Hello everyone, Katsu-san here! I know it's been a little while since I've ended this story, but I felt that I needed to clear up any questions you may have asked yourself- or maybe messaged me, about this story.
1. I had several people ask me before about the original plot I had for this story. Originally, the reader wasn't actually suppose to have tentacles at all. In fact, I was going to have her as maybe a side character. But, later down the line, I realized "what plot can I make with her being so normal"? Even though there were several ways that I could of made that happen, it didn't really allow me to explore options for creative writing.
2.In the story line when Reader-chan gains her tentacles once again, they are actually given a name. The name "Diaboli" is actually Latin for "Devil". The reason for this name came from the root of to as what made Reader-chan slowly drive insane. By listening to the little voice in her head, it lead her astray and loose herself.
3. Okay, this one is what I found most in the comments. During the Break Arc, many people seemed to be confused to as what was going on with the protagonist. So let me break it down for you guys; (Y/N) was a little girl who's parents where both assassins. Due to their parents constantly fighting over custody due to the fact that (Y/N)'s mother no longer trusted her real father, she attempted to run away from him. However, (Y/N) and her mother are quickly tracked down by the government and are forced into a corner. In attempts to save herself, (Y/N)'s mother decides to give her daughter up in exchange for her freedom. Seeing as they can have a new test subject for their new serums and experiments, they take (Y/N) into custody. This marks the beginning of (Y/N)'s journey to the unending torture they would put her through for the following four years of her life. Eventually they loose control over the young (Y/N) who ends up murdering nearly everyone in the compound they kept her in. She ends up being calmed down by her adopted father and lived with him until the accident that happened with her classmate. Her adopted mother and father are actually two government officials that took up the job to watch over her so she wouldn't cause problems. The reason why her adoptive mother was so cruel to her was because she never viewed her as a real person- but only as a monster, a murder. After (Y/N) reverts back to her tentacles, she unconsciously goes back to the source of her childhood trauma; her mother and the lab. She ends up murdering her adoptive mother due to her unhealthy mind state. She, at the time, believed that the only way to get revenge was to fight fire with more fire.
4. Additionally to bullet one, the ending was going to be very different as well. Originally I was going to have (Y/N) be there when Koro-sensei is stuck at the hill. She was going to be helping Koro-sensei assemble the year books together. She was also going to fight along side Koro-sensei when Shiro had appeared and to be reduced to a weak state. After Koro-sensei had finally disappeared, the shield wouldn't have gone away. Although most of the students wouldn't know why, (Y/N) would push them out of the bubble and accept her faith that she wasn't suppose to stay alive as long as she should have.
I hope that cleared up some questions you guys may or may not have. If anyone is still confused, feel free to drop a comment and ill be glad to answer you! Thank you guys so much and don't be afraid to look at my new book "Help, I'm In Love"!
Japanese:Gokai o Torinozoku. Also spelled as 誤解を取り除く. English: Clearing Up Any Misunderstandings

True Monster (Karma Akabane X Reader)
Fanfiction|COMPLETED; UNDER EDITING| (Y/N) (N/Y) was the new girl in E-3. Brand new and full of mystery of her past. But what will happen when a certain red head pushed our protagonist to her breaking point? What if she can no longer keep on clinging to human...