Prologue (Updated)

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Please correct me if my Japanese translations are incorrect. Thank you.
Gomen'nasai - sorry
Sandaime Hokage - third Hokage
Jinchūriki - a person with one of the nine tailed beasts sealed inside them
Jōnin - an elite rank of ninja (kage>Jōnin>Chūnin>Gēnin)

"Stay away!"
"Get out of here before I kill you!"
These phrases haunt Naruto Uzumaki wherever he goes. Naruto Uzumaki is the nine tails jinchūriki but is feared and hated by everyone (with few exceptions) in the village because of the nine tails sealed inside of him that went on a rampage and attacked Konohagakure when he was born. The Hidden Leaf village has since tried shut him out with limited success...

"Sandaime Hokage!?!" A chorus of voice echoed in disbelief at the Third Hokage's words. The assembled Jonin sensei were all staring at him in shock. Hiruzen sighed. This is going to be tougher than I thought.
"Lord Hokage! Are you out of your mind?"
"Please reconsider, Hokage-sama!" The shouts and pleas were beginning to annoy him.
"Enough!" Hiruzen commanded loudly. "The Fourth Hokage did not throw away his life so that we would scorn the new nine tails jinchūriki! Naruto is of age and he will be entered into the ninja academy!" The Jonin sensei all stopped talking.
"Dismissed!" Hiruzen shouted and they all leapt off to their respective teams.


"... This is the fundamental basics behind chakra control and the ability to utilize different clone jutsu." Iruka-sensei explained to the students in his class. As he looked at them, he couldn't help but smile. They were the most promising bunch of students he had ever looked at. Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Hyuga Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino... Iruka could have sworn he was teaching the next generation of elite Jonin. And then there was Uzumaki Naruto. The one student Iruka felt the utmost sympathy for. He was a failure in the class. The only failure. His chakra control was so bad Naruto's clones weren't even real clones. They flopped to the floor half finished before poofing away. And he couldn't even sustain them for 10 seconds. He was also the nine tails jinchūriki and as a result everyone in the village took and instant disliking to him even though he himself had done nothing wrong. Iruka-sensei himself would have hated Naruto too, except that Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third Hokage had related to Iruka the story of Naruto and his parents.
"Oi! Iruka-sensei! Stop daydreaming and get a move on with the lesson!" It was Sakura Haruno who interrupted him from his day dreaming. She had long pink hair but only had eyes for Sasuke. As did basically every other girl in the class. Iruka sighed.
"We can't until Naruto gets his chakra control and his clones right" Iruka said as he gestured for Naruto to try again.
"Clone jutsu!" Naruto wove the hand signs slowly, and deliberately so he got them right and then concentrated hard. Poof! A clone appeared. But it was the same as every other one. It fell to the ground and disappeared. Laughter met Naruto's ears. He felt tears well up in his eyes and he dashed from the classroom, embarrassed and ashamed.
"Hey Naruto!" He heard Iruka shout after him but he continued to run. It's not fair! He thought. Everyone can do a clone jutsu but I can't! Distraught, he continued to run out of the academy crying.
"Oof!" He collided with someone and fell backwards.
"Hey! Demon brat!" The man shouted at him and picked him up.
"Don't you dare do that again!" Naruto felt himself fly through the air and land on the grass next to the academy where he could see all his classmates watching and laughing. He felt those same tears well up again.

I hate this! I hate everything about this place and everyone here! Just STOP!! Naruto wanted to shout out loud. Iruka was nowhere to be seen - in fact Iruka had run off in the other direction, thinking Naruto had headed somewhere else. People from the street gathered around and began to throw stones at him. Naruto could do nothing but tuck his head in and protect himself with his hands.
"H-hey!" He heard a soft girls voice cry out as she rushed out to stand between him and the stone throwers.
"Th-thats not nice!" She cried out, stopping them. Naruto peeked out from between his fingers. It was Hinata. The villagers all stood around in a state of disbelief. A Hyuga? They dared not touch her for she was the daughter of Hiashi Hyuga, the head of the Hyuga clan, which was one of the most prominent clans in Konoha.
"Hinata!" A stern voice yelled out. "Get away from that boy!" It was Hiashi, her father. Hinata was snatched up by her fathers protective arms and carried off to the side.
"What did I tell you, Hinata? Don't go near that boy again" Naruto heard him say and he braced himself for the pain of the stones that the villagers were preparing to throw. I hate them. I hate them all!!! And yet why do I just want acceptance? I'm confused... Iruka-sensei please help! Naruto cried out in his mind, knowing that this was what he wanted to say but couldn't. Because at the end of the day... he knew Iruka wouldn't save him.
"Stop!" A powerful voice commanded and Naruto looked up once more. In front of him was an old man wearing a white clock with the words written down the back 'Sandaime Hokage' on it.
"L-Lord Hokage" the villagers all stuttered and knelt down on one knee in deference.
"Now then... " Hiruzen snapped his fingers and two ANBU black ops ninja appeared and grabbed Naruto.
"Take him to the hospital" Naruto heard the Third Hokage say before he blacked out. Hiruzen watched as the ANBU carried Naruto away to the hospital before turning his attention back to stone throwing villagers. He berated them for the bad example they were setting for the kids in the academy and also for their abusive nature towards Konoha's greatest power.

"But lord! He's the nine tails demon!" One of the braver villagers said in defiance. "He's not an asset for Konoha! He's a dangerous threat!" Hiruzen sighed.
"Lord Fourth entrusted this kid to us in hopes he can use this power for the village. Are you saying you doubt and disrespect the Fourth Hokage's last and final wish?" The villager bowed his head.
"I'm beginning to think that he was wrong about this demon kid!" He turned and left, and Hiruzen could only watch with a sinking feeling in his heart.
"Gomen'nasai... Minato..." He whispered, looking up at the fourth face on the mountain bearing the four faces of the great Hokage of Konoha.

And so this sparks the start of Naruto's journey to finding acceptance and acknowledgement by all those around him...

By becoming HOKAGE!
But first... Naruto should first pass the Genin exam... And not screw up his clone jutsu XD

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