undergo his tailed beast level 1 state. Gaara nodded at Temari and Kankuro.
"Let's go!" Gaara shouted as he lifted himself off the ground to fight the Tsuchikage on his sand platform. The Tsuchikage grinned at him.
"Boy! You are a hundred years too young to fight me!" He sneered. Gaara chuckled coldly.
"But you're just an old geezer!" He retorted as he raised the sand from the desert floor.
"You see, I have the advantage here!" Gaara said as the sand shot up at the old Kage.

Kankuro and Temari faced off against the Raikage. Temari opened her fan to reveal the three purple circles.
"Kankuro! I'm ready! I'll keep him away, so you can attack!" She shouted as she swiped the air in front of her with her fan.
"Wind scythe jutsu!" She shouted and blew a great gust of wind at the Raikage. Kankuro grinned.
"Hya! Secret Black Move: Three Great Tragedies!" Kankuro cried out as his three puppets moved into attack the Raikage who was still struggling to stand from the powerful wind. Sanshouo (salamander) shot in front of the Raikage and body slammed into him, forcing the Raikage into the air. Kankuro smirked and twitched his fingers, and Karasu (crow) shot out from its hidden position in the sand and slashed at the Raikage. As the Raikage was falling down, Kankuro quickly moved his fingers and the chakra strings connected to Kuroari (black ant) moved. Kuroari moved forward, slamming into the Raikage and launched him towards Sanshouo. He drew his hand back and Sanshouo's mouth opened to reveal a cannon of sorts. Kankuro used his chakra and activated it, blasting the Raikage backwards.

"Danzo! I'll kill you!" Naruto screamed out and disappeared in the blink of an eye. He reappeared in front of Danzo and smashed him into the ground. Danzo grimaced. I can't cast Kotoamatsukami for a while after I used it on Onoki and A! Dam it! Danzo thought. Rabbit Boar Ram. Danzo wove the handseals in quick succession, at the same time, unsealing the golden braces on his right arm to reveal multiple sharingan embedded in it.
"This Izanagi technique makes me immortal, Uzumaki! You might as well give up now!" Danzo crowed before he ran at him. Rat Snake Horse Dog.
"Wind style! Vacuum blast!" Danzo took a deep breath and compressed the air with his chakra before releasing it, making a solitary blade of wind which shot out at Naruto. Naruto dodged upwards, before raising his hands. Ram Horse Snake Dragon Rat Ox Tiger.
"Fire style! Dragon flame bomb!" Naruto blew out three flames, which formed into three dragons which each shot towards Danzo from the left, the right side and from the front. Danzo's eyes widened fractionally. But! That's Hiruzen's jutsu! He though in shock before he was engulfed in the flames.

Gaara motioned with his hands and the sands obeyed his command, shooting towards Onoki. Onoki smirked. Rat Boar Snake.
"Particle style! Atomic dismantling jutsu!" Onoki shouted as he formed a triangle with his hands before a prism of light shot out and destroyed the sand pillars that Gaara was using to attack him.
"Is that all you got, you foolish kid!?" Onoki shouted, laughing at Gaara's shocked face. Gaara grimaced before he focused his Sand into multiple large clumps of hardened Sand, which he built above the battlefield. Gaara smiled, but it wasn't a warm smile.
"Let's see you dodge this!" Gaara shouted. He released his hold on the floating sand clumps and watched as it rained down on Onoki. Onoki turned to look up. Rat Boar Snake.
"Atomic dismantling jutsu!" Onoki cast again and extended the prism upwards, destroying all the clumps that were close to him.

"Did we get him?" Temari asked Kankuro. They stared at the form of the Raikage that was on the ground. He stood up and they both gasped. There wasn't a scratch.
"Dam that lightning armour is so strong!" Temari said. But the Raikage didn't look at them. Instead, he looked up at the sky. Then disappeared. Temari and Kankuro gasped again.
"Gaara! Look out!" They shouted. They looked towards Gaara but it was too late. The Raikage appeared in front of Gaara faster than Gaara could react.
"Liger bomb!" They heard him shout and watched helplessly as he grabbed Gaara and pulled him into his lightning release chakra. They could hear Gaara's scream as the Raikage jumped off the sand platform and slammed him into the ground. Gaara coughed and spat out blood, his passive sand armour cracked. Temari and Kankuro both sighed in relief. His Sand armour and the sand had protected him from the full damage and cushioned his blow. Temari and Kankuro prepared to fight when they realised that they were surrounded. The Raikage lifted Gaara up by his throat.
"Surrender!" He shouted.

Naruto watched satisfied as Danzo burned to ash. He turned to walk away, but noticed that Danzo was somehow standing next to the burnt ash pile.
"How is that possible?!" Naruto yelled out.
"I hit you!" He shouted but Danzo smirked.
"I'm immortal. You need to surrender before you get the Kazekage killed." Danzo spoke and Naruto looked back to see Gaara being held up by the throat in front of Temari and Kankuro.
"Gaara! He shouted. Danzo motioned with his fingers and immediately, they were all surrounded by ninja. Naruto stared helplessly as the Leaf and Sand ninja retreated back, leaving him and the sand siblings defeated. Naruto was forced onto the ground next to Temari and Kankuro where the Raikage threw Gaara down next to them. Danzo clicked his fingers and two ROOT ninja walked up, each one holding onto a person. They all gasped when they saw it was Hinata and Yuki. Danzo grinned. Pulling out a kunai, he held it up to Hinata's neck. Onoki floated up next to Yuki with another kunai.
"I'll make it simple, Naruto. Forfeit your biju or we will kill them both, slowly and painfully.

"N-Naruto!" Hinata gasped out. Naruto stared at her, tears flowing down his eyes.
"Tōchsn? I'm scared..." Naruto heard the quivering voice of his daughter say. He turned to face her.
"It's alright... don't be scared. You'll be fine..." Naruto said soothingly.
"Let them go Danzo!" Naruto said. "I'm all yours." He said quietly. Danzo grinned and the Raikage grabbed him roughly by the arms and threw him onto the ground in front of the Kohala no Johei. Danzo released his hold on Hinata and Onoki did the same with Yuki. Dropping them to the floor, Onoki and the Raikage stood watch over them while Danzo prepared some hand seals.
"Eight signs seal, RELEASE!" Danzo shouted and they watched with horror as the seal began to unwind on Naruto's stomach. Naruto screamed and writhed in pain. Danzo opened the sealing urn's lid and immediately, focused the chakra into the pot. There was a loud roar as Kurama was extracted from Naruto and sealed into the urn. Hinata turned away and cried, holding tightly onto Yuki so that she couldn't see.
"There. That's not that hard, is it?" Danzo asked mockingly.
"Naruto!" Temari screamed out as her brothers, Hinata, Yuki and herself rushed over to the blond. He lay there, his heart beat fading and his breathing slowing down.
"Hinata... Yuki... take care... I love you... both..." he said before he closed his eyes.


Naruto opened his eyes to be greeted with nothing but white.
"Where am I?" He asked out loud. Everything was white and he couldn't see anything. He noticed slight movement from the corner of his eyes.
"Who's there?" Naruto called out.
"Hello Naruto." Said a kind voice as a tall man with spiky blond hair and a woman with red hair approached him.

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