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Never mind, to be honest I don't think I could possibly write any more than this last chapter for this story.

"Mum!" A nine year old girl with long brown hair opened the door to her house. It was quiet at first. Then she heard it. The banging. The repetitive banging. It didn't take her very long to figure out what she was hearing.
"Oh... Naruto kun!" She heard her mum's voice from the master bedroom.
"Hinata chan!" Her dad shouted. Her mum suddenly screamed.
"NOOO WAIT WHAT! It's supposed to be more to the left! We measured it wrong Naruto!" Hinata shouted. The banging stopped.
"Ah crap." Naruto said. Yuki blushed. She'd thought her parents were doing it again. They were always doing it at night, was all she knew. She could hear them sometimes when she woke up to moans and muted screams of pleasure in the middle of the night. Yuki sighed before turning to her brother and sister.
"Boruto? Himawari? Let's go surprise mum and dad!" The two four year old twins giggled. All three of them tip toed up the stairs to where Hinata and Naruto were. Opening the door, they jumped in and shouted.
"Surprise!" Hinata jumped and Naruto dropped the hammer he was using.
"Oh hey kids!" Naruto said happily. They'd been trying to build a bunk bed for the twins. Unfortunately, of course, they'd misread the instructions for step 14 and had consequentially done it wrong.
"How was Academy Yuki?" Hinata asked.
"It was great! We are starting to learn about chakra and jutsu!" Yuki replied. Naruto smiled.
"That reminds me... we have to figure out your case." Naruto said as he and Hinata shared a glance.
"Tsunade came in with a medical review of yours. She said your DNA she'd obtained from your blood sample showed something interesting." Naruto said. Yuki gulped.
"What?" She asked. Hinata laid a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry. Just because you're different doesn't mean you aren't alone. Look at me! My eyes are unique to the Hyuga clan, for my byakugan. And Naruto, your father, is a jinchuriki, just like your uncle Gaara." Hinata comforted her.
"You have a kekkei genkai." Naruto said. "A bloodline, and Tsunade wants to see you again so we can figure out what it is." Yuki gulped while her two siblings just stared at their parents.
"Let's eat lunch then visit Tsunade." Hinata said, and immediately, Naruto's face brightened, the same with Yuki, Boruto and Himawari's. She giggled. They always loved to eat.


"So, Tsunade?" Naruto asked as he stood. He was never one to sit. As the head ANBU and the Kazekage's bodyguard, Naruto knew that sitting down only wasted precious seconds when it mattered. And so he didn't sit down often. Tsunade cleared her throat.
"It's most definitely a kekkei genkai." Tsunade said.
"Now please channel your chakra through this paper." Naruto moved to place Yuki's hand on the paper.
"Relax." Naruto said, as he formed a few hand seals. It was a jutsu designed by the Suna ANBU which drew out chakra from a target and stored it somewhere. Naruto did just that, drawing out a bit of Yuki's chakra and stored it into the paper. The paper split in half and was soaked at the same time. Then it began to freeze over. Naruto's eyes widened.
"Yuki... from the Yuki clan." He said. Tsunade nodded thoughtfully.
"Whoever named you must have given Yuki to you as a clue for when you grew up. You bear the Ice style kekkei genkai, one that is thought to be extinct." Tsunade said. Naruto and Hinata patted her shoulder.
"On the plus side, Yuki, your father on his travels after his banishment met an ice style user by the name of Haku. But he's dead." Hinata said.
"But I do know what hand seals he used and what jutsu he had." Naruto said with a grin.
"So I'll be training you." He gave her a thumbs up and Yuki grinned back.
"Arigato, tōchan!" Yuki replied.

Unknown to them, a sand snake slithered it's way out of Tsunade's carpet and out through the open window, slithering around under the sand till it reached a dark cave.
"Iccccce style... my new vessel..." The man formerly known as Kabuto Yakushi stood up in the dark cave and peeled off his face. To reveal the one and only, Orochimaru.

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