10 (Edited)

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* fixed some mistakes
Itadaikimasu - something you say before you eat
Ikimashou - let's go

Naruto woke up and stretched. He was on the bed with a sleeping Yuki. He sighed and looked out the window. It was a bright and beautiful morning and he couldn't help but plan something fun to do with Yuki before he had to go to meet the council with Temari for the welcoming committee and what not for Gaara's arrival. Naruto yawned and got up. Leaving the blankets on Yuki, he tiptoed to the bathroom only to find Temari and Shikamaru have a kiss in the bathroom.
"Excuse me" Naruto said as he awkwardly made his way past them to wash his hands. He was going to prepare some food for a picnic he had planned with Yuki. They both broke their kiss the moment he made a sound and awkwardly looked away from him.
"Your not gonna comment?" Temari asked after a strained silence.
"Uh... no... " Naruto replied. Then he smiled.
"Ah... Shika... Mari! KYAAAAA!" He mockingly said as he dashed out of the bathroom. Temari and Shikamaru blushed so hard they could have been mistaken for apples. Naruto hummed a tune in his head as he prepared the food he had thought of.
"Wh-what are you making?" Shikamaru said as he and Temari entered the kitchen. They both avoided looking at Naruto the entire time and Naruto felt like laughing.
"So how was it?" Naruto added in one last time, with a laugh.
"How was what?" Shikaku asked as he entered the kitchen. He looked at all the food Naruto was preparing. Shikamaru had found something interesting on the ceiling while Temari found out that Naruto's feet were bigger than Shikamaru's.
"Oh don't play dumb..." Shikaku said with a knowing smile and Temari could have wished the floor was going to swallow her up. The embarrassment was real. Not only did they actually have sex while drunk last night, but they were loud, enjoyed it, and everyone had heard them.
"Anyway Naruto what's this for?" Shikaku said after giving Temari and Shikamaru a stare.
"I'm having a picnic today with Yuki and we are going to visit my parents because it's my mother's birthday today..." Naruto answered as he packed everything into a basket. Shikaku nodded. Then a thought came to him.
"How old are you?" Everyone could have face palmed.
"Uh... Dad?" Shikamaru said. "Naruto is the same age as us... considering Yuki is 5 and has brown hair, I doubt she's Naruto's daughter by blood..." Shikaku nodded.
"Right... but you never know..." He said giving Temari and Shikamaru another stare before laughing.
"I'm just messing with you. Go have fun" he said, seeing them squirm and turn red under his gaze.
"Not that way!" Shikaku laughed again.


"Yuki... today is a very special day... it's my mother's birthday today." Naruto said as they sat down by Naruto's parent's graves. He propped the pictures of his mother and father up, and set them down in the picnic blanket he brought along with him. Seating themselves around the basket, Yuki and Naruto stared at the picture of Kushina.
"Happy birthday, Kāsan!" Naruto said as he bowed low in respect. Yuki bowed low as well.
"Happy birthday, Tōchan's Kāsan!" Yuki said before Naruto opened the basket and retrieved the food he had packed.
"Itadaikimasu!" The both said as they began to eat. Yuki smiled as she ate. She loved being with her father. Sure she acted a lot more childish when she was around him, but at the same time she was grateful she could just have fun and she knew Naruto knew she was a lot smarter but didn't try and force it out of her. She was really grateful. And she stopped being childish only when she was serious. Like she was now.
"Tōchan? Can you sing?" She asked. Naruto stopped eating and looked at her.

Unseen and unnoticed by both of them, Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke stumbled upon them, but not recognizing who they were, the hid in the trees and watched. In fact they had come to pay respects to the forth Hokage's wife, whose birthday was today. And because she was the wife of Kakashi's sensei. They strained their ears as they listened, curious as well as to whether the stranger could sing or not.

"Yes, Yuki. I can" Naruto barely whispered. He saw a smile appear on Yuki's face.
"Sing something! I'm sure your Kāsan would love to here it!" She encouraged, knowing it would help him release some of the emotions he had held. He smiled.
"I'll sing something that foxy-chan taught me that my mother used to sing!" He said and watched as Yuki's smile grew larger.

"Who is foxy-chan?" Sakura whispered to Kakashi and Sasuke as they watched, hidden in the trees. They both shrugged.

Naruto cleared his throat.
"Alright then. I can teach you how to sing this song too... "
[Cue music/video!]
{I freaking love this song}
"When I am down and, oh, my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up to more than I can be.

You raise me up to more than I can be."

When Naruto had finished he had tears in his eyes, Kurama had taught him by showing Naruto his memories of Kushina singing that song and he couldn't help the tears flowing from his eyes. Yuki's eyes widened.
"It's such a sad and beautiful song..." Yuki commented before she went and hugged her father.
"Tōchan... That was beautiful!" She said feelings tears at her eyes as she continued to hug her crying father. For Naruto, it was all too much. He couldn't bear it and cried. Properly. For the first time. He actually cried about his parents.

Needless to say, Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke were shocked. That man had the voice of an angel, and then he cried afterwards. They didn't know what to say.

"You raise me up... to more than I can... be..." Naruto sang the last line again, but shakily.
"Ikimashou, Yuki." He said after a while, as he composed himself again.
"When will you teach me that song?" Yuki asked. Naruto looked down at her and smiled.
"Soon. I will also teach you some other songs Foxy-chan taught me that my mother used to sing..." He stood up and packed everything up.
"Let's go... I'm sure we can't keep Gaara waiting for his welcome committee!" Naruto joked but his heart wasn't in to it. He really felt like something had stabbed him straight through the heart and he just wanted to lie down and cry his heart out for the rest of the day.

Special update! Because why not? Also I wanted more bonding between Yuki and Naruto before I continue with the story!

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