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"Where is he?!" Temari almost screeched into Shikamaru's ear. Temari, Shikamaru, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, Guy and Lady Tsunade were all waiting for Gaara's ANBU guard to arrive. That is they were waiting for Naruto but they didn't know that the guard was Naruto. There was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Lady Tsunade shouted over the clamor of the other Chūnin and Jōnin present in the room. The door opened and a little girl skipped in humming. Everyone stared at her.
Who the heck is she?? Sakura thought, getting a little ticked off.
"Ah Yuki!" Temari said as she recognised the cute girl. Shikamaru sighed and muttered something about troublesome.
"Where's Tōchan?" Temari asked as she knelt down so they could be face to face.
"Tōchan is coming!" She said happily.
"You raise me up ~ to more than I can be ~" she was singing as she skipped over to stand next to Shikamaru and Temari, holding onto Shikamaru's hand. Everyone stared at him. He sighed again.
"What? I know Yuki..." He answered all there unasked questions.
"And he loves Mari!" Yuki said as she pointed at Temari.
"Oh shut up..." They all heard Temari mumble as she avoided eye contact.
"Sorry I'm late Tsunade-sama" Naruto said as he entered. Everyone turned to look at him, recognising the blonde hair and the whiskers on his cheeks and the blue eyes.

"N-Naruto?" Sakura finally spoke as everyone stared at him. He ignored them all and went over to Temari, Shikamaru and Yuki.
"Tōchan!" She shouted happily as he lifted her up into his shoulder.
"La la la la la!" She sang as she patted his hair.
"Ok Hokage-sama... what's the deal?" Naruto said as everyone could only gawk at the cute girl and the scene they were looking at. Except Temari and Shikamaru who were surprisingly fussing over Yuki and Naruto. Especially Shikamaru.
So he was the one singing... Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi thought as they looked at him. Sakura felt a sudden pain in her heart when she saw him so happy and content with Yuki.
I never showed him anything but the worst side of me... Sasuke won't acknowledge me ever and I know Naruto won't... especially not now. Sakura thought. Tsunade cleared her throat.
"Ok. I want you guys to report to the gate this afternoon at 4pm in order to welcome the Kazekage." Everyone nodded except for Shikamaru, Temari, Yuki and Naruto. They were a little preoccupied.

"Yuki~!" Temari whined. Everyone stared in awkward silence.
"Please don't do that to my hair!" Temari begged her, and Yuki giggled as she pulled out the hair ties. Temari's hair fell out into its natural long form and it surprised everyone, except Shikamaru who obviously had *not* seen Temari like that...(I mean seriously... come on ;p). Naruto chuckled.
"Yuki." He said in a soft voice which gave all the females in the room a slight shiver. Naruto's voice had matured to the point that anything he said could potentially make any of the girls, and some of the guys, fall to their feet salivating and sweating, making their legs feel like jelly and their stomach flutter like a butterfly. Yuki stopped messing around.
"If that's all... Tsunade... then we shall take our leave..." Naruto said again, his voice sounding huskier. The truth was he was a little preoccupied which made his voice sound huskier than normal. Tsunade swallowed some saliva and mentally willed herself to cool down a bit.
"Ok..." She said as everyone stared at Naruto, feeling confused as to what they were feeling, whilst Shikamaru and Temari were oblivious to the slightly envious stares they were also getting.
"Let's go..." Naruto said as he led the way through the crowd out of the office, not even looking or acknowledging anyone else in the room. Suddenly the doorway was blocked by three ROOT members from the hidden leaf.

