3 (Edited)

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** fixed spelling mistakes
Sandaime Hokage - third Hokage
Yondaime Hokage - fourth Hokage

Urgh! This is taking forever! Fox, or should I say Kurama, thought as he slowly sent his chakra from his human form back into Naruto. Naruto had been beaten up harshly last night. And now he had passed out from the pain and exhaustion right in front of the training grounds where Sakura and Sasuke were waiting for Kakashi. Those dam ignorant fools! Kurama thought as his chakra slowly started to heal Naruto. Without the majority of his chakra inside Naruto, because it was outside in his human form, Naruto's healing speed had been reduced to almost human. Of course since residual amounts of Kurama's chakra was still in Naruto, he healed only slightly faster than the average human could.
"Naruto..." He said softly, while looking at his body. It was covered in bruises and cuts that were slowly fading away as Kurama's chakra slowly healed him. Sakura curiously snuck up behind Kurama but he sensed her presence and pulled Naruto's shirt back down to cover up the wounds on his stomach.
"Fox-sensei what's wrong with him?" Sakura asked as she tried to look over Kurama's shoulder. He looked at her, unamused.
"What do you mean by 'wrong'?" He asked her back.
"NARUTO! Wake up!" Kurama yelled in Naruto's mindscape.
"People are watching! Don't show them your weak side! They will only taunt you more!" Kurama continued to yell.
"He is just tired" Kurama replied to Sakura. Naruto shifted slightly, and Kurama quickly turned back to him. Opening his eyes, Naruto struggled to see for a moment.
"... Where am I...?" He asked no one in particular. When his vision cleared and he saw a concerned Fox ANBU looking at him, he couldn't help but hug him.

"OI NARUTO! Cut it out! Sakura's watching!" Kurama quickly yelled out and Naruto immediately stopped hugging him.
"I'm sorry" Naruto said out loud. "I was just..." He trailed off as he glanced at Sakura and Sasuke's suspicious faces. Poof! Kakashi suddenly appeared on top of the fence.
"YOU'RE HOURS LATE!" Yelled Sakura and Naruto. Fox smiled and stood up.
"Good... Now that eve- ack!" Fox coughed out and fell to his knees. Goddam it! I gave away too much chakra all at once! I'm so weak I can't even stand right now! Kurama mentally cursed as he struggled to stand up again.

"Fox-sensei?" Sakura spoke up, concerned. "What's the matter?" Fox took a while to stop shaking as he leaned on the fence.
"Nothing ... (Gasp) ... Chakra exhaustion... (Gasp)" Kurama managed to make out. Kurama quickly signaled Kakashi with his fingers and Kakashi nodded.
"Alright guys" Kakashi started to say, getting the attention of Sasuke and Sakura. Using this moment, Kurama rushed over to place his hand on Naruto's seal, sending all of his chakra back into Naruto.
"Phew that was a close one Naruto!" Kurama muttered, fully back inside Naruto's mindscape.
"Yeah that was way too close" Naruto agreed.
"Hey where'd Fox-sensei go?" Sakura asked all of a sudden. Everyone turned to look at Naruto.
"Uh he went to report to the Hokage" Naruto quickly made up. Kakashi looked at them all before clapping his hands to get their attention.
"Ok let's start the rest"


Naruto sighed as he flopped down onto the grass. The blonde groaned inwardly. It had been a long two weeks since the grueling bell test that Kakashi-sensei had given them. Beside him, Shikamaru had fallen asleep while Kiba, Akamaru and Shino were busy discussing something. Naruto stirred as Hinata rolled over to look at him.
"Na-Naruto-kun?" She whispered. Naruto rolled over to face her.
"What's up, Hinata?" Naruto whispered back. Hinata found herself suddenly very close to Naruto's face and her face began to redden.
"...uh..." Was all she could say as she continued blushing, her heart beating faster than ever before. There was a sudden shuffle and they both looked up to see Shino, Kiba, Akamaru and Shikamaru walking away. Kiba looked back and winked at them both, knowing the privacy that Hinata wanted and the intimacy of the moment.
"I...I..." Hinata began but she couldn't find the courage or the words to say to her crush. Naruto smiled, his face also slightly red.
"Hinata... please don't say anything" Naruto said as he pulled her head into his chest. Both of them relaxed in the serene and peaceful environment, hearing their hearts beat together and just knowing, even without any words, that they were experiencing love. I love him so much I can't believe he feels the same way! Hinata thought while blushing. I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful girl by my side. Naruto thought. The wind blew suddenly and some of the tree leaves were plucked from their branches and fluttered in the cool afternoon breeze down to the couple below.
"Well well... A cute couple I see..." Kurama smirked from within Naruto's mindscape.
"Can it foxy! Don't ruin our moment!" Naruto retorted as he held the Hyuga close to his heart. He wanted this moment to last forever and ever. Nothing was going to tear them apart. Except that Naruto forgot one thing. He was the most hated person in Konohagakure. And it was his birthday... which marked the anniversary of the Yondaime Hokage's sacrifice. Little did Naruto know that this would be the final memory of Konohagakure that he would cherish.


"Beat him up!"
"Make him pay!"
"Yondaime Hokage's legacy shall be fulfilled!"
"Vengeance will be swift!"
"SILENCE!" The ringleader shouted. He sneered at the battered and broken boy lying in a pool of his own blood.
"Let's teach this demon fox that his actions will have severe consequences!" He screamed out while raising a club. Everyone else behind raised their makeshift weapons; brooms, branches, bricks... anything that they could get their hands on. And then the beating began. At first Naruto whimpered in pain, trying to protect his head from the multiple things hitting him. He wondered how this all happened.


Hinata sat up.
"Let's go home Naruto" she said.
"Want me to walk with you Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked but Naruto shook his head.
"I'll be fine anyway!"
"But -"
"No buts Hinata! I'm a ninja remember?"


And now that he thought about it, Naruto cursed at himself for rejecting Hinata's offer. Soon the pain became too much and he slowly lost consciousness, hardly aware as the blows continued rain down on him.
"NO! Don't give in now Naruto!" Kurama yelled from within, trying to keep Naruto awake.
"Gomen... Foxy... Hinata... Kiba... Shikamaru... Akamaru... Shino..."
"NO! Stay with me! I can almost release my chakra from your seal! I can keep you safe... " Kurama struggled but he felt his host's consciousness slipping away.
"Dam it Naruto! I'm trying as hard as I can!" Kurama knew it was too late. Desperate, he did the one thing left to him, although he knew the council and the village elders would use this example to push the Sandaime Hokage into exiling Naruto. Using whatever chakra that had made its way out of Naruto's body, he condensed it all into a ball. The villagers stopped and starting to step back in fear and panic. Kurama shot the ball of condensed chakra into the wall beside his host, watching it blow up through Naruto's eyes before they closed and darkness took over.

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