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Over the next couple of weeks, it seemed things had started to lift up. I was able to pick up with the rest of the class with Koro-sensei's constant help. Nights he would nonstop quizzing me- even at the dinner table. At some points, I'm pretty sure I started to mumble the quadratic function equations under my breath.

It was like I was a walking homework zombie.

Due to not having any time to think about anything but school and studying, I wasn't as stressed. I noticed the difference in my attitude afterwards as well. I was more bright and cheery than before, majority of my worries did wash away. Karma even noted my brighter smile.

"It's one of the most beautiful smiles I've seen in the world," he said before stuffing a piece of sushi into my mouth during one day at lunch.

I smiled silently to myself as I walked home, hand in hand with Karma. Things were definitely looking up for me now. Walking with Karma made me realize the many things that I love. His touch, his skin, the way he looks at me. Karma will always be one of those people I will never get tired of. Sure, sometimes his personality can be crap but he's my little craphead.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Speaking of the devil....

"You." I immediately responded.

"Oh?" I didn't even need to look at him to see his cocky smirk. "What about me?"

"How ugly you look when you look at me."

"That's a damn lie."

"You're damn right."

We both chuckled, swinging our joined hands up into the air slightly. "You're doing much better now in school, huh?"

I hummed lightly. "All that cramming Koro-sensei's done has paid off I guess. I got a 87 on the last Science exam."

Before I looked directly at him, Karma was already smiling down at me. "That's great," I kept in a chuckle as he swooped down to give me a quick kiss. "You deserve that grade."

I'll never get use to Karma's constant flattering. It kinda seems uncharacteristic from him but I've fallen for his tricks, nonetheless. I smiled as pink dusted over my cheeks. "Thanks."

Everything seemed right. My life seemed like it was getting back on track. Besides for the tentacle part, otherwise mostly on track. That night Karma and I spent together curled onto his couch, studying for our upcoming math class.

As I worked on a complicated problem, hand created by the devil himself, I started to hum happily. "Sounds like your having more fun than you are working on that math problem."

I pouted slightly at the red heads remark. "For your information," I looked up from my paper to look at him. While I was busting my ass off, he was playing some stupid game on his phone. "Oi!" I screeched, ripping the phone out of his hand.

There was no clear reaction but I could see the slight surprise look in his eyes. I rolled my eyes before tucking his phone under a cushion. "That's not fair. How come I'm doing all these hard questions while your sitting playing games?"

He raised his eyebrow at me. "Who said I was playing games?"

I stared at him for a moment, a dumbfounded look on my face. I pulled out his phone and plugged his password in quickly. After seeing what lit up on the screen, my face turned bright red. "See?" He slurred, his fingers slowly creeping up my exposed back. "I wasn't playing games."

"Y-you..." I muttered, shutting down the phone and tossing it back to him. "You're one dangerous man, Karma Akabane..."

"Aw, what do you mean?" He chuckled lightly, his fingers now playing with one of my bra straps. "I was just taking a picture of my super cute girlfriend looking super adorable."

I'm not sure how...but my whole body seemed to engulf in flames.

"...I hate you."


While although things seemed alright now, that's not exactly what seemed be going on in the background. Yeah, sure, my grade and stuff have been improving, there was one slight thing that I did notice that

When I would enter through the doors of the classroom I would automatically see a piercing glaze directing at me. I already could tell who it was, no matter how fast Karasuma-sensei ducked, I could still sense him.

I didn't know what his problem was but I didn't want to be bothered with whatever weird thing he wants to do. I noticed him staring at me when I wasn't looking in class but when I would look in his direction, it was like I didn't exist. I didn't bother to bring this up with anybody, it didn't seem like a huge problem.

Sooner or later I would realize that this would be the biggest mistake of my life.

