7 (Edited)

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Naruto woke up feeling more energized than he had been in the afternoon when he had fallen asleep beside Yuki. He looked at her sleeping in his bed and he smiled. He hadn't smiled in some time. Stroking her hair gently, it reminded him of the time when he and Hinata were lying beside each other. And he remembered when they had confessed to each other. He was reminded very much of that moment. And now... he knew. He loved Yuki like she was his own daughter in the short time (like a few hours come on dude) they had been together, mostly because he saw Hinata in her. Gently, he pried Yuki's fingers off his arm and he got up and stretched. Looking at the time, he headed down to the kitchen. Having to live by himself ever since he was exiled meant that Naruto had become an accomplished cook. He decided to make some simple rice balls for dinner.
"Kurama? Do you think she has any family left?" He asked while cooking the rice.
"Hmmm I doubt it. She was stealing food when she ran into you..." Kurama replied. Naruto scratched his head. He had forgotten about that.
"Dam right! You weren't even paying any attention anyway!" Kurama continued and Naruto smiled.
"It's been a long time since I last saw you smile..." A voice cut Naruto away from his thoughts. Naruto turned around and came face to face with Gaara.
"Gaara." Naruto greeted. "What's up?" Gaara looked at Naruto for a moment. He's definitely back. But he's also different. No this is definitely Naruto. But he seems so much more grown up and wise than when he teleported into my office a week ago. Gaara smiled.
"Nothing much. I was just here to relax. I really don't like doing paperwork, and also because this is my house too... " Naruto chuckled. Right. Naruto might have forgotten that small detail.

Gaara handed him some paper.
"Thought you might want to sign these." Gaara said as he walked off to Naruto's bedroom. Naruto looked at the paper that was given to him.
"Adoption papers..." Naruto read before smiling.
"Wait Gaara! How did you know?" Naruto called after Gaara and walked to his bedroom. Yuki was awake and was in the middle of a small conversation with Gaara.
"Lord Ka-Kazekage are you sure?" She asked in a small voice.
"I'm sure. I know you would love to have him as your father!" Gaara replied with a smile and Yuki noticed Naruto standing by the door.
"Tōchan!!" She cried out happily. Naruto smiled back.
"She's definitely changed you Naruto" Gaara observed as Naruto signed the adoption papers and handed them back to Naruto.
"Alright then... Yuki Uzumaki" Gaara smiled and stood up.
"Tōchan! I'm hungry!" She cried out as she got off the bed and ran into Naruto's arms.


"You know... Naruto, for a 3 year old, Yuki is incredibly smart. To be able to live on the streets without parents and to be able to steal from shopkeepers for this long without getting caught... She definitely has some talent." Gaara said as Naruto lay in the couch.
"I can't take her in as a student... She's simply too young Gaara. Sure her IQ may be close to a Nara's but she's still too young for ninja training."
"I know Naruto, but I was just talking hypothetically. You know, it could happen in the future."


Gaara you sly son of a gun! Naruto thought.
"Took you long enough though" Kurama said as Naruto headed to the kitchen with Yuki in his arms. He was greeted by Temari and Kankuro who were smiling at him.
"Look at you Naruto!" Temari said. Kankuro smiled.
"She looks so cute and happy with you..." Naruto rolled his eyes.
"Of course she'd be happy with me... right Yuki?" Naruto said looking at her.
"Of course Tōchan!" Yuki replied and snuggled closer to Naruto's chest. It was warm and Yuki felt very safe there.
"Awwwww" Temari said as she saw them. Naruto's face turned slightly red.
"Ok that's enough of that mushy crap." He said as he went to make the rice balls.
"Temari can you help me?" Naruto called from the kitchen.
"Sure thing!" Temari replied as she left her fan on a chair and walked into the kitchen where Naruto transferred Yuki from his arms into Temari's.

"Aww who's a cute girl?" Temari asked as she carried Yuki to the table where Gaara and Kankuro were sitting.
"She's so small..." Kankuro noted sadly.
"Yea... she must have not eaten much at all..." Temari replied. It saddened the both of them to see her so small and thin.
"Well... she was homeless..." Gaara said as he skimmed through some more paper. It was always paperwork.
"So... Naruto... because you activated the Hiraishin seal in my office, does that mean you accept my offer of becoming a Sand Ninja? And my ANBU bodyguard?" Gaara called out as he read some more sheets of paper.
"Yea..." Came Naruto's short reply.
"Good... Cause I'd like to have someone I can trust with me at the Chūnin exams..." Temari and Kankuro's heads both turned to face Gaara.
"But they're held in the leaf village." They both whispered to him.
"I don't think you should let Naruto go with you..." Kankuro added in further.
"That's up to Naruto..." Gaara decided and placed the paperwork down to one side as Naruto carried out a plate full of rice balls.
"That looks nice" Temari commented after a while to break the awkward silence.

"So Naruto... if the Chūnin exams are held in Konoha, would you come with me?" Gaara asked hesitantly. Naruto was reaching over to take Yuki from Temari's arms when he heard the question. He faltered slightly.
"Uh... Sure why not?" He said, with a smile even though Naruto was sure it was kind of forced. But at the same time, Naruto didn't know whether the smile was truly forced as he did have some plans for heading into Konoha sooner or later. To see her.
"Ok Yuki... Open up!" Naruto said happily as he held a rice ball in his hand and brought it up to Yuki's mouth. She giggled happily and opened her mouth.
"Here comes the rice ball!" Naruto exclaimed and she bit it. Temari, Kankuro and Gaara gazed at them amused.
"If I didn't know better, Naruto, I'd say you're a natural..." Temari smirked as she bit her own rice ball. Naruto smiled smugly at her.
"Some just have talent." Naruto replied.
"Oh please I could do a better job blindfolded!" Kurama said suddenly.
"What's with 'Mari'?" Naruto said, smiling maliciously at Temari. She choked on her rice ball and coughed, her face turning red.
"Wh-WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT!" She yelled and they all laughed.
"Mari's a tomato!" Yuki shouted out happily while Naruto continued to feed her the rice ball. Everyone choked and snickered at Temari. She glared at Yuki.

"If Yuki wasn't here... " Temari began and the three guys shut up quickly.
"Ok anyway. Because of the recent missions, the Jōnin captains for the two Gēnin teams we are sending have been hospitalized. And they want you to go with them... Temari and Naruto" Both of them looked at Gaara.
"I know, I know, but I just figured that you two would go along because (A) Temari gets to see Shikamaru and (B) Naruto you can see your friends."
"Oh and by the way... I just got a message from Shikamaru." Kankuro added in. Everyone looked at him.
"He said he'll be here to escort the two Gēnin teams to the leaf village when the time comes." Naruto and Temari nodded. Gaara nodded.
"Ok tell him we'll meet him halfway there." Temari said as she stood up.
"Why?" Kankuro asked and she could see all of them turn to look at her with 'those' looks.
"Oh come on! I want to spend a day with Sh- the Gēnin team before the Chūnin exams anyway!!" They all smiled innocently at her.
"Of course Temari, of course!" Gaara said knowingly.
"Whatever you say... Mari" Naruto added in with an evil smile.
"Yay! Mari-chan!" Yuki shouted.

"Alright that's settled then" Gaara said.
"Although I'm not able to be there just yet. I still have some village affairs to sort out before I head over to Konoha." Gaara handed Naruto a Suna headband.
"You might wanna wear this or they won't let you inside the village gates."

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