The next morning I woke up to an empty apartment. I called out to Koro-sensei when I first woke up but came empty handed. But as I walked into the kitchen to get some breakfast, I found a note on the wooden table. I picked up the paper and read it while my tentacles prepared me my breakfast.
Dear (Y/N)-chan,
I'll be out for a couple days so don't worry about me. Stay out of trouble and sensei will be back soon.-Koro-sensei
There was a little octopus drawn at the bottom of the paper, something Koro-sensei is famous for when grading papers. I sighed, folding up the paper and throwing it out in the trash can.
I sat down at the table alone while munching on my cereal. I guess this would be the perfect time to read over those files Father have given me a while ago. The complete silence of the apartment was actually kinda weird. Usually Koro-sensei would be bursting with engery during the early mornings much to my tiredness. But now when I could use his energy, he was gone.
I slipped my empty bowel into the sink and rinsed it out. I walked out of the kitchen and back into my room. I reached down under my bed to pull the file out under some books I stacked on top of it. I leaned against the bed frame as I stared at the brown file. Was I even ready for this? To even know what had happened to me? What if I regretted knowing?
I shook my head. "No," I spoke out loud in English. "I can't do that. I've come to far to not know." So after my little voice of encouragement, I opened the file.
Papers upon papers leaked out of the file, falling softly onto the floor. The paperwork, which I assumed, fell out first to leave only a few pictures. I stared, horrified at the pictures. There was about over 30 pictures of total, but I only had the guts to look at three.
The first picture that I picked up was of a little girl strapped down to a long chair. Her face was riddled in pain as the blue eltrical currents could be clearly seen. There was no other person in the picture; only the girl. Her back was arched up while her mouth was opened wide from screaming. On the back of the picture written in black ink stated: 'Subject RX65 under went a new expirement today. It seems as there are no issues with this course of action.'
The words 'subject' and 'RX65' stuck out to me. I was only an speciman, probably not ment to live after all these torturous expirments. And all for what? To find the ultimate killing machine?
The next picture I moved onto was of a small vessel filled to the brim with water. The same little girl was in there, but this time had bruises lined across her arms, throat, and face. She was wrapped up in sealed chains as she seemed to be struggling in the water. This scene reminded me of when I awoke in New York in the same type of chamber.
This time on the back, a more negative log was written. 'The subject had a hard time keeping breath underwater. We had to yank it out and revive it. No food or water was given to subject for two days. Expirment: failure.'

True Monster (Karma Akabane X Reader)
Fanfiction|COMPLETED; UNDER EDITING| (Y/N) (N/Y) was the new girl in E-3. Brand new and full of mystery of her past. But what will happen when a certain red head pushed our protagonist to her breaking point? What if she can no longer keep on clinging to human...