Shinzō Hossa

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"For your second semester's practical assassination training, we will move on from explosives to your next foundation of free running." Karasuma-sensei explained to the class as they finished up their stretches. I, however, was forbidden to even step foot onto the training grounds.

"C'moooon," I groaned, rolling around in the small sand pit with Koro-sensei who was staring at the class with his small beaty eyes. "I'm so boooored. Why can't I jooooin." I lazily started to gather a small pile of sand by my face, covering my right side.

"Gyhehe, just relax (Y/N)-san. You'll get...use to it." Koro-sensei suddenly flopped down next to me as well, covering the left side of his big yellow face. "You're right, this is booooring."

Karasuma-sensei walked over to the small cliff and pointed to a tree in the somewhat far distance. "For example, how long do you think it would take to get to that lone pine tree over there?"

I hummed for a second as I began to calculate in my mind. For a normal person, it would take at least ten to twenty seconds to get down and probably another thirty seconds to run all the way there. At most, a whole mintue. My eyes flickered to Karasuma-sensei for a second as he asked one of my classmates on their estimate.

"For Karasuma-sensei... probably ten seconds." I muttered, making Koro-sensei look at me slightly.

Karasuma-sensei handed the closest student a stop watch before telling them he'll take a go. But just seconds later, Karasuma-sensei moved backwards and free falled.

"WHA?!" My classmates yelled in surprise before I smirked.

"Karasuma-sensei is really confident, huh~" I muse as I turn to help Koro-sensei with his sandcastle, only to see he's fled my side. "Huh?"

"T-ten...seconds." I heard several voice mutter, making me sigh.

"All by myself...huh...." I mutter as I slowly smooth the sides of the limp and pathetic looking sandcastle. "Maybe..." Casting a glance over my shoulder, no one was paying attention to me. I look over to the classroom only to see Koro-sensei looking rather cheeky at something, but he wasn't really paying attention.

I crawl out of the sandbox and get up to see the students too wrapped up in whatever conversation they're having with Karasuma-sensei. "I'll go visit Mr. Oxfeild, I haven't seen him since last week..." I pass by the school building with my head tucked into my chest.

I passed by Mr. Oxfeild's house probably three times since I've meet him. Each time he told me about his adventures around the world before he settled down her in Japan short after his brother passed away. The uncanny resemblance between him and the Dr. Oxfeild that expiremented on me still haunted my mind every time I spoke to the older male. Images from those times would sometimes flash in my mind when he would smile at me also reminded me of that crazed smile the doctor showed me the first time we spoke to eachother.

I shook my head gently as I quietly made my way down there mountain. Skipping all these days at a time isn't going to do much for me situation about studying but I wasn't allowed to participate in gym class anyway, so what's the point in staying? To create a mini sand castle with Koro-sensei?

I pull out my phone to check the time. If I run all the way to the apartment complex, I should be able to do a quick check up with the old man and head back with my Mach speed just in time for the next class.

I grin as I pick up my feet to run to my place with a steady jog. Mr. Oxfeild lives by himself so I found myself concerned about his health and safety a lot. If I wasn't for me, I'm sure he could just die in his house and no one would know until the landlord came banging on his door.

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