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Orochimaru sighed as he stood up.
"I'd love to play around, Jiraiya... but I've got what I wanted and now I'm leaving... say hello to Tsunade for me... ku ku ku..." he grinned, his creepily long tongue licking his lips before he sunk into the ground and disappeared. Jiraiya shivered.
"I can never get over that..." he muttered before he turned to Naruto. They both dashed over to the unguarded urn. Jiraiya stopped Naruto before he undid the seal.
"Let me. My fuinjutsu is one of the best in the world." He said and Naruto stepped back. While he was proficient, he wasn't as good as Jiraiya was. Yet. Jiraiya quickly undid the seal and watched as the Yang half of Kurama was unsealed and brought back out, before it was sucked back into Naruto's seal.
"All done." Jiraiya said as both him and Naruto turned to see the Raikage backing away hastily from Tsunade, holding an injured Onoki.
"It's over." Tsunade said as she approached Naruto with the Sand siblings. Naruto immediately hugged Temari, Gaara and Kankuro.
"The Raikage and the Tsuchikage both surrendered when Danzo was killed." She said.
"Let's go back to Suna and have a rest." Tsunade said as she began to walk slowly in the direction of the sand village. She stumbled slightly and Jiraiya caught her. Naruto grinned. Using her stored chakra did take an immense drain on her and often undid her age genjutsu. He saw Hinata and Yuki running up to him and his heart leapt.
"Yuki..." he breathed as he hugged the little girl first.
"Tōchan..." she whispered back, hugging him tightly. Then he turned to Hinata.
"I'm so glad you're safe!" He said as he hugged her and then kissed her. She blushed.
"Me too..." she replied.


The trip back to the Leaf Village was quiet. Many of the people heading back to the Leaf to complete the Chunin exams were completely silent. Even Jiraiya, who was normally very talkative, was quietly writing down notes in his scroll. They were not for a new Icha Icha novel which had Kakashi saddened. However he wasn't too sad for long because Jiraiya had produced an Icha Icha book which was going to be published for Kakashi to read. When they arrived back at the Leaf Village, it was business as usual. Chunin exams.

"It's time for the final round. Lord Kazekage, how are you?" Tsunade asked as he got seated in the Kage box situated above the crowds. She had Jiraiya and Kakashi beside her, along with two ANBU on the roof. Gaara gave her a smile.
"I'm feeling fine." He replied. He had his two siblings and Naruto standing next to him. They watched as the proctor for the exam, Shikamaru, read out the rules. Naruto leaned down and whispered something into Gaara's ear.
"Lady Hokage... is it alright for Hinata and Naruto's daughter to be up here?" Gaara asked. The Hokage smiled.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." She replied and Naruto shunshin'd away, appearing moments later with Hinata and Yuki. Yuki laughed and jumped onto Gaara's lap, where she sat, and Hinata giggled as Naruto pulled her close to him.

Shikamaru looked at the 8 Genin.
"Ok match one... Matsuri against Tenji... will start soon. Everyone else, clear the arena!" Shikamaru stood between the two Genin. Tenji, was a pale faced Leaf Genin who was training under Sasuke who was a Jonin instructor. He knew Matsuri personally, but he couldn't have any bias coming into the match.
"Begin!" He shouted. Immediately Tenji leapt back a few meters, and Matsuri also did the same. She unfurled her fan, showing one purple circle. Shikamaru mentally facepalmed. She's literally Temari when I had to fight her... he thought. However, Tenji wasn't deterred. He quickly threw a few kunai, to which she responded by swiping her fan and sending a gust of wind to blast them away from her. Tiger or Snake Ram Monkey Boar Horse Tiger.
"Fire style! Fireball jutsu!" He blew out a ball of fire and watched as it shot straight for Matsuri.

Upstairs, Naruto sighed and shook his head. It's exactly what Teme would do...

Matsuri narrowed her eyes. Thankfully, she'd encountered the jutsu before when she had team practise against Naruto sensei, but she knew it was to her disadvantage. She jumped to the side, opening her fan to the second circle. She swiped it again, watching Tenji roll to the side and throw a few shuriken, which she blocked with her fan. Suddenly, she saw the sunlight reflect off the thin wires as it passed by her head. Her eyes widened in shock. She ducked and opened her fan fully. She had to strike before Tenji did.
"Wind scythe jutsu!" She cried as she unleashed a massive gust of wind which caused Tenji to lose his grasp on the wired and slam into the wall.


