I stretched my arms over my head, making several of my shoulder bones crack. Nothing in the world feels better than the satisfaction of popping some bones into place. The lunch bell has thankfully rung, signaling the beginning of lunch. Thank god, I'm starving.
My work load seemed to be getting heavier and heavier but thankfully my love of anime has been able to silence it into a big pile of mass on my desk. Yeah, I'm sure it's going to bite me in the ass later, but I can't help myself.
"Hey whatcha doing Itona-kun?" I heard a male voice call out to the white headed boy a few desk away from mine. I glanced over to said boy to see him staring intently at a small machine laying on his desk.
"As you can see, it's a remote controlled combat vehicle." He plainly answered. I ruffled my eyebrows. How am I suppose to tell that from the bunch of wires piled up on that piece of metal? But I don't question things.
"I'm stressed out from being bombarded with studies all day yesterday by that octopus." As I rose from my desk, I could see just how stressed the boy looked. Nearly bloodshot eyes and the intensity he was staring down at the incomplete bot made him look mad. "I'm so pissed...I'll kill him with this...." he muttered.
I took notice that nearly majority of only the boys were still here. It seems like the girls had fled the grounds as if they had somewhere important to go that I didn't know of. As I slowly spaced out to where the girls could of gone, a arm wrapped around my shoulders and brought me closer to their frame.
No words were exchanged but I smiled silently from the newfound warmth and snuggled somewhat closer to the source. "Terasaka said this to me with this stupid face before," he took a pause to let said boy rage about his comment with angry blows of puffs before continuing. "That 'It's okay if you fail 100 times.' So I'll kill as if I had nothing to lose."
I smiled at the boys determination. All that anger and self pity he had built up before seemed to disappear away as if it was never there before. I was so happy that Itona-kun has found a new purpose to achieve what he wants with less destructive ways.
"Y-you say you'll kill..." Nagisa-kun stuttered off.
"B-but this..."
I looked over to what they were gaping about to see the same work of wires and what not. Yeah, it does look pretty weird and confusing to me. I wouldn't be able to tell you what the heck he was putting together even if you gave me a manual of how to construct it.
"That's amazing Itona," Isogia-kun stepped up first. "Did you think of this and remodel it yourself?"
"I learned the general fundamentals of electronics at my dads factory." He simply shrugged it off. "Anyone besides Terasaka could done it." Another string of curse words came from said bulky boy. But in all honesty, it probably would of been everyone besides Itona-kun to be able to do something like this.
As time went on, we watched silently as Itona-kun had wired everything together and set up the motions and remote control to it. The majority of us had pulled up chairs close to Itona-kun's desk to watch him work. Although, I couldn't get that close since how tightly the boys crammed next to him. So Karma, Nagisa-kun, and I sat a little off to the side.
"Do you think that little machine can really get a jab at Koro-sensei?" Nagisa-kun asked before pulling out his lunch.
I shrugged my shoulders as I took out my phone. "Who knows. It could be a really effective."
"I doubt it," Karma sighed before pulling out his lunch and two sets of chopsticks. "If Ritsu is having a hard time to get at him, I doubt anything he can make will get to Koro-sensei." He passed me the second set of chopsticks.
"What's this for?" I asked, taking the object from him.
"Lunch, duh." He rolled his eyes at me before tossing off the top to the container of (F/F). My eyes lighten up immediately before adjusting the sticks and piercing them into the food.
"This is good!" I hummed out in satisfaction while smiling.
"I know," Karma cheekily replied while smugly smiling as if I just complimented something of great importance.
"You two are so..." Nagisa-kun lead off. "...mushy. What did you do to him (Y/N)-chan?"
I playfully rolled my eyes at the bluenette. "I have no idea, he seems like the same idiot to me."
"The only idiot here is you," the boy quickly countered back without hesitation.
"It was a joke...." I muttered, shaking my head at him.
"Just like Terasaka'a love life."
"Hey you redhead asshole!"
Suddenly to break the sudden tension, the white haired boy stood up from his seat and placed the machine on the floor and prepared it for a test drive. Everyone dropped what they where doing, and watched the bot make some rounds around the desk.
"Let's try out the canon..." Itona-kun mumbled to himself. "Set up some cans."
Three boys quickly chugged their soda cans and placed them onto a slightly elevated surface.
"Is it gonna work...?" I heard a couple people mutter as we all gathered around the area of the cans. We watched patiently to see the overall outcome of the fate of the bottles.
Itona-kun jiggled the remote controller for a while, letting the bot turn and twist around the floorboards. After having its little warm up, Itona-kun set it into action. The little machine sped up to stand nearly six feet away from the cans, waiting patiently for their demise.
