4 (Edited)

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* fixed spelling mistakes
Baka - idiot
Gomen'nasai - sorry

There was a small crowd outside one of the hospital rooms. Kakashi stood silently by the hospital door, looking in through the glass windows at the blonde that was currently in a coma. He had bandages wrapped all over him and he was a sorry sight. Sensei... Kakashi thought. I've failed you, sensei... Beside him were Naruto's friends, all of whom had the worst shock of their life when they heard Naruto was in the hospital. And then there was Hinata. She was sobbing uncontrollably into Kiba's shoulder.
"This is all my fault" she cried. "I should have walked home with him regardless! Kiba-kun!!" Kiba was trying to comfort her, but it wasn't working. Hinata was distraught at the possibility of losing her crush only after they had confessed to each other the other day. That changed with the arrival of Naruto's team.
"Hey Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura's voice echoed down the corridor. "Why aren't we going on a mission? And where is that Naruto-Baka?" Shino and Shikamaru's heads both turned to stare at her.
"He's in here" Shino answered coldly as he walked past Sakura and Sasuke, followed by Shikamaru. Sakura and Sasuke both stared at Kiba who was holding onto Hinata tightly as if he was comforting her. Which he was. What's up with Hinata? Sasuke thought. Is Hinata crying over the dead last? Sakura thought as she grabbed Sasuke's arm and dragged him to the glass pane to look inside.

Kakashi sighed.
"I'll leave you two alone for a moment with Naruto." Kakashi walked off, heading towards the Hokage's office. There was something he had to confirm. Kakashi had to know who Fox was. And he had a sinking suspicion that he knew exactly who, or in this case, what Fox was. Which then led to his next question. How?


"This council will now begin." The two village elders looked around at all the council members present.
"I'm sure you have all been made aware. Uzumaki Naruto, nine tails jinchūriki attacked a group of villagers last night." Hiruzen sighed.
"It wasn't an attack!" He said. He noticed a couple of clan heads look at him curiously. Hiruzen sighed inwardly. He knew who the hardline council members were who opposed the nine tails jinchūriki like he was some monster. He had to sway the other council members into his side for the vote.
"He was being attacked by the villagers" Hiruzen explained. Danzo thumped his fist onto the table.
"He wasn't defending himself! He was seen creating a condensed ball of chakra and shot it at the villagers!" Hiruzen glared at him. He knew Danzo would say that.
"He aimed it at the wall as a signal" he countered.
"It's a tailed beast bomb for goodness sake! We all know what it looks like" Danzo replied.
"Enough! We aren't doing anything to him!" Hiruzen said. Danzo sneered.
"Let's have a vote. All in favour for doing nothing to Naruto" Danzo called out and 4 people raised their hands.
"All in favour of exiling Naruto" Danzo and 3 other people raised their hands. The only person who hadn't voted was Hiashi Hyuga.

"Hiashi?" Hiruzen asked. "You know as well as I do that Naruto is the jinchūriki and is of great importance to Konohagakure" Hiruzen said trying to sway his opinion.
"No we all know that Naruto is a liability, a danger to our people!" Danzo said. Hiashi nodded slowly as he came to a decision.
"Naruto is indeed of great importance to the Hidden Leaf Village" Hiashi agreed with Hiruzen. "And he can indeed be seen as a liability and a danger but he hasn't actually harmed any of the citizens. So therefore I -" Hiashi stopped when Danzo leaned over and whispered something into his ear. Hiashi's face clouded with anger. "I vote to exile him!" Hiashi growled, venting his anger on the table. Hiruzen and the rest of the council members stared at him in shock.
"Meeting over!" Hiashi practically yelled before he stormed out of the meeting room.
"What did you tell him, Danzo?" Hiruzen orderd. Danzo smirked.
"I told him that Naruto brat is really close to his pathetic Hinata" Hiruzen stood up angrily.
"You have no right to say that!"


Naruto was stood at the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village. Danzo walked forward whilst everyone else watched, silently.
"Uzumaki Naruto, you are hereby banished from Konohagakure for crimes against the village, bodily harm and intent to kill. Any last words?" Danzo smirked at Naruto who looked up pleadingly.
"I haven't done anything wrong!" SLAP! Danzo looked down at the boy.
"Shut up! Demon" he added. "You have a few minutes to say good bye... if you have anyone to say goodbye to... Hah" Danzo sneered. Naruto looked up.
"Sandaime Hokage..." He ran and hugged Hiruzen whilst crying. "Why is this happening to me?" Hiruzen couldn't stop the tears from his own eyes.
"I'm sorry Naruto... I wasn't able to keep you in the village."
Suddenly, two ROOT ninja detached themselves from Danzo's side and grabbed Naruto.
"Times up!" They said cackling and dragged him towards the gate.
"Sandaime!" Naruto screamed out as he tried to fight the ROOT ninja.
"Naruto!" Hiruzen struggled but Hiashi was holding him back.
"Why Hiashi?" Hiruzen asked as he continued to try and free himself from Hiashi's hold.

"It's for the best, Lord Hokage" Hiashi replied grimly. Everyone watched as Naruto was dragged out of the village by Danzo's bodyguards.
"Naruto!" Hinata and Kiba screamed out but two ninja quickly ran in and restrained them.
"Ok that's far enough!" Danzo ordered. "Now kill him." Everyone's eyes went wide.
"Danzo what are you doing?!" Hiruzen and Hiashi both yelled out as Hiashi let go of Hiruzen. They were too far to stop Danzo's henchmen. Withdrawing their kunai, the two threw them with deadly precision at Naruto's unprotected back.
"NARUTO!" The third Hokage cried out desperately.

There was a sudden poof of smoke and everyone took a step back, subconsciously.
"Fox-sensei?" Sakura was the first to speak when she saw who it was that deflected the kunai.
"No foolish child!" He growled in an animalistic way before taking off the fox mask. In doing so, he morphed into a human sized version of the fox spirit that everyone recognised and hated. There was a loud gasp from everyone who saw what had just happened.
"It's the demon..."
"Nine tails..."
Kurama glared at everyone with so much hate and anger in his eyes that even Danzo flinched and took a step back. Picking up the fragile, broken hearted boy, he ran off into the forest with only team 7 and Naruto's friends staring after them in sadness, sorrow and regret.
"Danzo... What have you done?" Everyone froze at Hiruzen's words as the third Hokage turned around and left for his office, the tears he had held in for so long finally flowing freely down his cheeks.
"Minato... gomen'nasai... I have failed you miserably..."

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