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Ero-sennin - Pervy Sage
Kāsan - short hand for mother (okāsan)

"No" The pineapple haired man sighed for the last time. "I can't guarantee they will let you into Konoha, Naruto!" Temari looked at both of the men and sighed.
"Look, Shikamaru, Naruto is a Sand ninja now, and Gaara has also prepared documents and a personal letter for the Hokage regarding Naruto's circumstances. It will be fine!" Temari argued. Naruto just sighed and looked at his two friends arguing about the premise of his entrance into Konoha. They still had a way to go yet though, so Naruto didn't really care. He lifted Yuki onto his shoulders. She giggled and played around with his hair, ruffling it up and pretending she could see everything.
"Well, let's get going, Shikamaru, Temari. You two love birds need to sort out your relationship quarrels alone..." Naruto couldn't resist saying. They both glared at him.
"NARUTO!!" Temari yelled. Naruto laughed and ran off with Yuki holding onto his head tightly.
"Yay! Racing! Yay! Run faster Tōchan! Mari-chan is gonna beat us!" Naruto only laughed harder at this as both Temari and Shikamaru turned redder than a tomato at Yuki's casual use of Shikamaru's nick name for Temari.
"Why you little! COME BACK HERE!" Temari yelled and dragged Shikamaru along with her as she chased after the blonde man. It came to no surprise that no one wanted to stop them as they ran past the village gates. After all, a mad Temari chasing after someone was a common occurrence in the leaf village anyway.

As Naruto ran into Konoha, he looked up and froze. Yuki was still laughing and beating his head as if it was a drum.
"Nani? Tōchan? What's wrong?" Yuki asked when she noticed Naruto wasn't running.
"You little son of-" Temari cut off as she noticed Naruto was simply standing on the spot frozen, staring at one of the great Hokage faces carved into the mountain.
"Is that...?" Naruto asked.
"Yes that is the Yondaime Hokage, or otherwise known as Minato Namikaze, your father" Kurama answered. Shikamaru finally caught up to them and noticed Naruto's look.
"Uh... Hate to break the silence but we gotta report to the Hokage, seeing as we need to prepare for the Chūnin exams." Shikamaru said as he began to walk down the main street. Temari stood by Naruto for a moment.
"Come on, Naruto, Yuki, it's time to meet the Hokage" she said in a soft tone. Naruto finally tore his gaze away from the face of his father.
"Yes let's" Naruto replied as he lifted Yuki off his shoulders and onto the ground.
"It's time to walk now, Yuki. After this meeting we can go play and explore!" Naruto promised and Yuki giggled happily.

As they walked towards the Hokage's building, they couldn't help but notice all the stares directed at the blonde and the cute little girl. Everyone knew Shikamaru and Temari were a thing although they tried to deny it, but no one knew who the handsome blonde was and who the little girl was. As far as anyone could tell, he was single. Naruto could see the subtle glances and the whispers directed at him but merely ignored them, just like he would have done many years ago.
"Oh my, that's a strapping young fellow!"
"I'd jump him if I didn't have a boyfriend..."
"He's pretty hot..."
Naruto didn't notice all the dreamy gazes many girls had sent his way. He was merely intent on looking after Yuki, and finding some people.
"Hey! Come on!" Shikamaru dragged Naruto into the Hokage's office and broke Naruto's train of thoughts and memories.
"Lady Hokage... We have brought along Temari of the Sand and her ANBU companion, Naruto of the Sand and his daughter Yuki." Naruto's head snapped up as he stared at the 'Lady' Hokage. Likewise, the Hokage stared at him too.
"Baa-chan?" Naruto finally croaked out.
"Naruto?" Tsunade answered.


"You gotta know, this boy, is special to me! Why the Leaf ever banished him is a complete mystery to me!" Jiraiya laughed to Tsunade. It had been a few months since the banishment, and Jiraiya had personally sought him out, explaining to Naruto how he was his godfather and told him all about his parents. And that was when he met Tsunade, or as he nicknamed, Baa-chan.
"Minato and Kushina must be rolling in their graves! Why doesn't Sarutobi do anything?" Tsunade replied. Jiraiya shrugged.
"He was outvoted and also I suspect Danzo has a massive hand in this..."
"Dam that stupid old geezer!"