The Chunin exam celebrations were loud. Way too loud for Gaara's liking, but he endured it. He knew, from the moment he saw the final two opponents who would become the winner. Akaedo was the Sand village's prodigy and genius. Reido was simply a wildcard. But Gaara always knew that Reido would win. Reido had the drive and determination that he saw in his friend Naruto, the drive to never give up, stemmed even further by fighting in front of his role model, Naruto, that Reido simply won due to the fact that Akaedo dropped down out of chakra exhaustion, although Reido was about to faint any second due to the injuries he'd sustained and also his own chakra exhaustion.
"So... I heard Lady Hokage is making an announcement." Kankuro said as he dashed off towards the Hokage tower. She'd announced that she had some news to share with the village. Gaara sighed and stood up, followed by Hinata, Yuki, Naruto and Temari. When they arrived, they could see Lady Tsunade standing on top with Kakashi.
"I've gathered you all here today to announce that I'm stepping down from my position as Hokage! Frankly, I've been getting a bit too old for this job -"
"Here here!" Jiraiya's voice shouted out.
"SHUT IT YOU PERV OR I'L BEAT YOUR HEAD IN! Anyway, I've decided to leave my position to a younger, and more able person, Hatake Kakashi!" She passed Kakashi the Hokage's hat and grinned at his awestruck face. Naruto also grinned. He knew that his old sensei would hate the job. Nevertheless, the Leaf Village wasn't his home anymore, so he had to stay impassive. Suddenly, he felt a sudden shift in chakra next to him and a familiar form appeared.
"Kurama." Naruto whispered. The human form of the nine tailed fox stretched his arms.
"Naruto. It's been a while since I've been whole again..." they both watched in silence as Tsunade continued to talk.
"Kurama..." a raspy voice spoke and they both turned to see a tanned man wearing desert clothing.
"Shukaku." He replied in kind. It wasn't very often that the one tails decided to come out of his vessel, but apparently he'd decided on it this time.

"... and so, I'll also be leaving this village on a training trip, to train more Medical Ninja for the Leaf Village. Thank you." Lady Tsunade said as she officially resigned and she walked back into the office to clear her belongings. Naruto watched as Jiraiya made his way over to him.
"Naruto. You ready?" Jiraiya asked. Naruto frowned.
"What for?" He asked.
"With Gaara's permission, Tsunade and I are moving to Suna. Frankly, I'm always travelling but Suna is more central for my spy network, and Tsunade wishes to take Hinata on as an apprentice." He said. Gaara nodded at Naruto.
"I've already allowed it." He replied. Naruto grinned.
"Then what are we waiting for?" He asked.
"Me." Tsunade said as she appeared beside them.
"Let's go!"


The Sand village cheered as they entered Suna. Naruto sighed, happily. He was glad to be back. He watched as Gaara and his two siblings led Tsunade and Jiraiya on a tour.
"Let's go home." Naruto said to Hinata. Yuki had ran off to walk with Gaara. He unlocked the door to Gaara's house, where he lived and they entered. Placing Hinata's bags and belongings in his room, he smiled.
"I love you so much, Hinata." Naruto whispered as he kissed her.
"I love you too..." she replied. They continued to kiss, with Naruto's hands roaming all over her body, before settling on her shirt. He slowly pulled them over Hinata's head, while she, sensing what they both wanted, pulled Naruto's shirt off and unbuckled his pants. They kissed one more time before Naruto pushed her gently onto the bed, climbing on top of her, while still kissing her.
"Oh... please... Naruto..." Hinata moaned.
"Hinata... you sure?" He asked.
"Yes." She replied simply.

Okay... XD

The end is near :')
Writing this story has been a roller coaster, I must admit, with some chapters significantly harder to write, like this one. But I decided that this chapter would finalise some things, like the war, the Chunin exams... so hope you guys enjoy, and there will only be a few more chapters left! Maybe 1 maybe 3? I don't know, but thanks for your votes, comments and support. It's been an amazing journey.

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