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Naruto laid Yuki down on the soft bed in the guest bedroom of the Inuzuka compound. She was sleeping soundly... and she looked so peaceful that even Naruto couldn't resist but snuggle up with her for a tiny bit. As he lay, cuddling Yuki on the bed, he felt her move and turn her head into him, trying to push her little head further into his chest. Smiling, he got up and closed the blinds and curtains for the room, and went back into bed with her. Pulling her close to his chest, he lay there, thinking about all that had occurred to lead him to this moment. He was at peace at last... he had found love, he had someone he cared for and looked after, and he had friends who supported him. Naruto felt truly at peace. It was so peaceful that Naruto himself fell asleep, forgetting the time. He even forgot that he was supposed to be at Gaara's welcoming committee. Especially since he was Gaara's bodyguard although Gaara technically didn't need one due to him being a jinchūriki in his own right.


The evening light shine through the partially closed blinds before the blonde finally stirred. He could sense people looking at him and could vaguely hear people talking.
"It's so cute I'm gonna die!" Someone squealed.
"It's such a touching scene" someone else cried.
"This is truly what being a father is..." Someone tearfully exclaimed.
"I wonder if Naruto ever gets tired of doing this..." Someone else asked thoughtfully. Naruto opened his eyes and looked at all the people crowding around him. Hinata, Kiba, Shikamaru, Shino, Akamaru, Temari, Gaara, Hana (Kiba's sister)... He chuckled uncomfortably and scratched his head.
"Sorry Gaara... I forgot about the time..." Naruto started his apology but Gaara waved it aside.
"It's fine... I'm pretty sure everyone here would love to trade places with you right now... considering how relaxed and comfortable you looked..." Naruto grinned. He looked back down at Yuki and pulled the blankets over her, now that he wasn't there cuddling her to generate warmth.
"Let's go..." Naruto said quietly as he gazed down at his daughter. All of them saw the look Naruto had and smiled. Naruto was a great father, no doubt about it. And it warmed their hearts to know he had found someone to fill the holes in his heart. Naruto was about to stand up and Kurama came in. He shifted into his fox form and grinned at Naruto.
"Don't worry about Yuki... I'll look after her..." He said quietly and he climbed onto the bed and cuddled Yuki, wrapping his nine tails protectively around her.
"Let's go... " Gaara said as he exited the room, everyone else following.
"Let's go to Yakiniku! Get some BBQ, and have a little party!" Temari exclaimed as they walked down the stairs. Everyone was pretty much thinking the same thing. Have a small party with friends. They'd worry about the Chūnin exams later.
"Oh by the way, Naruto..." Gaara said. "The two Gēnin teams are staying at the hotel, and you and Temari can go look at them tomorrow and help them before the exams actually start." Gaara informed them and they both nodded. They all headed to Yakiniku after watching Kiba securely lock the entrances to the Inuzuka compound and they all smiled when they realised that they were all worried for Yuki's safety. Wrapping an arm around Hinata, Naruto walked off with the others to Yakiniku.

"Hinata...I know this is a bit sudden but..." Naruto stopped walking and turned to face Hinata. "I want to be with you, and to protect you always. I love you so much I don't even know how to express it. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and Hinata nodded and hugged him so tight he couldn't breath. He felt her hot tears drop into his shoulders.
"Yes... I've waited so long for this day to come... And I despaired when you were banished, that this day would never come, promise me you won't leave me again..." She whispered into his ear. He nodded and pulled her off him slowly.
"I promise..." He said as he tilted her chin upwards and kissed her. The warmth of their kiss spread throughout their bodies. They both felt butterflies in their stomachs but they ignored the sensation and instead focused on the other sensations they could feel. Joy, happiness, love. After a while they broke the kiss, and ran to catch up with the others, giggling and laughing and smiling like little 10 year olds.