It was probably three weeks coming up to our deadline. Koro-sensei was still alive, finals where bing cleared out of the way. The class had decided to try and rescue Koro-sensei from his demise but proved to be unlucky. I didn't participate in any of these activities...Karma was too worried for my safety. It wasn't like I didn't understand what he was coming from but it was still slightly annoying. When Karma went up to space, my worry was passed off as being "overprotective". I didn't talk to him for about three days.

He ended up making up for it with surprising me with something.

"A...a ring?" My voice shaked slightly. I stared down at the simple diamond ring Karma held tightly between two fingers.

"A promise ring." He clarified, smiling slightly at my shook face. "Shut your mouth, you'll catch flies."

I immediately did as told before swallowing thickly at the present. "Um...this is really nice and all, Karma. But-"

"No but's." He gripped my arm lightly before taking my hand within his and smiling. "There's a lot uncertainty in this world..." he trailed off, rubbing his thumb in my palm in small circles. "But I've never been more certain I want to spend my life with you."

"We are a little too young to get married," I trailed off, staring at his face.

He chuckled at me. "I know that, idiot." I gave him a pouty face for his choice of words. "It's a promise ring if you didn't hear me the first time."

"Oh...yeah..he..." I chuckled lightly, remembering he did say that.

"Your laugh, your smile, your personality...everything. Everything you do makes me go crazy," Karma let out a slight chuckle. "No matter what you do, no matter how you do it, you always make me fall head over heels for you every time." He closed his eyes before taking my hands with his.

"No matter what I said or done to you, you always stood besides me...something most people haven't done. I know I'm a pain in the ass, I have no idea how you've put up with me..." it was my turn to chuckle. At this point, I was choking up and had a hard time holding in my tears.

"So I give you this ring, to show you that you are my unending everything." As he slid the ring on my finger, tears had started to endlessly flow from my eyes.

"K...Karma..." I called out to him. Immediately he looked up and wiped the tears off my cheeks.


"Thank...thank you..." I mumbled, staring down at our intertwined hands. "You are the most amazing person I've known...thank you for being there for me as well."

I was brought back to earth when I heard the bell for lunch ring. I was staring at the board, not really paying attention...but luckily my tentacles did their own thing and took down notes.

"Wow!" Kaede-chan awed at me, waddling over to my desk. "You're so lucky, to have those write down all your notes for you!"

As we found out a couple weeks ago, Kaede-Chan had been undercover in a plan to achieve revenge for her sister. Her sister was a scientist that had worked on Koro-sensei when he was human in a lab. They had fallen in love but she had died in the hands of our home room teacher. She was actually and actor and injected herself with tentacles in order to achieve her goal. However, Nagisa-kun, Koro-sensei, and myself had ended up calming her down.

While Nagisa-kun had distracted her with his lips (MY SHIP HAS SAILED), I given Kaede-chan the green liquid to remove the tentacles. With the serum, Koro-sensei was able to successfully  pull out her weak tentacles and rid her of the evil growing in her body.

There hasn't been a day that I regret using it on her than myself. Of course, Karma was upset at me for not riding myself of my own curse and that argument would forever stick to me.

"I can control this...she can't live with it!!" I shouted at him, our two glares clashing together.

"I don't care about that!" He shouted back, his fist slamming into the wall next to him, leaving a dent. I didn't bat an eye though.

"Well I do! Kaede-Chan is my friend!"

"Friend or not, what about you!?" I could sense the sadness in tone. A topic that I was thinking about lately.

"That's besides the point, Karma ." I answered lowly, lowering my head slightly to stare at the ground.

"No, it isn't." There was a brief silence between the both of us. I heard him let out a sigh before resting both of his oversized hands on my smaller shoulders. "Listen-"

"I don't want to hear your bullshit." I growled, nearly pushing him off of me.

"I said listen, for fucks sake!" He rumbled, shaking my body slightly. I remained quiet and listened to what he had to say. "Listen, it's not that I wanted her to suffer instead of you. It's just that," he paused momentarily, biting his lower lip. "...I'm scared ok?"