"Your presence is not welcome here... Naruto Uzumaki. You were banished from Konoha and were not invited back in... Lord Danzo wishes you gone in ten minutes or we will be forced to kill you!" The three ROOT said as they looked at Naruto. Naruto sighed. He lifted Yuki off his shoulder and put her on the floor.
"Tōchan?" Yuki asked, a little afraid.
"Don't worry, Yuki... everything will be fine..." He said. In an instant the three ROOT were on the ground, writhing and choking in Naruto's 'killer intent' almost to the point that they passed out. Everyone else in the office, who the 'killer intent' had not been applied to, fell to their knees in shock and began to gasp for air. The killer intent seemed to drain the air itself of oxygen. Oblivious, Temari and Shikamaru, who had already gotten used to Naruto's killer intent, were unaffected as they were not the targets, gathered Yuki into their arms.
"We'll meet you at the Inuzuka compound!" They said as the rushed Yuki from the scene, not wishing her to see something that may become scarring.
How is he this strong?? Sasuke gasped for breath as he stared at the back of Naruto.
What?!? I can't breathe! Kakashi and Sakura both thought. Their teammate had long surpassed them and they all knew it deep down in their hearts. There wasn't a person in Konoha that could stand up to him now. Naruto stopped leaking his killer intent the moment he felt the ROOT on the verge of unconsciousness.
"You see this headband? I'm a Suna ninja, who are allowed entrance into Konoha... And also I'm the Kazekage's personal ANBU escort and bodyguard. So get out of my face before you do something you'll regret..." Naruto said in a dangerous voice, before shoving the three leaf ROOT unceremoniously to the side.

"But how can the Kazekage have only one escort and bodyguard??" One of the ROOT spoke out loud as he massaged his throat.
"Because I'm Gaara's most trusted ANBU member, and also the strongest ninja in the Hidden Sand Village..." Naruto spoke softly as he stepped over them and continued down the hallway, heading towards the Inuzuka compound. Everyone was in shock.
"I can't believe that he's so strong!" Kurenai gasped.
"I've never felt such killer intent before Itachi!" Kakashi agreed.
"And he defeated three of Danzo's ROOT members with only his killer intent!" Asuma exclaimed. Sasuke scowled.
"It seems Naruto is not just a strong ninja, but the way he handled them seemed to me like how a once in a generation prodigy would... he's the true prodigy of this generation... he even outclasses me and my fellow Sannin, and the prodigy's that are Itachi, Orochimaru and Kakashi..." Tsunade spoke out.
"Hmmm I thought I recognised him from an earlier mission... " Kakashi spoke out loud, wondering.
"No never mind... It can't be. He would have been in Suna..." Kakashi pondered. He vaguely remembered seeing someone who looked a lot like Naruto during their mission in the Land of Rice where they were assigned to kill 4 people whom the feudal lord claimed where thieves and murderers.


Naruto walked briskly into the Inuzuka compound where all his friends were. Shikamaru smiled and handed the sleeping Yuki to him.
"She fell asleep on the way here..." Shikamaru exclaimed. "I'm sure she'll be asleep till tonight... she looks super tired... probably because of all the activity this morning and because she's still recuperating from eating next to nothing on the streets of Suna..." Shikamaru analyzed and Naruto nodded.
"Yeah that's about right..." Naruto trailed off as he saw Hinata.
"Hinata!" He called out and waved her over. She ran over to him and smiled.
"Naruto-kun!" She replied. Kiba smiled and walked over.
"Right... I guess you can stay here because the Nara compound isn't that big compared to the Inuzuka compound... And I'd figure you'd want to be with the one you love..." Kiba spoke as he opened the door. "We have a guest bedroom set up for you to use although I'm sure you'd want to sleep with Hinata..." Kiba winked and they both blushed.
"Thanks a lot Kiba..." Naruto said as he hugged his friend.
"Not to worry about it... although Shino did say you could sleep over at the Aburame compound but then he decided Yuki probably wouldn't be able to sleep at all with all the bugs around..." Naruto smiled.
"You guys are just the most amazing friends ever..." Naruto said as he took Yuki and motioned for Kiba to lead the way to the guest bedroom.

From afar, team Kakashi watched as Naruto entered the compound.
"He doesn't consider us as friends?" Sakura asked out. She frowned. Were they really that bad to Naruto that he didn't consider them friends at all? Then again... they never were nice to him unlike Kiba, Hinata, Shino and Shikamaru. They watched in silence as some orange chakra leaked out from Naruto and formed itself into a small nine tailed fox which walked alongside Naruto, getting patted by Kiba and Hinata.

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