"Halloween?" Nagisa-kun questioned me with raised eyebrows. "What's that?"
I pushed my legs against my chest as I sipped on a canned soda. It was currently lunch time and I was pretty damn happy. Today was Halloween, but on the down side, Japan doesn't celebrate it. Only a festival during July time.
"Its where we dress up as something scary and go around knocking on everyone's doors and say 'Trick-or-Treat!'and they give you candy! Simple!" I smiled at him and Kaede-chan.
Kaede-chan's eyes lit up. "We get to dress up?! Like make-up and stuff?!" She exclaimed excitingly.
I nodded my head before unfolding myself in front of the two. "Yup! And you can also scare people!" I wiggled my fingers at them jokingly.
"What's this about scaring people?" A sudden sadistic voice spoke out behind me. I looked at Nagisa-kun, who looked oddly nervous. Kaede-chan already ran away before I could even look at her.
I turned my head around, looking up at cat like eyes. "Hey Karma." I answered plainly.
He plopped down next to me and took the soda can out of my hands and took a sip. "Hey!" I reach out, trying to grab my favorite soda can from his evil hands but he dodged me easily, my hand just going pass his cheek.
He grinned at me, quickly took a chug and finished the drink before I could do anything. I sat there, horror written all over my face.
"My...drink..." I mummbled miserably.
"So what's this about scaring people, hmm?" Karma asked casually as if he didn't just drink the rest of my soda.
I pouted at him, crossing my arms over my chest. "You just scare them. There's nothing more about it." I answered him in a low voice.
He raised his eyebrow at me. "What's with the long look?" He questioned me.
I closed my eyes and raised my chin. "Hmph!"
I couldn't hear him but some shuffling sounds made its way to my ears. I half way opened my left eye, trying to see what was the noise about. But when I opened my eyes red filled my vision as something gripped my arm and pulled me down."K-Karma!" I shouted, covering my face with my palms, embarrassed.
"What?" I heard him casually ask.
My face redden as I reopened my eyes to see Karma looking down at me with bored, but amused eyes. "You can't just pull people into your lap like that!"
Karma was craddling my head as my head was resting against his thigh. He casually played with a strand of my (h/c) hair as if Nagisa-kun wasn't just sitting there, awkwardly.
"So tell us more about this holiday called, 'Halloween'." Karma ordered, looking back up at Nagisa-kun, still playing with the strands of my hair.
"W-well..." I shifted uncomfortably in his lap. "Sometimes people throw party's. And have party games! Like bobbing for apples, truth or dare, stuff like that. Or maybe a maze type thing where you have to find the exit but get jumpscared trying to find out." I quickly explained, twirling my thumbs around a circle.
They were silent for a second making me a little more nervous. Why would Karma ask so much about Halloween anyways? Its not like they don't celebrate it, just in a different time.
"Sounds fun." He simply said. He grabbed a fist full of hair and started to comb through the strands.
"Do you like Halloween, (Y/N)-chan?" Nagisa-kun questioned me. I looked at him, noticing that Kaede-chan had returned. And had a smile almost similar to Koro-sensei's smiley face. A shiver went down my spine.

True Monster (Karma Akabane X Reader)
Fanfiction|COMPLETED; UNDER EDITING| (Y/N) (N/Y) was the new girl in E-3. Brand new and full of mystery of her past. But what will happen when a certain red head pushed our protagonist to her breaking point? What if she can no longer keep on clinging to human...