At Yakiniku, Shikamaru, since he was so familiar with the restaurant, he went up and ordered while the rest of the friends found a large table at the corner to sit down and eat at. Shikamaru soon came back with a couple of bottles of wine. Popping the cork from the first one, he poured wine into everyone's wine glasses. Raising his own, he spoke.
"Let's first off have a toast for all being such wonderful, caring and supportive friends!" Shikamaru started and they all chorused agreement in reply and clinked their glasses together before taking a sip. Naruto stood up next.
"I'd like to propose a toast to all of you for accepting me for who I am, and caring about Yuki and I... And to you, Hinata, for being my girlfriend and being so loving of me..." Everyone cheered and clinked glasses with him. Shikamaru smiled as he stood up again to propose a toast to Temari and the toasting went on for quite a while until the food actually arrived.
"Gaara? Why don't you do the honors and start off the meal?" Hana suggested and everyone waited. Gaara smiled and took his chopsticks, before selecting a nice piece of meat off the grill and dipped it in sauce before eating.
"Man this is simply delicious." Gaara stated, and everyone cheered. It was definitely a sight to see. Kiba and Hana were both feeding their dogs while eating as well, Temari and Shikamaru and Hinata and Naruto both looks like married couples eating and drinking wine, the rest of them having fun and eating and chatting with each other, catching up and reminiscing the old times.

And Sakura, who was staring at them from across the room, felt even more left out. Sasuke wouldn't talk to her unless on a mission or he was bored of being alone, Kakashi was never around... and she watched in shock as Hinata, the shy and timid girl having a blast as being completely normal, Shino, the quiet one was laughing loudly at Gaara's jokes and so on. They were such a happy group that Sakura felt tears fall from her eyes. She wanted, no, longed to be a part of their group, to share in their stories, experiences and happiness m, but she knew that deep down, they probably wouldn't accept her for the way she acted to Naruto way back in their academy and Gēnin days.

"More meat please!" Temari ordered as she drank from her wine.
"Oh and you wouldn't believe it but Naruto here is actually quite the caring and possessive father..." Temari joked and everyone laughed, including Naruto.
"Please, you are definitely one to talk Temari... You won't let any female ninja near Shikamaru back in Suna!" There was a loud chorus of laughter. This was what Naruto always wanted. To be happy with his friends.


They staggered out of Yakiniku, slightly drunk and still giddy from all the laughing they had done.
"Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow then!" Gaara said as he stumbled along to the hotel. Shino waved a goodbye and headed off with Shikamaru and Temari, because the Aburame compound was really close to the Nara compound.
"Let's go!" Hana giggled, really drunk as she tried to walk towards the Inuzuka compound, only to fall down. Kiba stifled a laugh as he watched his drunk sister's antics. Working together, Naruto and Kiba both grabbed Hana's arms and supporting her, walked her back to their compound, with Hinata leading the way.
"What on earth happened to you guys?" They heard Kurama say as he opened the door. He raised an eyebrow at them.
"Quiet! Yuki's had dinner and has gone to bed now... I guess I'll stay in her room and look after her since you are probably going to Hinata's room." Kurama said as he closed the door behind them and headed back to the guest bedroom.
"Goodnight" Naruto and Hinata said as they made their way to her bedroom.
"Tonight was so much fun" Naruto stated as they entered her bedroom. Hinata nodded and wrapped her arms around Naruto's head.
"I loved it... Almost as much as I love you!" She said and kissed him. Naruto kissed her back, picking her up bridal style and making their way to her bed. He let her down gently and climbed into bed with her, taking off his shirt and pants, leaving just his boxers on. She took off her top and pants and slipped on her pajamas and then they cuddled and spooned.
"You know, Hinata, I've been dreaming about this day for all my life... I almost gave up at one point..." Naruto said.
"Me too... it was too hard watching you leave, but now your back." Hinata replied as she turned around and snuggled into his chest, using her hand to feel his chest muscles.
"Goodnight Naruto-kun, I love you."
"Goodnight Hinata... I love you too."

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