"Baa-chan... Where is Sandaime Hokage?" Naruto asked. He wanted to finally meet him and catch up after all these years of not being able to confide in him.
"He's... Orochimaru killed him..." Tsunade said, her fists clenched tightly as she looked away.
"Oh... Sorry... " Naruto said.
"Ok if that's all, then... Yuki and I will go visit the graves, if that's alright with you, Temari?" Naruto asked. Temari nodded and Naruto left the room with Yuki.
"Come along, Yuki! There's some people I would like you to meet!"

A while later, they arrived at the graves of Naruto's parents. He pointed at the pictures by the two gravestones.
"Yuki... I want you to meet my father... (Naruto pointed at the man with blonde hair much like his wearing a leaf headband and the Hokage's cloak) and my mother... (Naruto pointed at a beautiful smiling woman with long red hair)". Yuki looked closely at them.
"Ah! Tōchan's Otōsan and Okāsan!" Yuki grinned. Naruto smiled and brushed Yuki's medium length hair, mostly for comfort.
"Over here... Is -" he froze. Beside Hiruzen's gravestone was another gravestone with a picture of a man he recognized all too well. The man had a wart on his nose, had long red lines from his eyes down to his cheeks, had a special headband with the kanji for Oil on it, and long, white, spiky hair. He was wearing his usual robes and was holding a copy of his Icha Icha books. Beside his picture, was the complete signed edition of his Icha Icha series, that surprisingly, Naruto found out Tsunade owned. He smiled softly. It was probably Tsunade's tribute to him.
"Ero-Sennin..." Naruto said softly as he felt the familiar tear sensations forming in his eyes. He felt some pressure on his hand from Yuki's squeeze.
"What's... Ero-Sennin mean?" Yuki asked and Naruto almost punched himself in the face. He hadn't meant to say it in front of Yuki.
"Uh I said Toad Sage..." Naruto said quickly. "You see, Jiraiya was my godfather and he was a Toad Sage... " he trailed off when he realised book 5 of the Icha Icha series was missing. Wait what the hell?! I thought Tsunade owned a copy of all of the books?! Where the hell did the fifth one go?!
"It was probably Kakashi. I'll bet you anything Kakashi 'borrowed' it!" Kurama answered in a bored tone.

"Anyway, Yuki, moving on, this is Hiruzen Sarutobi! A man I considered my grandfather..." Naruto said sadly as he looked at the picture of the third Hokage.
"I figured you'd be here..." Naruto heard a familiar voice say. "I could smell your scent!" Naruto turned around to see his friends all gathered behind him. His breath caught in his throat. Kiba and Akamaru, although the Akamaru was now much bigger, big enough to sit on. Shino, as passive as ever, was smiling. Shikamaru and Temari were both smiling while Temari leaned on Shikamaru's shoulder. And... Hinata.
"Hinata!" Naruto said as he rushed forward and embraced her in a deep hug. He felt tears fall from his eyes as he listened to her breathing, her heart beating, and breathing in her scent that he had missed so much.
"Hinata I've missed you so much..." He said softly.
"Me too... Naruto-Kun" he heard Hinata's soft and graceful reply.
"Tōchan? Wh-" Yuki was saying when Temari ran over and picked her up.
"Sh sh... Don't interrupt your Tōchan!" Temari said as Naruto and Hinata finally let go of the hug.
"Tōchan?" Hinata said as she stepped back and looked at Yuki and Naruto.
"Yeah... I adopted her back in Sunagakure" Naruto replied.
"Ok Yuki! Meet my friends... Kiba, Akamaru, Shino and Hinata!" He said, pointing out each one before hugging Hinata again. She blushed red. It had been a long time since she had last seen her lover and she was still getting used to having Naruto back in her life.

"Yay! Friends! Doggy! Puppy! Buggy! Shika! Mari! And..." She trailed off as she tried to think of a nickname for Hinata. "...KĀSAN!" Everyone laughed while Hinata and Naruto turned redder than a tomato.
"Well well... Naruto Uzumaki..." The laughter broke off as three people approached the group.

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