I looked up at him and saw a shocking sight. Karma Akabane, for one of the first times, was crying. Little tears had slid down both of his cheeks and now his fingers where trembling. My mouth opened but no words had come out to comfort him.

"I'm scared that I'll lose you. That they would take you away and I'll never see you again. You are the only person I can imagine seeing myself with. If something was to happen to you...I don't know what I'll do with myself."

As he finished off, I lifted up my own trembling hands and wiped away his tears. I fought back my own, knowing that I needed to be strong for him. He's always being strong for was time for me to do the same.

"It..." I cleared my throat, erasing the croak that threaten to surface. "It's going to be okay, alright?" He looked down at me, his golden eyes sparkling in the dim lighting. "I'm not going anywhere, alright?" I held up my pinky finger to him and gave him a half smile. "Pinky promise."

When he looked at me in uncertainty, I held my pinky up to him a little closer. Seeing the resolve in his face, we intertwined our fingers together and smiled. "Promise," we both chanted.

I smiled at the girl and shrugged. "They help, yeah." I blandly replied before slipping out of the uncomfortable chair. "It helps out a lot at times when I zone out."

"Maybe if you stopped zoning out, you'll get better grades." Karma sneered at me. I rolled my eyes before looking at the boy.

"At least I'm trying." I countered back.

"Doesn't seem like it, your overall math grade is a 82."

"THAT'S GOOD!" Me, along with several of my classmates yelled out.

"Not compared to my 98." He remarked, a face full of pride.

"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE AN EGOTISTICAL BASTARD!" My classmates yelled out in harmony as I puffed out my cheeks.

"At least I'm trying..." I muttered once again, turning away and folding my arms against my chest.

Sure, my math dropped but at least I'm picking it back up. I'm still proud of myself.

"Come here (Y/N)," Karma called out for me before patting the surface of his desk. "I have lunch."

Almost immediately I ran around the small crowd of classmates around us and slipped onto his desk without anything else being said. "What you got today?" I asked in a happy and light manner.

"I got some burgers and fries from that restaurant you really like on Jumhio Street." He carelessly answered back before pulling out two take-out bags.

My eyes light up as I took the offered box. "Thank you so much!"


"Is that where he went during fourth period!?"

"What the hell!"

I chuckled lightly at my classmates remarks before turning to them and giving them a tight lip smile. "Don't be jealous, chumps."


Over the loud laughing, I couldn't pick up the sound of running footsteps or sense the unfamiliar scents. But once I had calm down from my laughing fest, that's when I did notice it.

"Everyon-" I had started but it was already too late. And endless stream of men had come from the door. Shattered glass was spread throughout the classroom. Some people where too close, so I had dived for them, getting a slight scratch across my face. Blood has trickled down my cheek for a moment but it wasn't too long before the wound closed up.

"Is everyone okay!?" I called out, looking at the students who took cover behind desk and chairs. I looked around and no one seemed to be harmed. I took one breath in for relief before looking at the invaders.

Tons of clad men were standing in front of me, guns pointed right at me. Directly and only at me.

"What the hell is going on?!" I heard Terasaka scream out in pure confusion.

"(N/Y) (Y/N), in the name of the Japanese Government, we demand you hand yourself over!" Someone within the crowd of soldiers yelled.


Is there any Army out here? Cuz if so HAVE YALL LISTEN TO FAKE LOVE???? Like honestly that song is always on repeat in my head. I play that song all the damn time and DID YALL SEE JUNGKOOKS ABS!? My mom and I where watching the Billboard Awards and she goes "I know he did not just do that" LOL. Anyways, thanks you guys so much for all your support and thank you LonelyGirlHarshWorld for editing today's chapter. If you guys aren't in for the ending coming up, then you can also read my other work "Help, I'm In Love" which is a My Hero Academia work. Thank you all so much and I'll see you in the next chapter!! Bye bye!!

Japanese: Machibuse. Also spelled as 待ち伏せ. English: Ambush.

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