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I couldn't describe the face the masked man was making, but I'm sure it was an amused one.

I growled loudly at him, baring my teeth as if I was a real wild animal. "Who the fuck told you that you can read my personal belongings?!"

"Oh, I decided it on my own." He plainly answered before slipping the folder into his cloak.

I couldn't let myself cave in although, I had my freinds to protect and I cannot just act wildly or else they could suffer in the end. However, I still don't move from my spot. "What is your purpose here?" I calmly asked, suppressing my anger.

But as soon as I said something, a choirs of loud banging had erupted from beyond the white sheets that contained Koro-sensei. I turned and everyone had shouted out Koro-sensei's name.

"First..." The masked man's voice had spoken up, making my attention back on him. "Change the feild dramatically then attack. It's easier to enclose than it is to hit..." His eyes lingered among my classmates, his beaty little eyes stopping across the bluenette's own watery pupils. "I took it among myself to use your tatic."

Terasaka let out a gruff growl, closely immedating mine. "S...Shiro!" The buff boy shouted. He made a move to walk around my outstreched tentacle but I didn't allow him to do so. He casted me a look but didn't try to argue. Instead, he looked back at the masked man. "This was your doing, wasn't it?!"

I rolled my eyes. Obviously it was, otheriwse he wouldn't be here in these circumstances. He then explained that he was the one who surronded Koro-sensei with the mysterious underwears. But I started to zone out. My classmates looked among each other in disbelief but I trained my attention on the heavily moving sheets. I could hear the grunts of Koro-sensei, most likely trying to defend himself.

"Would someone like to explain what's going on to me?" I muttered to my friends.

But it was only Terasaka who answered me. "Shiro is guardian of Itona, a kid who came into the class when you disappeared...he also has tentacles."

Well that was a short explanation but it was somewhat helpful. I guess.

"I do you spent some time in New York, correct?" The man asked, twirling his finger aimlessly in the air.

I didn't give him an actual answer. "Shut up, don't talk to me."

" always come up with these shady plans!" Fuwa-san shouted, clutching onto one of my right tentcales.

"It's called being an adult." Shiro had plainly answered. I noticed he does that a lot with his replies. "Oh, you must be wondering what's going on behind those sheets." He pointed towards the ruffling sheets towards my left. "I'll explain the tatics."

He walked a few feet infront of the sheets before turning towards us once again. "These sheets are made up of anti-sensei fibers." So those sheets could basically make tentacles melt off. Good to know.

"It's extremely sturdy, even a tank won't be able to take it down." Seriously? Because it looks like it would go flying with one wave of a tentacle. "And I covered it in laundry detergent to hide it's smell." Well even though I don't like him...that's a pretty smart idea.

He walks slowly away from the sheet and towards us more. I squat down even lower, as if I'm ready to pounce on him. He seems to take the message and stop's where he is. "Equipped with Itonia's tentacles are gloves made of anti-sensei material. But because there is material mixed in for resistance in a high speed battle, it's not effective as those knives you use. However, if two set's of tentacles are battling, one side will receive more damage."

"And then there is Itonia's positioning. He will continuously attack from above, not letting the target escape. With this, it can't be stopped."

With that stupid gleaming in his little beaty eyes, it was hard not to laugh. But it seemed I was the only one. I whipped a single tear that formed from the corner of my eye and grinned. "You really think this foolish plan will actually kill Koro-sensei?" I chuckled lowly. "You are greatly underestimating my sensei. I'm highly offended."

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