Gay or European? Part 3

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Nagi: damn Karma for suggesting stuff like that! I'm not a girl!

Baseball Fanatic: chill Nagisa, you kno Karma just likes to get a rise out of ppl

Nagi: I kno but its so frustrating 💢

Kagisa, I ship it: maybe you should get revenge then

Nagi:...what kind of revenge?

~Ten Minutes Later~

Kagisa, I ship it: There! Right There! Look at that tan, that tinted skin. Look at the killer shape he's in, look at that slightly stubly chin. Oh please Karma is gay, totally gay.

RedDemon: what are you talking about I'm not gay

Baseball Fanatic: sit back and enjoy the payback

(K/N): I'm not about to celebrate, every trait could indicate the totally straight expotriate. Karma is not gay, I say not gay!

RedDemon: thank you

Kagisa, I ship it: That is the elephant in the room

(K/N): Well, is it relevant to assume that a man

Prince Charming: who wears perfume is

Mr. Steal Yo Girl: automatically matically fay?

RedDemon: how the hell did you get involved in this Isogia?

Prince Charming: idk man

Mr. Steal Yo Girl: But look at his quoft and crispy locks

Kagisa, I ship it: Look at his silk translucent socks

(K/N): There's the eternal paradox. Look what we're seeing!

Kagisa, I ship it: What are we seeing?

(K/N): Is he gay?

Kagisa, I ship it: Of course he's gay!

RedDemon: what the hell guys stop this

(K/N): Or European?

Kagisa, I ship it: *gasp*

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