I could feel the tension rising in the classroom full of boys. Honestly, it felt like one of those times a girl feels like they should be just as serious as them but to tell you the truth...I was just wondering what spices Karma put in that damned lunch. It was hella good.
With three loud 'pop!' sounds, the bottles were easily knocked down with ease. The boys faces had lit up in astonishment. "Crazy," Sugaya muttered. "Even when it's moving and shooting, it barely makes a sound..."
"Looks useful..." Chiba also muttered while staring at the machine...I think. It's kinda hard to tell with his hair covering his face.
"It's mostly controlled electronically so the driving sound from the gears are kept down. For the camera, I inserted a camera from a smartphone. It works in tandem with the sight and sends an image to the controller." Itona-kun quickly explained even though I had no clue that the hell he was talking about. It seemed like the words flew over my head.
"Cool, so it's kinda like spy work." Maehara-kun chuckled, giving all of us a cheeky grin.
"Also..." Itona-kun trailed off. "I'll tell you guys one more thing." We all looked at him to continue talking about his little robot, but the seriousness on his face told me he was going to say something completely different.
"The point we should all try to hit for. Shiro told me he had a weak spot...under his tie he has a heart."
A hush had fell over the whole building. My stomach felt like it had dropped into oblivion. A weak point? In Koro-sensei that we had no idea about? Looks where exchanged as we couldn't believe our ears.
"If we get a shot in there, supposedly that one shot could end his life."
"Is that true?" Terasaka stood up from his desk with furrowed brows. "Or are you fucking with us?"
Itona-kun castes him a careless glance. "I'm not sure, it's what I was told." He plainly answered.
"It's better than no clue." Isogia-kun wagered. "We could always test out the theory."
"And how you expect to do that?" Karma raised an eyebrow.
Another silence settled. "We are always explore possibilities." Nagisa-kun muttered.
"Yeah?" The words rolled off of the red heads tongue in a mocking manner. "Like what?"
No one had an answer for that. You could see them trying to grasp at straws and coming up empty handed. "There's no need to pry on that." I rolled my eyes at him. "We'll figure out something soon, I'm sure of it."
I guess I reassured everyone of a possible outcome because you could see the tension in their faces wipe away. And for the finishing touches, I gave them all a small smile. "Can't let him live forever."
A couple chuckles surfaced throughout the crowd of boys. "Nice."
I shrugged my shoulders, shaking off the stiffness in my body. "Class is going to be starting soon, let's get everything packed up." Isogai-kun politely stated with a kind smile. The boys all nodded and began to shatter about to fix up the slightly messy classroom. Nagisa-kun and I silently fixed all the desks that were out of place while everyone else (besides for Karma and Terasaka) cleaned up. Within a couple minutes, the room was in better shape and we hurriedly hid Itona-kun's creation.
"Wouldn't want Koro-sensei finding this out too early." Was all the boy said before neatly storing it into his assigned cubby.
As soon as the rest of the class appeared from god-knows-where, we all settled into our seats just as the bell rung. "Hello students!" The very familiar cheery voice chirped a few moments later. Oh why didn't I just skip? I internally groaned. Now I'll have to endure another four hours of torture.
The yellow creature had happily spun around the teacher podium before appearing with a single book between two of his tentacles. Oh for Pete's sake, don't let him open that book. Please.
"Everyone, I would like you to open your history books to page 327 and begin reading the passage and answer the questions that follow."
Oh I should of left.
"(Y/N)..." I heard someone not-so-subtly whisper. I looked over to see my boyfriend sending me a somewhat smugged look.
I raised an eyebrow. "Hm?" I whispered, looking away from him to open the history book laying on my desk.
"Should of left when you had the chance...you look miserable." He chuckled.
Deadpanning at his comment, I huffed as I nearly slammed the pages together. "I already know that."Hello everyone! I know it's been a while and this chapter is very short but I wanted to thank a very special someone. LonelyGirlHarshWorld has recently reached out to me and asked to help out with the story. I was really touched by her dedication to the story that I took up her offer. So from now out, she will be editing future chapters. I hope you all give her a warm welcome and hopefully my grammar will be looking better from now on 🤗. Anyways, as we are slowly approaching nearly 100k, expect a special for that milestone. It has nothing to do with the plot whatsoever but if you guys like it, tell me. That's it for now and I hope to see you all in the next update! Bye bye!
Japanese: Enkaku Seigyo Satsujin Kikai. Also spelled as 遠隔制御殺人機械. English: Remote Control Murder Machine.

True Monster (Karma Akabane X Reader)
Fanfiction|COMPLETED; UNDER EDITING| (Y/N) (N/Y) was the new girl in E-3. Brand new and full of mystery of her past. But what will happen when a certain red head pushed our protagonist to her breaking point? What if she can no longer keep on clinging to human...