Kankaku o Oi Te

688 23 10

I had missed a lot.

I woke up late the following morning sprawled across the cold bed in Dr. Oxfeild's old apartment. It was half past nine and I bolted from his apartment to mine.

Koro-sensei wasn't home which made me quicken my pace. I was already in uniform (which thankfully didn't smell whatsoever) and all I had to do was brush my tangled hair, my teeth, and a grab a bite to eat.

I did all of that in one go. Easy as butter. I yanked the living room window open and jumped. I let myself free fall for a moment, feeing gravity slip through my fingers before zooming through the air effortlessly.

The wind was harsh against my skin and my hair slicked back, away from sight. The flight wasn't long as I saw the mountain clearing come into view.

I landed feet first onto the soft ground before I took a look at my phone. "Good morning (N/Y)-chan!" A cheery voice greeted me. Oddly enough Ristu-chan was dressed in some type of jailer suit.

Scared some weird kinky shit was about to go down, I gave her a fearful look. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"Well, I'll explain!" She shouted with a happy grin. "We are playing cops and robbers! Karasuma-sensei is catching students while Koro-sensei keeps guard! Karasuma-sensei was going to let you participate but you showed up late so check with Koro-sensei if it's still okay."

I nodded my head. "Alright, thank you Ristu-chan." She gave me one last smile before my screen turned to black.

It didn't take me long to find Koro-sensei who was guarding about three of my classmates. Oddly enough he was wearing somesort of policeman costume while twirling a fake gun and blowing bubble gum.

"Ah, good morning (N/Y)-san!" One of the students called out to me with a small smile. I nodded my head back at them as Koro-sensei set his beaty eyes at me.

"Where have you been (Y/N)-chan?!" Koro-sensei screeched a moment later, deafing about all of us. "Sensei was worried you got kidnapped!"

I rolled my eyes as I rubbed my arm. "No, I fell asleep."

"Where?!" He hollard. I shrugged my shoulders but by seeing my classmates making motion signs at me. I gave them a confused look before seeing Nagisa-kun hiding in a nearby bush. Ohh.

"I...um..." I stammered. I suppose Nagisa-kun is trying to bail them out. "I collapsed in a allyway."

"WHAT?!" Koro-sensei screeched along with the three classmates.

I ruefully nodded my head, mostly because I was ashamed for lying. "I was walking before I just, ya' know... fell."

"Oh my dear (Y/N)-san!" Sensei screeched. He slowly stepped away from the circle and towards me sightly. I took one step back. "Are you okay?! Does anything hurt?!"

I took three steps back. He took two steps fowards. "I feel a small pain in between my shoulder blades..." Oh god my voice keeps on cracking. I peaked over his shoulder to see Nagisa-kun creeping up towards the three man group.

I bit my lip. Just a little more lying...

"Oh?! Let me massage it a little!"

Oh hell no! I don't want his crawly little tentacles on my skin!

"Um, no!" I screeched as one yellow tentacle came close to my arm. "That's alright...really..."

Automatically, all three heads shot looks at me as if to say 'Continue, keep him busy!'

I swallowed thickly as one of Koro-sensei's tentacles was nearing closer and closer to my face. "Sensei will ease the pain for you!" His face turned into his cocky look- green stripes.

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